Chapter 14: A Date?

"We will have this and this...Hmmm also this."

Naruki happily pointed her index finger at the menu and order.

We are now at the Japanese restaurant, it's nearby and quite good but why are we here?.. When I saw that bitch name earlier, I was really surprised..

A few minutes earlier.

"Are you okay, Satoro-kun? You're staring too much at my phone."

"I'm fine," I smiled and found myself calming down after a few moments. "I was just surprised that you were able to find her this fast."

"Really? Then why are you sweating a lot?" She tilted her head and asked.

"It's because it's hot, hahaha.."

Naruki wound her arm around my head and took me into a neck-hold. The soft feeling against my cheek made me realize that there was something womanly about her after all.

She held my hands and proceeded rapidly towards the road while happily saying, "Let's go!"

Solely lit by white street lights, we walked along a narrow alley towards the station. We were silent.

Upon entering the way along the main street , our field of vision was filled with gorgeous neon light. The number of people increased in proportion to the illumination, and so did the

noise. The head lights of the cars passing us by made us flare up in yellow. Far away a siren was resounding, whereas in the proximity a dog was raising a forceful bark to fight it back. And we were silent.

Then before I knew it I was brought here in this restaurant.

While sitting in the chair next to the table, where Naruki was sitting in front of me before the table, I started thinking.

I don't know why her name is also included in the picture Naruki have taken, She may be not her and she may be just looks like her and has the same name but there's no way I'll mistook her for someone else.

If that's really her, why I didn't came across her? Is she a transfer student?..but why is she here in Manila? Shit!

None of that matters Right now.

I don't care why she's here but... I'll make her regret coming here now that I have the guts to face her.

After what happened on that day, I ran, ran and ran away from her because I can't accept the fact that I was deceived by her. Still, I can't still forget her. There are so many questions left that still don't have an answers until today, but I just keep running away from all of those and now that I met someone who resembles her and that is Kira. I came to conclusion that I need to get over this fucking shit. I thought that maybe if I mess up with Kira I will be able to satisfy myself and feel better but...Kira may also just a victim like me.... Sigh, that doesn't matter right now, for now I have to put an end to my relationship with Kira and that is to find Natsumi who caused her to go out with me. I don't know if I'll get something valuable from her though, but..

Naruki was the first to say something and

She stopped abruptly.

"You have been a little strange since you saw the screen shot I took," she whispered, getting straight to the point, "Is there something that bothers you?."

"Do I look that way?" I asked back.

She tilted her neat chin a bit and asked further, "Perhaps it is related to that girl, Natsumi?"

"I guess it is related to her."

"So it was her...According to what I saw when I investigated her background and other things, She's not close to you in any way. She's just like any other bitches out there who has a spoiled personality and wealthy family, but she's still acting like a good student for camouflage ." she crossed her legs."If ever I noticed that that girl will be a hindrance, I won't hesitate to get rid of her."

What on earth did Naruki do? I guess even though I didn't ask, she looked at some information about her. But what does she mean if she became a hindrance?

"So, uhm..Did you also look at the other girl information named Shira? I asked. Hoping that she did so but..

"No, You only mentioned the girl Natsumi so.."

What am I hoping for? Let's not ask her about that, I can't afford to involve her with that bitch.

"But None of that matters right now, Satoro-kun." She leaned toward me and her breasts pressed on the table.

"So why are we here?" I unintentionally brusquely asked.

"Well.." She played with her hands as if she was being shy or something then she says: "Let's just enjoy our date."



Naruki lift up her hands and shove her chopsticks at the food that was delivered a moment ago.

and then..

"Here, say ahh." Holding the chopsticks with sushi, heading it towards my mouth, is she trying to feed me?

"Satoro-kun, You don't like sushi? Open your mouth."

"What are you trying to do here?"

"Feeding my beloved, Satoro-kun."

"And what do you mean by 'Date'?" I asked.

"I'll answer it after you eat this."


I ate the sushi and gulp it in an instant. Then Immediately demanded. "So, your answer?"

"Well.." She placed her hands on her lap and moved back a bit, leaning against the chair she started talking.

"You said you'll do anything I asked once I find that girl and I was really happy to be given a chance to make you do something for me."she paused for a bit and looked down on the table.

Yeah, I do said something like that but I said 'one thing not anything'

"You see.. I already find her as soon as I got home yesterday but my mind is occupied on which should I asked, There are times I want you to become mine and mine alone, Marry me, or let's start dating. I really want that so bad but I also don't like that Idea, You see...I promised that I'll make you fall in love with me and I'm not gonna back down!" She hurriedly added. Then she started fidgeting and

"So this is what came to my mind, I want to go on a date with you..." She bit her lips and looked at me "You don't want to?"

In Naruki's wide opened and clear eyes I was reflected with an awfully disinterested face.

Stop it! Please Don't look at me with such eyes! sigh, Naruki..

I was not at all in the position to complain to her and say anything, I was the one who suggested it first but I didn't know that her request will be beyond of what I'd imagined.

Naruki really like me? Even though I'm not worth it to be like? I mean why? Is she really telling the truth? Before when she confessed to me all I think is that she just love me as a friend because we're both guys but now she's a girl and being honest and straightforward right in front of me, I was getting really confused now.

"I'm the one who said I'll do something in return, if you want this then I'll do what you want."

It might have still been fine if I had been just acting, but unfortunately I had been simply unable to find any answer why she likes me, I'm arfraid of asking people about myself because I feel like I already know what will they say.

As a matter of fact, I had been quite taxed recently. I was frustrated because I wasn't making progress with my plan. I was pressured because I was unable to find a way to break that deadlock. I was in constant unrest that I may not be doing the right thing but... most of all, I felt really excited and nervous at the same time, knowing that that bitch is close by, a smirk was formed on my face.

After a few minutes of eating,

Suddenly, Naruki pulled my arm, "Let's go! We still have to go to many places." She drew me to an old bench near a bus stop and made me sit down. Then she trotted off towards a vending machine a couple of meters away and quickly came back. What did she do?..

She put on a smile, "Are you okay if we wait for a ride here?"

I was not in the mood to think right now, but at least I want to enjoy myself despite my headache.


Naruki sat down next to me. "A cab may pass by here." Her hair-ends swayed. "Let's enjoy ourselves today."

she giggled with her gaze still dropped," I'll make sure to make you mine."

She approached her face to mine with reproachful eyes. she said jokingly and laughed, but I couldn't help finding a trace of lies in her face. I recalled that she was really honest at everything, before when she made a mistake and broke my console...

Sigh, what am I reminiscing for?