Chapter 26: The missing pieces 1

"mhmm!!" "Mhm!"

As I squirm in darkness, I tried to feel the things around me. It seems like I was tied and was thrown into Isolated place, I can't see anything Since I woke up, and feels like there's a tight feeling around my head. Is it the blindfold?

Shit! Where am I? If I remember it correctly I lost consciousness after I took a kick on my mouth, But it feels weird, why does my body doesn't feel the pain now? Could it be because I was used to beating? My auntie beat me from time to time, after all.

I tried to remove the thing that is blocking my sight by rubbing my face onto the floor,by thenI heard an unexpected noise.


It seems like a door was being open. A foot steps followed by the creak sound, it was coming from the left side and it feels like it was heading towards me.

"Hey," A male's hoarse voice whispered right onto my ear and Instinctively moved back.

"Wh-who are you?!" I yelled.

"Where am I?!"

"Tsk, Shut up, Can't you shut your mouth, it's annoying."

I was intimidated by the voice, my body just moved on it's own and it started fidgeting, my voice is trembling while I asked the man: "What's happening, Why am I here?"

"Let me removed that thing on your eyes first." As the man said that, I felt his hand on my head, trying to remove the blindfold.

"Alright, that's better."

As I gained my sight, I see a blurry and vague face of a man and it gradually becomes much clearer.

I see a man, smiling with a creepy face of his, he has a mustache and a bit of beard bellow his lips.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Me?" He stood up and tighten his necktie.

I got the full view of the person and see that he's wearing a decent suit and his face, it's irrefutable that he is in his mid 30s. But What I found confusing is why am I in front of this person and where the heck am I?

Did I get kidnapped or something like that? Does he plan to sell my organs or something?

Having such thoughts, I gulp my saliva down to my throat.

"You see, My precious one told me to take care of you for the time being while she's taking a bath," He paused and looked down on me who's laying on the ground while being tied. " But to think I will be surprised like this, Didn't even imagine I will meet you in my daughter's hand." He laughed.


"I wasn't able to kill you before but I'm not planning to kill anymore because there's no gain, too lucky you lost that memories of yours," He stared at me with bloodlust, I can feel it down my spine..

What the hell is he saying?

"Lucky that I lost my memories? You gotta be kidding me! If I didn't lose it I wouldn't be here!" I Agitatedly throw that words at him because I just want to release my anger, I was pissed by what he said, after all there's no lucky person who would lose their memories.

I don't know what is he talking about, He's talking about killing me before?.. Im really having a hard time grasping the situation right now, what did I even do before?. Could it be that I really have done something wrong, that's Why I'm deserving punishment or something.

"You're right, If you didn't lose it you're not going to be here, you'll be much more likely there!" He pointed his index finger at the ceiling.

"There?" I let out a confused tone.

"Yeah, right there, the heaven, You should be there with your father if you didn't lose your memory, But still, aren't your father lonely, You didn't come with him after all. But I guess you wouldn't understand what I said, You're probably also confused, but let's just let that, it's better to let sleeping dogs lie."

This guy seems to be mocking my Father, I want to smack his face for talking about him but my father Matsuki Miroko will never be fond of it, he would just say 'Ignore them, and let them, sooner or later they will get tired of it.' I reminiscence one of my father advice as I bit my lips to suppress my feelings.

Tsk...What is he even talking about? If you're not going to finish it then don't tell a story, you're pissing the readers!

"Still," He held his chin and squinted his eyes. "you really resembles Inoru Shikawa, that's kinda pissing me off, you have the same eyes."

Huh? Who is he talking about? More importantly, I need to gather some information from him, but...When I think about it, even if I get out of here what will now happen to me? The person that gave me the hope and purpose to live this life after the death of my father was Shira and... Shit...I don't want believe on her anymore. She's full of lies, I may have been dumb before, but my feelings that has been hurt has now realize that everything is over, Everything was just a lie?....

The time we spent together, the time we laughed together, the time we went on dates and more....A-all of it was just a lie?...

"Hey!" I yelled to the guy. "This is just a dream, right? I-I mean, j-just a week ago, Shira and I...And I..."

Tears flow down on my face as I realized everything.

That everything was just a dream.

"Hey, can't you keep it down!" An irritated voice came from the door and sooner after that, Shira appeared in front of me.



"I told you to take care of him didn't I? Why is this guy screaming?"

"Sorry, I was really surprised ang got carried away by this," He plead and appease Shira.

"But, you really surprised me, maybe the phrase "Like father, Like daughter" is a true one. I'll take my leave now," As the old man who seems Shira father was about to exit through the door, he looked at me and laugh.

The hell is wrong with these two? Are they nuts? That's her father And It looks like Shira is the reason why I'm here. What does she still wants from me?...