
(Note: Double release, there is also a new chap on the secret cheese society.)

"Merlin damn it, Andy." Sirius stretched his arms "This is delicious."

She only chuckled in response, a day after the world cup's disastrous end the Black-Tonks household decided that spending a few more days together was for the best.

"It's just waffles, Sirius." Andromeda said, but smiled nonetheless.

"I gotta agree with the old man." Magnus said, though it lacked energy.

"Waffles are justice." Uncle Ted managed to stay away from his plate long enough to blurt out.

The de facto matriarch of the Blacks only muttered something about unruly children, she was about to educate her husband on his lack of class when the prophet's signature barn owl entered through the windows.

Magnus gave it some bacon which he disliked anyway before it took off. He barely had the strength to ask his father about today's news, but received no answer.

Sirius played with his styled beard, lost in thought.

"Something's wrong?" Aunt Andy asked, looking over her cousin's shoulders.

"Wreck at the World Cup...Lockharts sighting in eastern Europe...New discoveries in permutation…" She read the titles.

"Look at this." Sirius pointed at a rather inconspicuous note. "Annulation of the Malfoy seasonal ball."

It took her only a few seconds to catch his meaning.

"The Malfoys would rather cut off their legs than give up on their parties, something big must've happened." She bit her nail. "This is bad, with the dark mark being cast yesterday…"

Sirius nodded, face neutral.

"I fucking called it." He said "That slimy bastard was involved in yesterday's shitstorm."

Andromeda didn't even bother correcting his language, Magnus by now had already been influenced by his wild tempered father.

"I just hope Cissy won't suffer for it."

She sat down, silently eating her breakfast. All of them were deep in thought, except Ted who was still engrossed in his objectively perfect breakfast.

It was the perfect moment for a bubblegum haired witch with a bad case of selective clumsiness to make her entrance. Seeing her wearing her dragonhide battle robes proudly, Magnus was almost impressed.

"Why all the gloom?" Tonks asked, "Had enough Tonks, already?"

"That's simply impossible." Magnus said, offering her a smile. "Aunt Andy is just worried about Draco's mom, Sirius is worried about Snaky boy's favorite boy toy newest bullshit and Me...well, I'm a bit tired."

"The first transformations tend to be exhausting." Sirius nodded, a silly smile on his face. "I remember the time Prongs and I were sneaking a peek at some country girls bathing in a lake and...well, I really shouldn't be telling this story."

Magnus was surprised to see his father displaying some self preservation, then again his aunt Andy was a very good teacher.

"Were you thinking something rude, dear?"

"Never." He said without hesitation.

"Good boy, unlike your oaf of a father." She patted his head like a harem protagonist hunting a new waifu.


While he wondered what was up with the women in his life trying to condition him into goodness, a red faced Nymphadora decided she had enough with the blatant disrespect.

"You don't seem to realize that you just confessed to illegal animagus transformation." She tried to sound more severe than she was "I should be arresting you on the spot."


"Pffft" Sirius guffawed, joined by Magnus, her mother and even Ted who recovered enough of his mental faculties to recognize comedy.

"I'm serious." She said, blushing while her hair became a meek brown. "...Shit."

"No, that's me." He pointed out.

"True." Magnus nodded "You might be a bit confused, Nymphadora."

A stinging hex was sent his way, but he blocked with his now empty plate.

"I still don't see what's wrong with your name." Andromeda said "Don't you agree?"

"It's better than Magnus." He shrugged, wondering what kind of silly person would name a child this way.

'It sounds like the protagonist of a crappy wattpad fanfic.'


Fleur Delacour was confused.

Yesterday was a disaster by no other name, she lost track of just how many times she thought she might die. Her sister being saddled with her, and her own inability to make a difference only made it so much worse.

Dozens of wizards paid a homage to their fallen dark lord. Through muggle baiting and arson, they managed to sow panic and discord among the overwhelmingly more numerous visitors and effectively weaponized them to distract the authorities.

Fortunately, there were no casualties. Plenty of wounded, yes. But nothing magic couldn't fix.

At least, that's what they said.

She knew the reality was different, she felt those people dying in the woods.

Fleur tried warning her father about it, but quickly thought better.

'Father, I have sensed a single wizard slaughtering eight others but somehow spared me. Oh, and I managed to escape because a giant eagle guided us to safety.' It sounded like something Gabby might say.

Sebastian loved her, but even he would think she went mad.

So there she was, preparing herself for one last school year. The triwizard tournament was closing in, and Madam Maxime told her in no simple terms that she expected her to be their champion.


That was where it all started, and she was going back into that accursed land.

Perhaps her curiosity will be satisfied?


In Ottery St Catchpole

"Luna dear, Are you sure this is a good idea?" The sickly pale Xenophilius lovegood in all of his non-existent glory asked his daughter.

The petite third year was busy with a strange contraption, It would look like a charming if common brass kaleidoscope if not for the myriad of runes inscribed on it.

He himself could not understand half of them, and wasn't sure he felt comfortable letting his sweet Luna toy around with it.

Then again, he espoused a strict libertarian philosophy. Stopping her from committing her mistakes would be an act of tyranny that would go against his deepest most sincere principles.

"Do not question the genius of Magnus Black, father." She said with not-at-all cult-like devotion.

It was mildly concerning to see her so passionate about someone else, his Luna had always been something of an outcast. With this Magnus being a boy, the older man felt a certain something burning inside him, but he quickly got rid of it.

"Yes, dear." He said, before leaving her to her own device.

A few more modifications laters, the runic array of the kaleidoscope shined a bright green much to the little girl's pleasure.

She reached for the blue transmission bead her friend had given her, and crushed it.

"Project Maj-TV was a success."


Deep in the Albanian forests, an unnatural being woke up to the convergence of dark forces.

So long it stayed dormant, gorging itself on the foul magic of the land like a parasite. It was a low process, for it could no longer influence its surroundings.

With no spell to be cast, no servant to do its bidding, no thought to form its schemes. All it could do was wait, wait and eat.

Now it has woken up, and soon it shall fly off to take back its birthright. The time of doom has arrived, and its enemies will know.

For when they hear it drink and see it fly, their hearts will be filled with fear and none will dare say its name.

Lord Voldemort awoke from its slumber, with its soul mangled beyond repair. Soon the unfaithful will be punished, the muggle stain cleansed from this world.

As for those who stayed loyal, it shall reward them with a life of long servitude. They will be nothing, own nothing, and be happy about it.


Author Note:

Hey guys! It's Uncle Sheo!

Technically, I posted four chapters today, does it mean my sins are forgiven?

Peace and Cheese!