Visiting Ryder's house.

Hugo was bent on killing many tier 1 zombies, he needed to accomplish his quest. More tier 1 zombies were getting slashed, and their lifeless bodies were still falling to the ground...all these were Hugo's doing.

Before his four friends even began with their slashings, Hugo had already killed a good amount of zombies. They were just killing and passing through, it was so easy, these were tier 1 zombies, their attacks were really slow. But that doesn't mean they weren't cautious, they were still very cautious.

Evelyn was just swinging her chain sickles slashing zombies as their lifeless bodies were falling to the ground. As for Vera, she kept on slashing the zombies in their faces, she was giving each of them quick deaths. Everett was swinging his sword slashing zombies in whatever spots, some were being slashed in their faces, some in their necks, some in their stomachs.