Chapter 8: In My House 2

"Oh, I see.."

So this is what she was talking about, huh?

My inbox is full of her messages and "What the?.. 67 missed calls!

Sigh, My phone is in silent mode, ha-haha" so that's why I didn't notice it, huh. But well, let's just see, what did she text to me?

I opened my inbox and see different messages from her.

[M-matsuki-kun, Where are you?

Answer your phone Dummy!]

[You're okay, right? ]

[Answer me please!]

[You didn't get in trouble again, right? ]

[You're in your house, right?]

[ I'll go to your house, what's your address? ]

[No response? ]

[M-matsuki-kun! Dummy! Dummy! Dummy! Dummy! I'm worried, where are you? Answer your phone! ]

"Hehehe.. So many text messages, is she serious?"

Looking at what she have texted to me while having a perplex and smirk expression, I got carried away and didn't notice that it's been a bit of time since Kira went to the kitchen, then after a few moments..


I heard Kira's voice,and dropped my phone.


What the.?.. Upon hearing Kira's voice, I immediately ran towards the kitchen.

What the hell is she doing?

When I reached the kitchen, an unpleasant odor is coming out from there. I see horrible things that's been happening in my kitchen, smoke is all over the place, ingredients and liquid are spilled on the floor.

"What happened here?"

Kira looked at me with her expression of being sorry and scared upon hearing my question.

"S-sorry, It isn't supposed to be like this." Kira apologetic said, but my eyes are not focus on her 'cause I noticed something is about to fall onto her head.

Shit! "Watch out!"

I immediately ran to her, pulled her and placed my hand on her head,


Kira was surprised and the knife fell on the ground.

"That was close." I sighed in relief and tightly held kira.

Thankfully, I managed to avoid the knife but it still brushed onto my shoulder and scraped it.

Shit!..That hurts!

"Are you okay?" I asked and loosened the way I was holding her.

"S-sorry, M-matsuki-kun, I'm sorry! I'm sorry," She lowered her head and clenches her fist on the floor. "I'm sorry.. you probably hate me now, I always make mistakes a-and..E-even though I already practice and tried my best I still made some mistakes.." She held my clothes and pulled it tightly like a child who's sorry about the mess she made, then "I'm sorry for being clumsy!" Kira's eyes become teary. "I'm sorry, I tried to cook something but th-the.."

I hugged Kira."It's fine, Don't worry about it."

"B-but I-I"

"I told you it's fine!" I yelled and tightened the way I hug her.

I don't know what I am doing but, This...This situation..Without any knowing, my hand which is trembling, brushes the hair of the girl I want to hurt. Shit!! It reminding me of the old days when my aunty beat me until I wasn't able to stand anymore. I only tried to cook something for her because she seems to be having a hard time and I just wanted to make her happy. But I...I made a huge mess and she beat me.

What am I doing? Am I being sympathetic here Or I am doing this because I know what she's feeling right now?

Shit! Why am I acting like this? Aren't I supposed to be mean to a girl and made her suffer? What now, Matsuki?!

No, I think that what I'm trying to do here is the one I desired before, I want someone to accept my mistakes and I want someone to comfort myself and when I saw her I feel like she was me and did this? Idiot! Don't be an Idiot! You're not the same! She's different! She's totally different from you!

Shit!.. I clenched my fist and get her off me and stared at her face. Looking at her, I can see that her face has some dirt and scratch. Sigh, what the hell did she do to make this happened?

I picked up the knife and placed it beneath the shelf so it won't fall anymore like what happened today.

"I'll clean this up and cook something, just wait in my room and behave there."

"N-no, I'm..I'm the one who made this mess."She bit her lips.

"I.. I should at least clean this and then after that.. I'll prepare a meal." she stood, and started picking the spilled ingredients on the ground.

I don't like this turn ot events but whatsoever, I stood and said.

"It's fine, just wait for me in my room!" I wiped the dirt on her face and slightly pinched her soft cheeks."You Should be more careful next time."

"B-but..I-" She tried to say something but I covered her mouth to stop her and I felt her breathing onto my palm.

"Just do what I said, Idiot!" I said and flicked her forehead.

"Ehh!" She reacted with a confused expression I have ever seen and her face have become really red.

It made me smile a bit, but I'm not in the mood, so I glared at her. "I'll get angry if you stay here!"


Kira has become quiet. I don't know if she got scared or frustrated that she wasn't able to cook but after pinching her thumb she left the kitchen. As for me I started cleaning and made everything neat and clean.

Why did this even happen? Isn't Kira supposed to be good at everything? I guess everyone has their own weakness and clumsiness.

