Land of Ice

The dozens of kitsune froze in shock. At first it was because this was the first time they had seen Ri's full features. Could a beauty of this level really exist in the world?

But then, it was because of the shocking words she had said.

The Snow Clan, despite being a lowly clan of the kitsune, was not to be underestimated. To still be a part of the 13 main classes of kitsune, a Supreme Level Beast, how could their lineage be simple? If the Snow Clan chose to leave the 30th ranked quadrant, they could become overlords of any one of the quadrants ranked 40th or below.

With this level of power, their core teachings were also adequately amazing.

Ice Queen's Dance was a set of techniques that Ri's mother had imparted to her. Originally, she had only been taught the sword dance portion of the technique, however, after re-entering the Snow Clan, she was given the entire inheritance.