Chapter 10: You gotta be kidding me!


"Then, I'll be leaving now." My sister bid a farewell with her indifferent look and left the house.

It's seems like she's back on her usual state. Unlike for her behavior when she's drunk, her usual behavior is rather cold and seems distant, Apparently she have to leave for work as her usual excuse and it looks like she does remember what happened when she got home, but she didn't even bother talking about it and leave it at it is. So as for me, Having a good mood when I see her acting like her usual self, I sighed in relief. Although her behavior when she's drunk is actually kinda fine to me, I still prefer this side of her.


When I went to school on that morning, fighting with my drowsiness, Kira was nowhere to be seen in the classroom.

Of course there was nobody in the class who hadn't noticed her absence.

Someone had been peeking at me since I walked in, probably eager to question me about Kira.

Well, it's not like I want them to ask me though.

Suddenly, our eyes met. Kinori Yamako immediately dropped his gaze, If I remember correctly, he's part of the student council, and I think he's always with Kira, is it because of their job?.. No, wait. Don't tell me this guy likes her?..Huh? why would I even bother myself about them? It has nothing to do with me.

Kinori is a wwell known student for being smart, he's always at the top spot, I think he's is number three in this school. His appearance is... I guess, above average, though. he always wear glasses that always make him nerd.

Apparently, I was spot on in my prediction.

I couldn't help smiling while watching his behavior.

"What's wrong, Kinori?"

"…Eh! W-What? What? What should be wrong?" He stammered with such vigor that he started up to his feet.

What is he, a girl?

"If there something you want to ask me, then just don't asked me."

"N-No! I don't want to ask! Not yet! I need a little more time to prepare myself! I don't want to hear it yet!"

Huh? Why though? He's really weird. Isn't he going to ask why Kira is absent? Or..

Ah, so that was it.

While sighing in my mind, I helped him calm down by asking warmly, "Don't you want to ask me about Kira, didn't the teacher ask you why she's absent."

"…Aah, that's what you're talking about…," sighed Kinori in blatant relief. "Yeah, right, why is she absent today?"

Kinori, sitting at his desk right next to mine, cocked his head to and fro like a pygmy marmoset.

"Beats me. But maybe she caught a cold in the rain yesterday?" I replied ambiguously.

I used that as suggestion because it actually rains yesterday.

Kira didn't forbidden me to talk about her mother, but I didn't intend to tell my classmates anything in relation to that matter.

I was avoiding something.

If I told him that I know, some trouble may arise and rumors may started that I've been with her If I talk too much. It's none of my business to tell him though. She will probably tell them later her reason for being absent today. Yeah, that's right, just go with the flow for now, Matsuki.

I was perfectly aware that it didn't suit my character to sympathize with her, but I couldn't help it because I had seen her in a horribly disheartened state, much worse than I could have ever imagined of he-..Huh??? The hell? Aren't I should be happy to see a horrible face of a girl? The hell is wrong with me? Get a hold of yourself, Matsuki! Aren't you supposed to get your revenge? Shit!..

I calmed my confused mind and leaned on the chair and sighed.

Besides, if I really told anyone

about her mother, I was bound to be grilled by the others about how I knew. Just by picturing what would head my way if my classmates, especially The bothersome guys, got wind of her visit to my home, I felt signs of a headache. This kind of self-protection was also included in the rather ambiguous answer I gave him.

I was tired from an all-nighter I had pulled and from overusing my brains; thinking what should I do from now on. The least I wanted was any more trouble.

"Maybe I should visit Kira-san…?"

No, as I said, enough of the trouble.

I sighed and said with a reproving look, "…Then visit her, you don't have to inform me about that."


Kinori looked up at me like a puppy that is hesitant to ask for a food to its master.

"Matsuki-san, Is it really true that you a-and Kira a.. are dating?"

"…Yeah, You have a problem with that?…"

Kinori collapsed on his desk.

"If so, then please take care of her!"

"I will, don't worry!" I indifferently said.

Kinori purged his lips, still lying prostrate on his desk.

"I merely said it might be a cold. We don't know for sure. You can give her a short call if she doesn't come tomorrow either. Just do her work for the time being, vice class rep."

As bothersome as it was, it seemed that I had no choice but to talk to this guy,

Jeez, What a bothersome.

But my exhaustion was relieved a little by the heartwarming sight of Kinori, leaving and docilely nodding.

"Mm, okay."

Then he disappeared on my sight.

The time at school went by more peacefully than usual.

Kira's absence from the classroom was the cause, which also explained why everyone is quieter than usual.

It had been quite a while since I last had my peace.

Kira Miyoka had taken some of my time in my life and become special since the day she confessed to me . Of course, I am talking of another kind of "special" than the others.

She's the one who came to me and asked me out, now that I know that she's been forced to go out with me, I feel like I'm doing something wrong, my plan is also not progressing. Sigh, if this continued...

As a consequence, I had never had much peace with her around me. However, those days were drawing to a close, it seemed.

