Chapter 41: My back hurts!

"Ah, right," Korasaku looked at me, then suddenly placed his shoulder to mine as if we're best friends. I was uncomfortable with it but I just let him and continued to walk, "Matsuki, I won't be able to contact you for the time being, because of that bastard Chris," he said, "That guy is always silent, even when we're beating him." He's acting all chummy at me while his two pals were in front of us as we moved forward out of the abandoned place.

Silent huh? I don't think so, I feel like that guy has a screw lose in his head.

"That guy Chris stomped on it when I made a phone call to you." He intentionally let out a loud sighed. "We even plan all the way to set up Shira on that place by going there early and to think those guys are already in there, how can that bitch Shira act so fast?"

That's what I'm curious about too.. It seems like the Shira I know may be different from before..

"Did you met Shira by any chance?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't seen her after 2 years..but my pals saw her going out of the school with her friends before...."

"....I'm pretty sure she was the one who made those guys came to us just like what she have done in the past."

Now that I think about it, I don't know much about Shira, rather I didn't think much about it because I'm not really interested in her own life.

"How much do you know about, Shira anyways?" I asked, making Korasaku to finally let go of me, he stroked his chin ,thinking,

"Well....How can I put it...when our gang was still not disband, We only know that Shira is the daughter of one of the leader's guy in WCDA that Gomburza guy talk about."

That WCDA again..And what's more, it seems like Shira is really involved with them, A daughter of a big guy in that?..Is that some kind of a gang group or some sort like what I've saw in the anime, like the Tokyo Manji gang,?.. But if that's the case, isn't it dangerous to get involved with Shira?..

"ah right, WCDA is a group we like before, we're pretty much inspired by them because of how big they are and how they dominated others."

Tsk.. Whenever I talked to this guy it's always a long story. I sighed and reluctantly listen to him.


According to Korasaku as a teenager they want to be in that WCDA group since they thought they're amazing ; they looked up to them and they search for some information about them to be a part of that group, and that's when they learned that a girl like Shira is involved with that. They tried to be in good terms with her. And he said that Shira was not that bad before, rather she's an angel and timid girl on that time.

An angel, huh? I just couldn't laughed when I'd heard that. after all, I also thought so before.

"I don't know what did happen to her though." He continued, "She suddenly ordered us get rid of you on that time, we have no choice but to obey because if we don't...she threaten us that we'll find ourselves in another life." He clenched his fist on both of his sides and stopped. "To think that bitch will betrayed us after what we've done to her."


After a few moments of listening to Korasaku, I made a decision.

"I will part ways with you guys now, " I said as I halt my steps, the three of them looked at me surprised "O-okay" Korasaku, responded, "I thought you want to learn more about Shira."

"I'll leave that for later." I fake a smiled. "See ya. Make sure to contact me when you finally got your new phone." Not that I really care.

"Yeah," With that Korasaku and I separated, going on our own ways. With his two friends bowed at me before moving forward.


"Darn it!" I held my head as I felt a slight pain coming from my head. What should I do now? I asked myself as I sat on the bench and sighed.

My revenge seems to be far from getting accomplish.

I thought I'll just be able to settle down this feeling after I face Shira and then make her experiences what she did to me and make her suffer....But now that I'm thinking about it, Why am I doing this Revenge? for relief?....

All I know is that I.... *Sighed, I want to retaliate and make her suffer a little so she should know what it feels like, I'm not someone who'd do it because of justice..

But, I really didn't think that it will be a life and death situation to get it. "Hahaha.." But still.. Am I gonna go back to becoming the same person as before? Ignoring the problem and getting away from it...I'm already tired of it... I want to know...

Why did Shira did it to me? It's not like I did something to her or did I? No, whatever her reason is has nothing to do with it..

Shit! I'm thinking about it in the worst time, my body still felt the pain from the fight...


I already got this far... I can't just let her do everything she wants. Yeah that's right...

Remember it...Remember it! Remember those times and never forget it. She's unforgivable, unforgivable! How dare she did that to me when I just tried to give her my all? She doesn't deserve lo be living her life like a normal person when she's not even one!.. and what's more?... I'm having a hard time in my life because of her.

Knowing that she's enjoying her life and acting normal in front of people, I just don't get it ... That's just unfair...


Huh? Isn't that the sound of someone crying? I'm pretty sure It's not me. Where did it came from?..

I looked into the direction of the voice and see a highschool kid who seems to be in my age.

"That's just too cruel!" He shouted, "How could she do that to me? I just...I thought everything was going good,"

Why is there someone crying beside me? I didn't notice it earlier but someone is also in his wits end here.

"We even kissed and have done other things together!"

As I payed attention to the guy, I noticed that he was wearing our school uniform. That means he's attending my school.