Although I remember her saying that it's her first time cooking the food she fed to me before, I didn't expect her to make a mess like this. I felt like I just cleaned a place that is used to be a battlefield. "Hahaha.. Stupid! You still don't have any progress in your revenge...What are laughing for?"

I remembered that the knife brushed onto me but when I looked at it, I see a diagonal scrape with a dried blood onto it

"Looks like it's fine."

I noticed that my shoulder didn't really received much damage. It only has a scratch that may heal in just two days.

I take a deep breath and asked myself, What now?....

Sigh, Let's just cook something to calm my mind...


"Kira, I'm finally done cooking, let's eat in the living room."

I entered my room and see Kira. Sitting on my bed and looking intensely at something.

Did she not hear me?


She jolted and turned, when she saw me, I saw her hiding something on her back.

"Let's eat in the living room."

"E-eh!.. M-matsuki-kun, I.. I'm sorry about earlier." She lowered her head and tremble.

It's not like I'm going to beat you or something so please stop getting scared!

"M-more Importantly, M-matsuki-kun." She looked at me and blushed.

Then it seems like she was looking for something on her back and then she bring out Something

in front of me.

"M-matsuki-kun, w-what is this?" Kira asked with her beet red face.

And as for me I was a bit surprised on what she dangled in front of me.

What I'm seeing was a doujinshi volume. Well, A hentai manga to be more accurate.

It was one of my collections but why is she holding that thing?

"That, huh? Don't tell me you don't know what kind of book is that?"

"O-of course I know!" She stammered.

"But why do you have this?... She averted her eyes and pointed her index finger at the page that has a s*x scene.

Heh, Don't be embarrassed as if you're a saint! If I remember correctly, I was looking at that book two weeks ago and my collections is in a private place, Sigh, Did I forgot to hide it? Well, I guess I don't have a reason to hide it because I'm the only one who live here.

Matsuki! Be collected and answer her!

"Why? Is it strange to have something like that?"

"W-well I guess you're on that age now, I g-guess."She blushed and folded the book.

"B-but I'll take this with me!" She restlessly putted the H-manga in her bag.

What's with her?

"Oh, so you also like those kinds of book, huh?

"No! I don't!" She protested.

"Then why are you taking that?"

"I-its because having this kind of book will lead you to become a pervert! A-and I-it's still too early for us to be making babies!"

What? It will lead me to become a pervert, huh? And what does she mean by that? It's too early for us to be making babies, Huh? Huh?...Im not interested about that.

"Well, if you want more just say it and I'll give you mine, I still have more or less ten volumes"

"W-what?" Kira stared at me with her red face; surprise looks was on her face as if she wasn't expecting it and then

"Wh-where is that?!" She stood and shouted.

Huh? What's with her reaction? Whatever, I don't care.

"There." I pointed my hand at the sky blue small drawer that is located near my manga and novels books collection shelf. "You can have it if you want"

I don't read them any more so I guess it's fine to give it to someone.

"I-I'll take those with me" She then walked towards the drawer.

"Fine, you really are a lewd girl!" I smirked and tease her.

"No, I-I'll only take this home because this is not good for you, And I-I don't want you to lust with other woman!"


"Fine, fine, whatever. Do what you want, I don't really care about that."

A smiled was formed on my face. Why you asked? Well, it's because I don't have to throw those things anymore.

Those books were already here when I move in this house, that's actually not mine, and I found it here in my room, I don't know what to do about it so I just kept them. Of course I have taken a look at those books before because I got curious, but now I don't really care about those now.

"Still not finish?" I indifferently asked.

She really did what she said; she putted those books in her bag and as I wasn't expecting it to fit in, she managed to put everything in her bag.

"Wow, Kira. Amazing, you're dexterous," I clapped my hand, leaned closer to her to the point that I could touch her If I move closer to her for at least 3 centimeters and whispered in her ear: "Good luck."

Her ear has become red and then she turned, having a confused expression on her face, she asked: "Good luck at what?"

Heh? Didn't understand it? Sigh,

"You're going to masturbate tonight, right?"

"Eh!! No I'm not!" She objectively said and blushed while pushing me away.

Hahaha, Her face is really hilarious.

"It's a normal thing to do you know," Standing beside the door, I crossed my hand.

"Don't be embarrass!" I added.

"I don't do that kind of thing!" She exclaimed.


She nodded instantly upon hearing me.



The room was full of silence for a bit.

A few moments of awkwardness, I stopped teasing her and then

The doorbell rang.

*Ding-dong* Ding-dong*

Huh? Who's that? Someone is ringing my doorbell, again? I didn't really order anything so I hope it's not a troublesome someone.

"Then I'll go and check who is it, come to the living room, we're going to eat there." I said and left my room, walked towards the entrance door and opened it.


As soon as I opened the door, A figure of a girl hugged me with such enthusiasm.