Chapter 29: The woman who claimed to be my sister 2

What am I gonna do now? I asked to myself While staring at the window, I looked over it and see tall buildings I have never seen before.

"Matsuki-kun, I know this is sudden but I'll just let you know that your uncle Arnold has passed away and... I.. From now on...I will be the one who will take care of you." The woman said in a frail voice.

Uncle, huh? You're kidding right?.. Uncle Arnold was the closest person I had beside father and your telling me he died?..

How?.. I want to asked and know the reason but I just closed my eyes and clenched my teeth since I can't even open my mouth more or less ask it.

Then What about auntie? Even though I don't like her I know that she's not that bad..

What?..Did I just care for her? Haha..

Why everyone is leaving me?...Is this always gonna happen? You gotta be shitting me, if misfortune will always happen to me, what's the point of living if I'm just gonna suffer?

Damn it! I don't want this to continue if just every one I care is leaving me.

As I was frustrated enough, I tried to get up but..

Shit! I can't! I can't even fucking move!

"You shouldn't move too much, you'll get better soon so take your time." The woman reassured me and gave a sister like smile. It was actually dazzling and comforting.

"Don't rush," Again, she smiled. "I'll leave you for the time being, I have to arrange some documents and payments for your medications."

The woman stood up and get out of the room.

Sigh, what will happen to me now?...After asking myself that questions I didn't expect that I'm already this tired I can't even maintain my eyes open...


*One month later.*


"Haa.." The breeze rustled the dried leaves on the floor.

It's been a month since I've been admitted to the hospital and I'm about to be discharged tomorrow, but I am scared to face the day after tomorrow.

Even though a month had already past I still want to end this life.

I'm at the rooftop of the hospital and frankly, I'm not allowed to get out of my bed, I just sneak in to here without anyone knowing.

The woman who always take care of me said that she's my sister, I don't really give a damn care about what she's saying though. Despite of taking care of me, I'm pretty sure she will also leave me.

*Chirp, chirp..

A sparrow land on the top of the railings where my hands are resting.

The bird, surprisingly is not scared or something.

then a thought flow into my mind as I reached out and tried to catch the sparrow, "Being a bird seems nice, you can freely fly almost everywhere and can avoid everything."

And like every other bird, it avoided me and flew into the sky.

By then, once again, I find the courage and try to kill myself by jumping on the hospital roof but..I was interrupted.

"Matsuki!" The woman yelled.

"You're trying something stupid again! Get down and come back here!" She command as she came near me who is indeed standing on the top of the railings.

Due to my several attempts, it seems like my balance had become better that I can now stand on the thin railings.

"Tsk, What's your deal!" As I was just a teenager back then, I whine and complain about the existence of my sister like any other kid who always got scold by their siblings.

"Get down here! Right now!"

"Alright." I heavily sighed and hop from the railings to get in front of her.

"What you're doing is dangerous!" She pulled my ears without mercy and bring me inside of my room.


"Here!" She said and gave me the plate that has a numerous nutritious food.

"What am I gonna with this?" I asked.

"It's obvious that you have to eat that to get better. Hurry up, we're running out of time."

"Running out of time?" I wondered.

"Yeah, that's why you have to hurry."

"Where are we going?"

"I asked the doctor to get you out of here because I'm planning to make you meet someone I know."


"Why?..Since the day I met you, to you've been trying to hurt or kill yourself, And you're asking me that?" She sighed heavily, "Seriously, What did even happen to you to become like this? You're not telling me anything and whenever I asked you you never answered and just ignore me.

It is just like what she said, I did try to hurt myself and had tried sort of things to kill myself, and I haven't talk about what happened to me because I don't want to. Well, what's the point of talking about that? That will just make everything worse, if someone discovered what happened to me, I don't know what will I feel, will I feel relieved or embarrassed?..

I don't know that's why I hid it. This woman claimed that she's my sister, but I don't know anything about her. She's been taking care of me just like what she promised, though I haven't appreciate it.


I looked her in the eyes.

I can't find any resemblance I have in her. She seems to be in her 20s and what's more, she's beautiful, and she wear fancy clothes and smell really good. Compared to me, Shira said...

Shit! Just forget that!

"Hurry up and eat!" Yuri Shikawa demanded.

"or do you want me to feed you?" She dazzlingly smiled. "Well, I wouldn't mind if my beloved brother would asked me to."

"Alright! I'll eat so Stop with the teasing."

I picked up the spoon and ravished all the food in one go.

This woman who claimed to be my sister introduced herself that her name is Yuri Shikawa.

But how come? She's my sister even though our surnames are different. I just don't get it.

When I asked her about that, she just said that "Don't mind it. What matters is that I'm your sister and we finally reunited!"

After finishing the food, Yuri asked me to dress up with normal clothes, just like what she said, I was discharged in the hospital and we're heading somewhere using her car.


"We're here." Yuri stopped the car in front of the white building that has a board with the title "Psychology Therapist Minawa Institute"

My sister, after getting off the car asked me to come out and follow her, just like what she suggested, I followed and walk with her for a few moments.

Then we finally find ourselves in front of the big door.

My sister opened it and we enter.

As we walked in the building, a plain white ceiling and floor welcome us with a candle smell.

This place seems to be abandoned, there's not even anything.

My sister walked and I just followed her passing by so many doors in the hallway and finally found ourselves in front of another suspicious door. That very door is different, it was plain black compared to other doors and 'something seems fishy happening here' I thought to myself as I felt the unusual aura around it.

Then, without hesitation, Yuri opened the door and a girl beside her table welcome us.

"Oh," The woman that's wearing a white coat looked into as as we enter and walked towards her.

"Yuri, You're here?" The woman said as she sipped on the straw in her milk tea.

"Right," Yuri responded. "Like I've told you before," Yuri tapped me on the shoulder. "This is him."

"You're brother that you're talking about."

"Yeah, this guy," Once again, Yuri pulled my ear to make me move forward and stood right before that woman eyes.

"Hmm." She humm as tried to examine me.

My sister sighed. "Like I told you, He's been trying to hurt himself since I met him, You told me to bring him here and promise that you'll make him better, right?"

"I will pay you how much you want, just fix his attitude of trying such sort of things. Please, Rina." my sister immediately added with a sounded like worried voice.

"Yuri, I told you that you don't have to pay, I'll help this little guy, if he is really that important to you, we're friends after all."

"Thanks as always Rina-san."

"Alright, alright, just listen to my instructions," The woman who seem to be Rina, said.

"For now, just leave the two of us here."

"Ok." Yuri said and pat my head.

Then, she held both my cheeks, saying: "Don't worry, Everything will be fine, Rina is actually good, she'll make you feel better. Ate will be waiting outside so be obedient," I was stunned, I felt like I just saw an angel shining in front of me with a caring smile.

Then she left the room and leave the two of us.

The woman offered me to sit and without hesitation, she asked.

"What happened that cause you to want to kill yourself?"

"..." Of course I couldn't say anything, why would I even tell her that? I'm pretty sure everyone will not tell their story in some stranger.

"Answer me." She demanded.

"I..I can't.."

"You can't?" She sighed briefly and "Whatever, It's not Like I have to question you whatever that happened to you, you will tell me." She paused.

"Okay, tell me right now." She said with her fierce eyes that was scary, followed by her long hair swinging in from the air. And I found it weird as I looked into the amber stone she dangled in front of me. What's that?

Without even knowing it, I started talking and telling her everything, I tried to cover my mouth, but it Still continued to say something that I can't even force my mouth to stop.

What's happening? I thought to myself as I also listen to my mouth telling everything.

The hell?..
