
"Yes, father… I'll cut these emotions away from myself…" Jade said softly before turning to leave… Her destination was none other than the orphanage…

The first time he experienced these events, Dyon believed that Jade had destroyed the orphanage in order to force him to have no choice but to lean on her for emotional support, but this truth was only an underlying and hidden plea from a young woman who needed help…

Jade's true purpose was to make Dyon hate her and despise her… Maybe then, she could forget him…


The scenes before Dyon's eyes rapidly changed. He could only watch in horror as Jade steeled her heart and directly cut Ms. Everdeen.

Only now did he understand what truly happened. The gashes on Ms. Everdeen's body that made it look as though she had been tortured for days on end were each painfully inflicted by Jade herself.