
Within the Belmont Holy Land, Loki leisurely approached Dyon's corpse. He mused to himself about how he might have gone a bit too far considering the size of the crater before him.

Just before he started, Dyon had been on flat land, and all of his lightning strikes landed directly onto his body. That meant that whatever crater was formed was directly because of Dyon's body slamming into the ground and taking the brunt of the damage. It was almost like Loki had used Dyon like a drill-bit.

Seeing this, Loki was almost impressed. How could any living being survive such torment for such a long time? It wasn't as though he had asked for much, he just wanted Dyon to give up. Whether that be the fight in his eyes fading, or him pleading for mercy.

"Aiyah. With such a strong will, he would have made a great experimental subject. He wouldn't have been as fragile as all the other ones that died from a little poking."

Reaching the edge of the crater, Loki looked down at Dyon and sighed.