Chapter 43: In the Hospital 2

"So the reason you're here?" I asked.

I've been wondering, How does Toka even know that I'm here.

"Ehm..The manager and I have been worried when you haven't been in touch with us for a few days, we thought something had happened to you so I tried calling Kira-san." She uttered, "you're not answering your phone so I had to asked Kira."

So the manager is worried about me, huh. Isn't just been two days since the last time I worked? They worry too much.

I want to thank the manager for the I.D card she gave me but I have to delay that later. That really save my ass.

But why does Toka have Kira's number?

... I stared at them, seeing the two of them acting all chummy with each other, I asked to myself.

'Did these two become intimate friends?' I'm not aware.

"Satoro," I felt a cold aura coming out from Kira, "Didn't you tell me that for the past few days, you've been working at the shop?" a dark scowl came over her face, "What have you been up to if you're not even there...Care to tell us?"

"That's right, tell us."

"Eh.." My jaw dropped, a woman in her twenties stood elegantly, wearing a women's Business Blazer and a black pants.

It's like an attire of what would you see in a normal woman working in a company, but the suit really stood out seeing it was partnered with her fine body,. it made the suit look good more.

"Ate Yuri?"

"Seriously," My sister sighed as she stood behind

between Toka and Kira who's sitting before me.

"Whenever I heard something about you, it's always about you getting hurt..."

As a normal reaction, Kira and Toka looked over their shoulders in wondered to see who's talking.

"You should've at least message me from time to time to let me know what's going on."

I averted my eyes from my sister as she scolded me.

When did she even get here?..


I can't bring myself to say anything. Should I tell them what really happened?..

I thought I may just be a bother if I keep messaging her so I stop. I mean, she's working hard for us and I feel like being a burden to her, so what else should I do? I thought may be if I worked and kept all of my problems to myself and not sending her message will do it.

"P-please, don't get angry at Satoro!" Kira stood up, facing my sister bravery, "It's not like that he wanted to get hurt, I'm pretty sure it was them who came to him like what happened before,." Kira stood in front of me like a dazzling hero trying to protect a victim.

"It's not his fault, right Satoro?" Kira looked at me seriously, I was swept along, myself nodded and agreed with her but.. Kira suddenly started fidgeting.

"Ehm.. I'm..I lost myself there." She stammered, making my image of her being a hero shattered into pieces.

"Sorry, I know I'm not in the position to say such things but..."

"Kira Miyoko?" my sister's eye's widened.

"Eh, yes?"

"You remember me?" She held Kira's shoulders,

"Eh! Yeah," Kira nodded.

"Really? But who would have thought we'll meet again after so many years."

Huh? What did she mean by that, after so many years? Didn't they met before in my house?

"Many years?" Kira tilted her head, confused. "Uhmm...Well, we met before when I came to your house."

"Huh, you came to our house before?.." she stopped, and peered intently at Kira

"Ah, you mean the old times?...That really brings back memories." my sister let out a low laughed downheartedly. Then after a few moments she clapped, and smiled.

"Let's set aside reminiscing the past, that doesn't matter right now,"

My sister looked at me with her usual distant look but surely she's still showing me an expression of being upset.. I really don't know why she was too different from the sister I had in my memories. What changed her to act like this?..

"So you got into fight again?" She sighed. "I told you to not get into futile fights, you're not a kid anymore, If they came to you first, call the cops. Safety is the first thing you should always prioritize."

"Sorry, I promise I'll avoid fighting as much as I can." I acted like an obedient kid. I can't tell them what really happened. No, that's not it, The thing is I don't want them to know it...

"You better not do this again, got it?" she admonished.

"Yes." I clenched my fist to suppress my desire to tell them. I don't know if it is right or wrong to tell them about it. But, I'll first have to know that group named WCDA before I make a decision, I don't know what will bring it to me if I get involved with them, after all.

But how will I know them... looking up for some information..Who can I asked to help me?.. Korasaku?..Naruki? Is it fine to tell her about it? No, may be I'll just asked her to do it while also not bringing up the real reason why I want to know them...

... After a few moments of silence, my sister held Kira's and Toka's shoulder.

"Okay, you two, I'll sign and take care of bills and documents for now, I'll talk to someone for a while. I'm counting on you to take care of my brother..I know he's a pain, but please bear with it, and stay friends with him, okay?"

"Yes!" the two of them said in unison.

I looked at my sister in wonder as she left us three in the room.

"," Toka looked at me with glistening eyes. "To think you have such a cool Big sister like that."

Cool, huh. So she looks cool to them while here I am looking for the sister in my memories when I have her... Sigh.

"Ohhh, I want to also have a sister like that.. She's so caring and cool at the same time." Toka exclaimed.

"Yeah, she looks cool," Kira nodded, then looked at me, "But..Satoro is much cooler than before."

What is she staring at me like that?...

'll get going now," Toka stood up from the chair, "You seems to be doing well now," The petite girl I used to know looks different, did she got tall? I didn't notice it. May be it's because I always look at her like a kid so I didn't notice. "So, see ya later" She bowed her head, "I have to get back in the shop now, I just stopped by to see you, And knowing that your girlfriend is here. I don't think I will be needed here anymore." Toka cheerfully smiled before finally moved on to left us in the room.

I wasn't able to say anything other than "Okay."

I'm not sure why but, the way she smiled seemed void of happiness.

"Don't you have to also leave too, Kira?" I asked.

"Err..W-well, I told my parents that I have to take care of something so they let me." She scratched her head, then added. "It's fine if I just stay here with you."

"You know, Kira. I don't really like it if you sacrifice the exam you've been working hard just to take care of me. I'm not a kid anymore." making contact with her eyes, I glared at her.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"Of course, I'm your boyfriend, I pretty much know at least that."


"No buts, Get going and go get there, you've been working hard for that University you want to get in right? We're gonna graduate soon and you're here wasting your time here."

"It's not like I'm wasting any time I can just retake it or go to the university you will get in--"" She objected.

"Kira," I flicked her forehead as I usually do, making her to get hurt and showed and expression of "Ouch, that hurts." But she didn't say anything. "Now isn't the time to be idiot! Get out of here and take the exam, are you going to sacrifice your future for someone like me?"


I don't know why she keeps doing such things, If it isn't her who were forced by that girl Natzumi, why is she doing this? Why is she going out with me, there's no way she really likes me, right? That's too unrealistic for someone like her to fall for me.

"Get going!" I lifted up the plain white blanket and covered my entire body.

"I'm fine, so just go there."


Silence filled the room.

No steps, no. sign that Kira left the room so I added. "Hurry up or you'll be late."

"O-okay," I heard Kira's voice, "I'll get going now. make sure you eat properly."

...Sigh. what do they think of me? I'm not a kid anymore!

By then, I heard Kira standing up from the chair, Making a light noise of moving, the foot steps finally stopped..

Meaning, Kira finally left.

So I removed the blanket, reached for my phone and called Naruki.

As I dialed her, I felt like I am cheating or something.

"Sigh, it's not like we're dating for real and I just need to ask some favor to Naruki."

But really. I'm glad I saw Kira's phone earlier, I saw the notification bar mentioning about the examination date of the University of the Philippines is now.

I don't know Why Sunday though.


Dialing Naruki, I sighed heavily.

Why? Just earlier there's so many people here and now I'm all alone here... And why all of them are girls? Didn't I hate girls?..or am I finally getting used to them?




["Satoro-kun, you called me."]

"Ehm..I have something to tell you." I replied.