
The spirits seemed fond of concluding the ideas of each other as yet another jumped in. "The soul is the basis of all life. It's what connects our fleshly bodies to the universe around it.

"It's for this reason that we need our souls for comprehension and its also the medium of communication that allows us to use wills, intents, daos and beyond."

"In line with this," Another hopped in, "The energy used to nurture the soul is completely different from the energy used to cultivation the conventional path.

"What a good soul cultivation technique will do is extract the usable properties of those energies, break them down, break your soul down, and then build them both back up together."

"Ai. What Junior Sister says is true. This is the very reason why our quadrant is so special. Of our 100 universes, more than 50 of them are filled with this already processed energy."