Knowing that their little prince got pregnant already, this made everyone back in Emerald Village feel very proud, after all getting married and being unable to make babies for your husband was not something very good.

Knowing that their little prince was very fertile and got pregnant that quickly, it was a cause of celebrations.

Noreen was very worried about her ger son, so after the celebrations, she decided to go and visit her child. Of course, she just couldn't go and visit without telling anyone so she informed Tanya who had become her friend, and Tanya was ready to welcome the other.

Noreen packed her belongings and other things from the villagers, her husband couldn't leave as he has a village to take care of.

As she was a queen, Noreen had to take some servants with her but not too many as she knows that there wasn't room to put them. She also brought a few servants of her ger son that he left behind.