Chapter 39: I'm a big liar, after all.

"Ho-ho," Gomburza finally stood up properly. "Do you really think you can handle me?" He smiled.

Tskk... He's really underestimating me. But that's better, that way he will let his guard down.

Now is time to attack while he's still sleepy. If I want to turn the tables, I have to fight and bring this guy down.

"Oh man," Gomburza guy scratched his head like it was a habit of his, "I told you not to make a mess or you'll be dead. Kids these days are pain the ass.. can't even liste-"

I rushed out toward him and threw a kick right in front of his stomach, but he was able to dodge it by only stepping back a bit.

"You're fast," he sighed, "But shouldn't you respect others when they're still not finish talking?"

He glared daggers at me. "I guess I have to discipline you." Suddenly, the aura around him had changed, and I felt a malicious intent coming from him.

Shit! I must finish this quickly or the other one may noticed what's happening here and we'll be doom.

I can't afford to get caught again. Thankfully they didn't hurt me that much and I'm not planning to let them have their way on me anymore.

Damn it.. I don't think I can win if I fist fight with him, Is there any other way?..

Think Matsuki! Think! Use that brain of yours!

after all I don't want to be beaten again that will make me have to be glued to a bed like before!

Huh? My taser... That's right if I can use it properly I may have a chance but...Sigh, now is not the time to think about it, this is the only plan I could think of.

"W-wait," I stepped back a little farther from him and I immediately raised my hands in the air, making a stance as if I'm about to surrender. "Gomburza," I made a terrified face. "I s-surrender,"

"What?" His jaw opened in wondered, "That's it? you're not planning to fight me anymore." His aura finally settled down.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I don't think I can beat someone like you, you're strong, you're brave and that muscles of yours is such an art." I blatantly lied.

"Oh?" He believed it. "I know you will understand it...."

"....I guess kids these days have good eyes."

He crossed his arms, closed his eyes and move his head up and down as if to agree to my statement.

"Yeah, no one can compared to you," I added and finally lowered my hand.

Of course I'm just lying, I'm a big liar, After all. there's no way I appreciate his body, it was actually scarry, seeing a bulky body with visible large veins is not my thing. Ewww..

"Right, right, I know." He scratched his head as if embarassed or something.

"That head of yours," I guess now is the time.

"That bald head of yours,"

"Right, right," he continued to receive the compliment.

"That bald head of yours that's so cool it's shining like the sun."

"What?" His eyes and mouth opened in the sudden change of what I'm saying.

"And you're irritating nose that was flattened by an elephant foot."

"What did you say?" Gomburza stood, his fists clenched by their sides, and rolled his shoulders back, glaring at me. "Care to say that again?"

"Heh? Are you deaf? I said you're too ugly it's making me puke by just looking at you. You look like a wild boar or rather a PIG!" Sticking my tongue out, I continued, "Blee, PIGGY!"

Suddenly, Gomburza nostrils flared as he stared,

He stepped toward me, glaring at me. And before I could react, I was already in his arms, by then, he slammed me down on the floor.


Making it produces a loud bang and I felt an insurmountable pain on my back. Ugh! that' fucking hurts...But now's not the time to enjoy feeling the pain.

I Smiled wickedly as I saw his horrifying outrage face before my eyes.

Why would I smile in this situation? It's because everything is going according to my plan.

Making him angry to suddenly go into me and letting his guard down, I reached out for my pocket to get the taser, gripped it firmly, and immediately make it contact with his oblique, then I pressed the button.

"Argh!" His body vibrated a bit and a lot of volts sparks next to my hand.

And by that Gomburza was Immobilized.

"Hahaha..." I got up, caressing my back as I laughed wholeheartedly as if I achieve something really great.

"He is knocked down now, Korasaku," I looked at Korasaku and I see him faking a faint again.

"R-really?" He moved his face onto my direction and have an expression of "What? You're serious?"

"Is your faith on me that bad that you'd fake being unconscious again."

"Hehehe..I thought we're already done for because that guy's a monster."

"Seriously, are you not even listening to what's happening?"

I putted back the taser on my pocket, and dragged my feet as I approached Korasaku Lee.

"I mean, I know him very well, he's a monster and I heard that you surrender and suddenly you pissed him of, I thought we're already doomed so I kept my ears to not listen because I thought I'll hear another screamed like what he did to my pals."

"Shit, I'm still feeling pain from the shocked I received when he slammed me on the floor, he may be really a monster."

I cutted the ropes that's binding Korasaku Lee, I still haven't trusted him but from the time being I'll be nice to him, he may become useful later.

Even so, it wouldn't happen if he made it clear on his phone call what was about to happen, but now is not the time to be complaining about that, that guy Chris may show up anytime after all.

"Matsuki," Korasaku looked me in the eye as I helped him break free from the ropes.

"Sorry, I got caught immediately. I wasn't able to explain it properly on the phone call.."

I paused, I wasn't expecting him to apologize or to even bring that out..

"..I promise I'll be more useful in the future."

Future, huh? when will that be?

"I don't want to see Shira having her way anymore, She's a monster, too; she doesn't even have any remorse."

Shira? Did he meet him?.. Whatever I'll just ask him later.

"Okay, just don't forget that promise of yours" I outstretched my arm, "I think we'll make up a good team if we teamwork." and Korosaku gladly reached out for my arm and get up.

Why did I say that? Ah, right, I heard before that 'A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.'

"For now, we should tied up that Gomburza guy," I suggested. "He may be able to move sooner or later, so we must be cautious.

"Okay, I got it," Korasaku joyfully picked up the ropes that's been used to us and glady tied Gomburza with a smirk on his face.

The way he tied him seem so tight, I don't know what he's thinking but he's been grinning while doing it.

"Ah, right, That guy Chris is still sleeping right?" Korasaku asked.

"Yeah," I responded as I picked up the metal rod on the ground.

I turned around and look over the closed door where Chris went in.

"Why did you asked?"


Korasaku didn't answer, so I looked towards his direction where he was tying Gomburza.

There, Gomburza was enveloped in ropes like a mummy in Egyptian time. I was about to laugh but I noticed that Korasaku Lee is nowhere to be found.

Huh? Where did that bastard go?

".. Don't tell me... He left me here all alone?"

I sighed, "Did I got deceived?" I brushed my hair. Tskk... Whatever.. It seems like I have to deal with them on my own. And it's not like I trusted that bastar---


"Gom, what the hell are you doing?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from my left side, I looked into the direction of the voice, there, Chris, standing on the opened door.

"I heard something loud," He rubbed his left eye like any other people who's sleepy, "Can't you turn it down, I know you've been having fun agai--"

"What?" His eyes widened as he lock his eyes with mine.

Shit! He woke up..

my back still hurts from the fight from Gomburza, Sigh, Do I have to fight again?...