The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (71)

(Mount Xilean- Holy Sword Sect)

(Twentieth Peak- Secret Prison)

The Containment Facility aka 'The Hole'.

That was the nickname given to the prison hidden behind the mountain range of the Holy Sword sect where all manner of vile criminals were held.

These individuals were too dangerous to be released or there may be a need for them in the future, so they were locked away inside of an underground fortress.

And for some… it was just for punishment. Sometimes death was a mercy…

The light underground was almost nonexistent with the only dim lighting coming from the torches that were prone to going out. 

The air was dry and stale, the unpleasant scents of feaces, urine and blood filled the air, and the worst part was the screams.

Some prisoners had been trapped in here for decades if not centuries and had already gone completely mad.