
As a male, it was his duty to protect his females, but this particular mate was quite rowdy. She hated it when he interfered in her fights, so he planned to check on the situation after letting some time pass. At least then she couldn't blame him. 

But, when he came here, though he smelt the scent of his woman, she was nowhere to be seen. To make matters worse, their children were gone. 

He had been especially monitoring this litter because he couldn't allow any males to grow up. Considering how rowdy their mother was, if she birthed a son, he would definitely challenge his authority. So, he was lying in wait. If they were females, everything would be okay. But if they were males, they would be his next meal. 

To his surprise, there really was a male here. But, this male didn't smell like one of his children. Plus, he was walking out of that hole that mate of his never let him poke around.