I touched my left breast and grip it.

"…I guess soon it's goodbye to you as well."

I was surprised by the gloomy mutter that escaped my mouth so naturally.

Apparently, the days that revolved around nothing but Kira and my plan that had been one of the things I want to achieve before I graduate in this school, to think it was harder than I had thought.

That was probably the reason for the slight loneliness I was feeling at returning to my previous, peaceful everyday life.

In regards to the various happenings concerning my plans, I had come to a conclusion.

'I won't be able to achieve it if I continued this relationship with her.' And that is..My revenge.


On went the days without Kira Miyoko.

The first day remained peaceful. On the second day, however, there was already a commotion in the class; everyone was now worrying about her.

As expected, their attention was immediately directed at me because I am her so called boyfriend. As planned, I played dumb.

And then what happened? Assumptions brought forth assumptions, which eventually turned into rumors. Some of the rumors are "Her cold worsened. She has been kidnapped and is kept confinement. She is in the middle of filming a movie or become a model. A prince fell in love with her at first sight and took her to his country to marry her. Such absurd rumors were all over the place. I could only laugh dryly. Whether she was here or not, she was always in the center of attention. Once more I was shown just how much the girl stood out.

On the fourth day, however, some rumors came in circulation that weren't funny at all.

But all of those rumors have vanished in an instant when our home room teacher announced why she's absent. And that is because she's been taking care of her mother.

Lunch break.

While sighing in my chair, I stood and go to my locker, I was planning to get my notes but what I saw in there was absolutely unexpected. There is a pink envelope in my locker that was place in my shoes.

"What the hell is this?"

I picked it up and dangled it in front of me.

Then I opened and see something was written on it.

"Matsuki-kun, It's been a year...But that's not important right now. Come to the Rooftop right now!"

The hell, is the one who wrote this seems to have a grudge on me? Is he trying to ambush me at the rooftop? It said it's been a year? Whatever. It seems like I was going to get on the fight again...Or so I thought...

"What's the meaning of this Satoro-kun"

"Huh? I should be the one who should ask that?"

My body is okay now and so I am now at the rooftop.

I came here because I saw a pink envelope letter in my locker, telling me to come here. I expected that the one who wrote that was a guy and the one who will show up here was a brunch of guys to beat me or something but it turns out to be a girl.

I don't know her but it seems like she knows me.

"Y-you! You said that you're only interested in 2d girls... T-that's why I didn't make any moves on you and didn't even bother waiting for your answer. A-and now you're dating a girl!"

"Huh? You know me? I don't know you." I protested.

Who exactly is this girl?

If I have to describe her, She has an alluring looks like a Bishoujo in anime.

She has a pink hair, violet eyes that seems to be kinda blue and has almost enough height to have the same as mine and now she's trying to push me against the wall.

Really, what's wrong with her?

"What? You've already forgotten me? You're mean!" She stared daggers at me.

"Like I told you, I have no idea who you are and what's with this? Placing a love letter in my locker as if it's still norm today and asked me to come here, sigh. Who are you!"

"I-its me Naruki Minami!" She yelled like a baby who's about to cry and blushed.

Huh? I didn't misheard that right?

"What did you say? Naruki Minami?"

"Y-yes, it's me, long time no see, Satoro-kun."

"You've gotta be kidding me!"

"Why?" she looked me in the eyes and asked.

"Why, you asked? Why are you wearing a female's uniform? And what the hell," I pointed my hand at her chest.

"You have a voluptuous breast as if it was already there before! What's more, Your hair grew up that it's already reached your waist."

Calm down, Matsuki! She must be playing with me, she's just joking, right? I mean, Naruki Minami is a guy but...

"Don't tell me you went on a surgery!"

"Eh? No I didn't do that!"

Then She held her chin up and looked at me.

"C-could it be..Satoro-kun, thought I was a guy?"

"Hey, Are you really Naruki Minami?"

"Oh right," He rummage her bag in search of something and brought out an I.D? "It's me, see it for yourself." Then what's shown in front of me was his face before and now. A two I.D with the same name, same information and so on.

Is he really a girl?

" Wait, Are you really Naruki? I mean, You're not pranking me are you?"

"So Matsuki-kun, really thought that I was a guy before, Hehehe, Sorry but I'm a girl." She wickedly smile.

If he's really a girl, Does that mean, I was interacting with a girl before all this time?

"Who wouldn't think you're a guy when you're wearing a male's uniform before and there's no way you could be Naruki! I mean it!"

This is really unbelievable if he or she? Wait, wait don't tell me he already gave in and become a gay, what's more, his appearance is totally different!

No, let's check it, I moved my hand, aiming at his groin, I grabbed Naruki's crotch.


What I was expecting was to grab his balls but I didn't feel anything that a guy would have. What I felt was a soft sensation that I've never felt before.

What the! Feeling confused I unintentionally moved back. Why I didn't feel anything?... You gotta be kidding me!!