
"My allies were meant to come the day after the original date of the auction, which just so happens to be the day after tomorrow." Elder Nova sneered. "That old bat wouldn't have the courage to tell them that she changed the original date."

Dyon's foot flew forward, slamming against Elder Nova's chin before he buried his face into the dirt. Although Dyon didn't have the ability to harm a dao formation expert, he could definitely humiliate one that didn't have the ability to retaliate.

Elder Nova roar out like a ravenous beast, but that only sent a surge of pain through his body. He could only shiver in anger as Dyon grinded his face into the ground.

However, doing this didn't make Dyon feel any better.

According to the original plans of Soul Market, the auction was meant to be held tomorrow, it was just that the now dead "Mother" had moved the date up because she had a gut feeling.