Large number of zombies.

The zombies coming from the side kept on reducing, Hugo was firing the hell out of their lives...he kept on targeting their foreheads. And before he knew it, they had exhausted, he had fired every single one of them.

And at that moment, Everett's voice resounded,

"More are adding up, they aren't reducing".

"Yeah, that's the same case for us too, more are falling from the three-storey building. They are adding up, they aren't finishing". Ryder's voice resounded also.

Since Hugo was done with the ones coming from the left-hand side, he decided he was gonna help them. He glanced at the ones darting towards, Ryder and Vera, they were many, but it was something they could handle with enough bullets.

He glanced at the ones heading toward Everett and Evelyn, and they were more many than the ones heading toward, Ryder and Vera. The zombies adding up to the ones already darting towards them were more many also.

'They are the ones I'm gonna assist'. He thought to himself.