
Although Donari wasn't the most powerful of the core disciples, it didn't matter. He was, by far, the most feared. Not only was he a member of a family rivaling the Soul Rending Peak, he was also far younger than any of the other core disciples. In fact, he was the youngest core disciple in the history of Unseen Peak.

He didn't have a title yet because he had yet to take his trials, but no one doubted that when he did, he would become yet another Duke of their quadrant.

And now… That Duke was attacking a mere 1st stage essence gatherer without holding back a single ounce of his strength…

Dyon turned toward the punch, and watched as it slammed into his chest.


Force winds blasted from the center of the collision, sending the inner disciple flying and the core disciples along with Nikolaos trotting backward leisurely, it was as though they had a tacit agreement to allow Donari to do whatever he wanted.