This display of wealth only made that Sacharro Clan's status shoot further upward. At the same time, their respect for Dyon reached an all-time high…

The Dyon they knew always wore a plain white shirt and a pair of comfortable black sweatpants. He came from a Clan of such wealth, yet he directly forsook it all! 

"As you all know, there will be an opportunity to train in Sprite Alliance territory in the coming years. You all may be too young to comprehend exactly what this means, so allow me to explain. 

"The Tower Quadrants span 105 quadrants total if one included the 5 Drago-Qilin Lands and my Star Clan's two quadrants. However, these quadrants are all controlled by different factions and its Faith is split among too many. 

"However, the Sprite Alliance alone control almost 100 quadrants headed by only 5 centers of power who've all entered an alliance with one another!"