
"Hm?" The white hamster suddenly looked around. "Big brother look! That must be the source of the Life Essence that sped up our birth last week. It seems to be a piece of the Holy Arc!"

The black furred hamster's white eyes adorably blinked in astonishment, however he quickly calmed down. "This piece is just from a bit of furniture. Now if it had been from the hull of the vessel, that would truly be something extraordinary. Even if it was a hundredth of the size of the visor, it would be thousands of times more valuable."

"To think that a mere piece of furniture would still house such pure energy within it. It's no wonder…" The little sister hamster spoke up.

"Hey you," The Big brother hamster suddenly turned to Dyon who was still focused on them. "We've been speaking in your language out of courtesy this whole time. Don't you have anything to say to us?