Chapter 22: Encounter 1

"Monday again, huh. Time really flies and I can't afford to waste time, my body is been longing for kind of amusement, Today I'll start preparing for the worst....

As I put my sock onto my feet, I reached out for my shoes to put my feet in and Looked in the mirror, grinning, "I guess this is the real start of my revenge after all, there are a saying that before you reached success you have to become a failure first. Maybe that's saying is right. Let's do this!

While walking towards the school ground, I reached out for my phone that is in my pocket and search for Naruki's number and called it to ask her some errands.


After a few seconds of ringing, finally she answered it. "Hello? Who is this?"

As far as I could tell, that's not Naruki. So Pulled my phone away from my ears and looked if I dialed the wrong number but I wasn't, It's Naruki's number but...Why the hell a guy would answer Naruki's phone?..

"Hey, shouldn't I be the one who should be asking that question? Who are you? Why are you answering other people's phone?" I calmly asked after I clenched my fist.

"Oh? Why would I tell you who I am? There's only one thing I can tell you though, That is, I'm her boyfriend."


"Yeah, that's right, so don't ever bug her anymore or I'll fucking kill you!" As soon as he finished his words, the line was cut off.

Shit! What the hell is this again? Is he really Naruki's boyfriend? But if he ever was, I'm sure Naruki would tell me. Something's wrong with this.

As I grit my teeth and run faster towards Naruki's apartment, I dialed the number for several times but, all I received was "Sorry the number you have dialed is not in service."

Shit! What the hell?.. Naruki....Please be fucking safe!

As I run faster than I could ever done in my life, having a bad feeling about this, I finally reached the place where Naruki's apartment are located. I pulled the handle but it was locked.


I banged heavily on her door.

"Are you there? Naruki!"

*Bang, bang, bang!

No matter how hard I knocked, no sounds came from within.

Shit.. Ahh! I'm an idiot! Because I was too worried, I forgot that I it's normal that it wouldn't open because it was a common thing to lock the door, and...I took a deep breath and calm myself. Sigh, let's just push the door bell.


I pushed the door bell several times now but still no one answered, Is she out? Right..She must've just gone out, it's not like something bad will happen to her or something, right?..

As I sighed in relief, I loosened myself up and lay down on the front door and leaned closely to it.



After taking deep breaths to calm myself from overthinking, *Ring...Ring...

My phone rang inside my pocket.

I picked it up and answered, it is an unknown number.

"Hey, It's been a while Matsuki..kun, wouldn't expect for us to encounter each other again."

I caught my breath and gulp from hearing a somewhat familiar voice.

"W-who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Don't tell me you've already forgotten me, It's me Korosaku Lee..."

Korosaku Lee?..

"hmm...Still haven't recognize my name?... Don't tell me you've already forgotten the one who stomped and plummeted you before, I don't really expect you to dropped out after that, Hahahahah!."

T-that guy?.. A grinned was formed onto my face when I remembered who exactly is that bastard, he is one of the people who humiliated and made my day worse.

Shit! I already sealed those memories and really forgotten them but I guess it wouldn't be erase in my memory. But still, I'm glad, if he's the one came looking for me, he save me some time to look for him.

But why would he call me all this time?"

"Say, What do you want?" I asked without a second thought.

"Well, you see my pals here made a terrible mistake, He suddenly block the one who called in this girl's phone and so I have to go for the trouble to call you using my phone."

Girl? Who is it? Don't tell me... No.. not again!

"...Hahahah...But who would have thought that it was you when I looked in her contacts info, Hahaha what a lucky day I am having, I was able to catch a hacker and my old buddy at the same time!" He laughed vigorously as if he was some kind of villain character in a story.

"Hey, the girl you were talking about, was her name, Naruki?"

"Yeah, it was her! Do you have a problem with that, well, whatever, just come to the location I would text to you, let's reunite and remember the old days, hehehe!"

Shit! This is really bad, that guy is nothing to be underestimated, what should I do now? Really, this is the worst part of the story...

*ting.. my phone received a message after he hang up.

I opened his message and see:

[Come to the Carso Street at pace 1 at 2 pm, DON'T EVER BRING ANYONE, just YOu ALONE]


Without further ado, I checked the time and it was exactly 8:37 am, five hours and 23 minutes before the exact time I will meet a bastard that I still haven't plan on meeting, This is really making me want to kill him, and my hate towards him to make him suffer had just gotten more reason why I should do so. He showed up in the wrong time when I was having a good time and plan, now it was ruined, he also get his hands to Naruki, I won't forgive him if he ever do something to her!

As I was Super pissed and irritated, I clenched my fist tightly and punch the floor and it cracks, but just like what I've learned in school from Newtons law of Interaction. I received a damage on my hands.

I exerts a force on the floor and the floor also exerts an equal and opposite force on myself, now my hand is bleeding...Sigh. now isn't the time to recall the lesson from our school...