Seeing this beautiful interaction between the two, everyone blushed. The elders were relieved to see this as well. It has not been easy for them as well, so seeing that the intruder was Alita, their powerful daughter-in-law, the servants were quickly dismissed.

Alita embraced Gail in her arms and whispered in her ear, "I need to greet your family. I will come back to you very soon."

Hearing that Alita was leaving again, she panicked but the hand caressing her back calmed her down once more, "you are staying, right?"

Alita looked at Gail with a smile on her face, "yes, I am so at ease. I will be with you in just a short moment."

Gail reluctantly agreed and watched with teary eyes as Alita and the others left. She didn't know what they talked about but Alita returned back to her after an hour has passed.

"I won't be going anywhere for a while. I will accompany you," she softly whispered against her ear.