Alita finalized the contract and took the limousine back to the real estate agency where she took her car back home. Since the villa was going to be ready in two days, Alita decided to settle her apartment and end the term at her current home.

The month was still in the middle and there was still time for her to terminate the contract. The villa she had just bought had furniture inside, so she didn't need to carry her furniture over there.

Alita ate supper before meditating the whole night as she absorbed the essence she had received from her earlier copulation. The next day, Alita searched for a platform where she can sell her furniture and she found one.

She posted photos of her furniture and she priced them at a lower price since it was going to be difficult to sell them at the normal price. When she was done with that, she spent the rest of the day looking into places where she can buy the merchandise she came to this world for.