Sanyah was not in her best condition when Alita and Tanya left for Mes to deal with the wedding arrangements. It was very hard for her to accept fully that someone else was going to come and join the family.

The small villa that they lived in was a three-bedroom one and the other bedroom was already being occupied by Kimber which left two.

She and Alita had been sharing one bedroom all these years which meant that the other room can be used by Damari but as co-wives, they have to share and this also meant that Alita from now on since she didn't have a room for herself would have to sleep in each room exchangeable until a bigger house was found.

The allocation issue was too much for her that she nearly got sick. Sanyah ended up confiding in her friend Natalie about her problems. Natalie wasn't a kindergarten teacher like her but she worked in a hotel as a manager.