No Matter

His chest was bare, but was clearly soaked in blood. It was impossible to tell whether it was his own, or that of someone else. Still, the only thing he wore was a pair of rolled up black pants that somehow seemed untouched.

His features were the pinnacle of perfection as though his face and body were sculpted by the Gods themselves. His jaw was defined, his shoulders and chest were broad, and he stood tall at slightly more than 6'6 despite being bare foot.

His eyes were listless, yet carried with them a slight golden glow. Any expert could immediately tell that this young man was in a deep selfless state, the kind of selfless state one could only reach when in pursuit of a goal that overwhelmed your mind.

The only possibility was that this young man no longer cared about his life. He was willing to exchange even the last of his life force in exchange for the answer he sought.