Today is Saturday, and he's wearing a uniform, did he have some class today? too bad for him.. May be he's also a student council like Kira..

but why is he crying and swearing here? I know that the school is near here but why now?

That just ruin the mood. I sighed. It's my moment now and he ruined it.

Then suddenly he stopped ranting, picked up his phone and called for someone and he suddenly went silent.

after a few moments, a petite girl stood in front of him, wearing a plain white t-shirt and a skirt. Her hair was midnight-black and it flowed over her shoulders.

"Rika!" The poor guy kneeled in front of her.


"Sorry..", the girl looked into my direction and noticed me; she averted her eyes and held the guy's head.

"I told you I was forced to date you by Natzumi because of such circumstances I can't avoid."

What am I witnessing right now? Can someone get me out of this situation?.. And what did she said? She was forced to date him by Natzumi? Who the hell is that?..

"Then, is what we did...all of it was a lie?" he held the girl's feet as he asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but I really don't like you, I was just." The girl cried in tears, "I'm sorry, I feel bad for what I did. I got you embroiled into my situation. "

The guy finally let go of her silently and get back on the bench. He hang his head, facing the ground, he become silent.

"P-please don't ever make me see that face of yours again!" He shouted.

"O-okay, I'm really sorry." The girl bowed and hesitantly left.

As if worried, I saw her turned from time to time to looked back at the guy.

Is getting dump by a girl so common nowadays?

But now that I think about it, I felt like I heard a familiar name.. Natzumi was it? She was forced by someone who called Natzumi..

Natsumi, huh? Where did I heard that name before?...

"Huh?" I stood up in surprised as I remembered who is it.

That's the girl who's talking behind the laboratory with the other girl, right? She's the one who's talking about a guy getting deceived by a girl she forced was it?


Hmmm...But isn't that Kira and me who they were referring back then? It's from class 2C after all.

I gulp my saliva, Should I really? Yeah, let's just do this.

"Hey," I paused,

"I'm sorry I had to witnessed that, May I ask you something?"

"What is it?" He looked at me with an indifferent expression.

"You're attending Nirwa Institute High School, right?"

"It's obvious just from looking at my uniform, right?"

Yeah, I know but I'm just trying to confirm it. He's really in a bad mood. Well I guess I can understand it.. I experienced something like this before, after all.

"Are you from class 2C perhaps?"

"Yeah, Why?..."

"... Huh? why are you asking me that when we were..." "Wait..Ah. are you planning to humiliate me in front of the class Matsuki?" his expression changes from being gloomy to getting angry..

"You know me?" I asked.

"Of course, we're classmates, and also everyone came to know you when you started going out with the class rep.."

So that's it.. Then who is he? I didn't even realize that he was one of my classmates.

Eh, right, I don't really care about who my classmates is, so I guess that's why, I didn't pay much attention about them, after all.

"..." I was silent. Did I unintentionally become famous because of Kira?

"Satoro?" A familiar voice came from afar.

"It's really, Satoro!"

Huh? Someone's calling me?

I glance onto the direction of the voice and see Kira, with someone I don't want to associate with, It's Minatsuta Yuki.

"Speaking of the devil." He said with an indifferent tone.

"Huh? Why is Matsuki who should be working his ass out in a job is in this kind of place." "Minatsuta glared at me.

Tsk.. Don't look at me like that, it's as if you'll kill me just by staring at me.

"Satoro, what happened?" Kira restlessly bring out her hands near my face and grabbed my cheeks" Geez! Did you get into fight again?" She leaned closer and stared at me. "But, didn't you said that you have work today? Why do you have some bruises?"

She's acting like my sister again.. Well, it's obviously a lie when I told you I have work...

"No, it's just..I.." I held my head in an awkward manner, trying to search up for excuse.

"Let's go," She pulled my arm. "We're going to the nearest hospital." Argh! That hurt a bit. My back hurts and she just held it! Ugh! my back..

"Lucky Bastard." I heard an infuriated guy's voice coming from my side.

"Did you take care of him Toma-san?" Asked Kira as she cling to my shoulder and assisted me to stand.

"N-no, I just got here and we happen to meet."

"Then we'll be going now, please excuse us, and Yuki" she looked at her friend, bowed, "I'm sorry I won't be able to eat lunch with you." She apologized. "I'll take care of Satoro first, he seems to be in bad shape."

"Tsk.." , Minatsuta stared daggers at me, "Just get going. Don't worry about me."

"Okay we'll be going now," Then without further delay, Kira immediately dragged me out of the place, leaving Minatsuta and the guy called Toma on the bench all alone.

Seriously, I want to rest why did I have to come across Kira? I know that we're near the school but why is she out so soon? she should be working right now with school paper works or something.....
