Chapter 605: Listening to the Girlfriend's words

"Elder brother, why do you look so ashen?" Hailey asked, noticing his pale complexion.

"I'm fine." William Griffith managed two words.

"You should go to the hospital!" Yannis Griffith urged him seriously.

"No need." William retorted firmly, reaching for a pack of cigarettes. As his hand gravitated towards the box on the table, Someone snatched it away, placing it out of his reach. He glanced up leisurely and saw Cherish Turner furrowing her brows, looking somewhat annoyed. Her dissatisfaction made her look surprisingly adorable to him.

"I'm taking you to the hospital!" Cherish Turner stated firmly.

"There's no need!" He was equally firm, neither yielding to the other.

"I'm taking you to the hospital!" Cherish Turner reiterated, her voice stronger than before.