
Dyon coughed violently, blood spilling from his lips. No matter how hard he tried, it was seemingly impossible for him to catch his breath.

Was this how one was supposed to feel when facing danger? It seemed too foreign to Dyon. He almost questioned himself… Was he truly brave? Wasn't bravery about overcoming your fear? How was it brave if you were simply too stupid to feel fear?

The first time in his life that Dyon felt fear was when facing the true body of the entity. His body trembled and something shouted at him to give up. Still, he stubbornly persisted.

But, could he have done the same thing had the entity not been chained? Could he have faced his fears had his enemy been it instead of Elder Daiyu and Loki?

The abyss of his black flames filled him with such an unceasing panic that he felt like he was drowning, like there wasn't enough air to breathe, as though a shadowy hand had reached into his chest and squeezed his lungs into nothingness.