So Much Like...?

Dyon's eyes shone. "Unshakeable dao?"

'It will be impossible for you to end up with a shattered dao. The power it would take to do something like that to you, should you master this technique, would be more than the universe would allow a single person to have.'

Dyon diligently listened to the Dragon King's explanation. In the end, his reaction was a mixture of anticipation of apprehension.

He anticipated the benefits, but at the same time, a technique like this wouldn't be easy. In fact, it sounded a lot like suicide. As much as he was practically born a masochist, he had more people to worry about than himself now. He couldn't do things on a whim just because he felt like it anymore, he had to consider the thoughts and opinions of his wives, especially since hiding things from them while their souls were connected as one was practically impossible to begin with.

The technique itself was known as Will of Heart.