Chapter 38: Lord Bidoof


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"Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" Edward asked, watching Rosa humming with joy while tending the fire inside the pit.


They had arrived at the camp just a few moments ago after battling a few aggressive Pokemon in the woods.

After they parted ways with the Patrat's group, they met a few other Pokemon on the way back, such as Rattata, Spearow, and Venipede.

Seeing this rare opportunity to train his Torchic, he led both Falkner and Pidgey through the woods, defeating their opponent one by one swiftly, though Venipede took some time to beat due to its poison.

Actually, he is amazed by its potential. First, it used Rollout to maneuver around Torchic skillfully. Next, it further strengthened the move by relying on its Poison Point ability, layering its carapace with toxic venom to deter Torchic from attacking its weak spot.

Fortunately, Torchic knows how to use Detect proficiently after many battles it had gone through. Torchic managed to evade its fast-rolling move just before it hit and rammed the opponent with a Flame Charge on its head, knocking it unconscious.

As it happens, Edward might just conquer this Pokemon if it weren't for the fact it is a Poison-type Pokemon. Moreover, he hasn't found any Pecha Berries that can counteract the effect of poisoning.

So, he has to let the Pokemon go with a heavy heart.

Anyway, Edward caused quite a stir in the woods, beating many wild Pokemon until they inevitably had to leave in defeat after stumbling into the territory of a horrible and stinky Pokemon, Stunky.

Stunky is a small, skunk-like Pokémon with dark-purple fur. Its face is large and rounded, with a narrow orange nose, orange-rimmed eyes, and two pairs of somewhat "V"-shaped cream-colored whiskers on the sides of its face.

It has two pointed ears that appear orange on the inside. A stripe of cream-colored fur runs along its back, with a small tuft protruding from behind its neck.

Also, its tail is raised high and ends with spiked hair pointed behind it. Finally, it has a cream-colored underbelly and four short legs with three white spikes on each leg.

Stunky noticed the intruders breaching its domain and then protected itself by spraying a noxious fluid from its rear to the air. As a result, they bolted straight out of that hellhole after smelling the foul-smelling stench lingering in the air.

In fact, they can still smell the stench on their nose despite being far away from the Pokemon's territory. That's just how terrible it is.

Following the horrifying episode, he decided that Torchic's had enough training for the time being and returned to their camp to meet up with Rosa.


"Edward! Falkner! You guys are back!" Rosa exclaimed merrily after noticing the figure of Edward and the others near the camp.

"Something seems off with you today. Did something happen?" Edward asked curiously after seeing the broad smile plastered on her face.

"Oh! I have something to show you guys. Give me a minute!" She stood up and ran into the tents they had set up earlier.

Edward and Falkner looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, unaware of the incident that occurred to Rosa while they were finding some food.

Just as they were about to prepare their early lunch, Rosa returned, walking towards them while carrying an egg wrapped in clothes as a makeshift carrier.

"Is that an egg?" Falkner asked in amazement after seeing the egg in Rosa's embrace.

"Yes. Isn't it wonderful? Beautifly and I found it near the woods. A snake nearly ate it before we managed to rescue it." She replied while caressing the egg softly.


Both Edward and Falkner went closer to the egg and observed it with their eyes full of wonder.

"Can you guys guess what kind of creature will hatch out of it?" She asked her team members.

"No idea. I don't know. A Pidgey, maybe?" Falkner thought for a few seconds, then shook his head and replied jokingly.


"See! Even Pidgey thought the same," Falkner said, agreeing with his Pokemon's cry.

Rosa shook her head after watching Falkner's antic with his bird.

"Edward?" She turned towards Edward.

"I don't know either," Edward shrugged his shoulder after watching the egg carefully.

It's true.

He really has no idea what kind of Pokemon this egg will hatch into. In fact, he even used the system's sight to identify the egg, but the only information displayed is unknown except for its typing, which is a grass-type Pokemon.

"Come on, let's prepare our lunch. We will be leaving for the canyon soon." Edward said towards them.



A fire is burning by the river banks, surrounded by multiple figures having their afternoon meal. Occasionally, a round of merry laughter can be heard from within the camp.

A lone figure is sitting on the rock, watching the camp bustling with warmth and joy. It seemed to stare into the distance, apparently remembering something deep in its memories.


The sound of a tree branch being stepped on echoed in its ears.

It snapped out of its deep remembrance, then looked towards the figure who was walking towards its spot while carrying a bowl filled with food.

"Here, we have some extra left. This is for you." The figure raised his hand, showing no intention of harm, and placed the bowl near its rock.

Then, the figure left, returning to his camp.

It stared at the figure's back for some time before eating the food sent by him.



Edward had just reached the camp after sending the food to Bidoof that it requested from him. It appears they struck some sort of friendship while staying guard back at the campsite.

"Come on, guys! Let's pack up and leave!" Edward said to his companion loudly.

A clamor went through the entire camp while they quickly washed their dishes and packed their tent inside the bag.

As they are hoisting the beg onto their shoulder, a tremor occurs suddenly.

It is pretty similar to the tremor that happened back in the lake.

"Everybody, calm down! It should be over soon." Edward reminded his members.

"Edward! Look at the river! The current is getting stronger! We need to get away from this place quickly!" Falkner shouted while pointing his finger at the river.


It appears that something must have happened after that loud crashing sound because the river current is getting stronger. Some even spilled on the banks pulling many stones and tree branches into the water.

Before they were about to enter the woods and wait for the current to weaken, they heard a mournful cry.


The familiar small creature ran towards the river, attempting to break through the strong current. Unfortunately, its small frame couldn't fight against the wrath of mother nature.

It appears that it will drown in the river if they didn't rescue it soon.

"Beautifly, I need your help to save it!" Edward commanded Beautifly to rescue the Pokemon drowning in the river while tying a rope around its body so it could grab onto it easily.

"Let Pidgey help too!" Falkner said, offering his Pokemon's help.






After a few minutes of struggling, they managed to pull the mouse-like creature out of the river. But, unfortunately, it has fallen unconscious after swallowing too much water. Rosa quickly performed an emergency rescue for the Pokemon removing the water out its lungs. Luckily, it woke up immediately, making them sigh in relief.

"Bidoof!" It stared at the river while shedding its tears in sadness.

"Why is it crying?" Falkner whispered into his ears.

"I think I know why. Look over there," Replied Edward while nodding his head toward the far side of the river.

"A dam?" Falkner said confusedly.

"It is its home. However, something unfortunate may have fallen upon its family because beavers usually live in a group." Edward explained his findings.

"A beaver? I thought it was a mouse or a rat?" Falkner asked.

"It is only a guess. Besides, why would it swim desperately towards the dam just now?" said Edward.


The dam was destroyed thoroughly by the strong current of the river. At this moment, they are standing in front of the wreckage caused by the tremor.

"Bidoof," It cried sadly while picking up a tree piece from the wreckage of the dam.


After staring at the scene and listening to the Bidoof's cry, Timburr suddenly gave a confident shout.

It went to a nearby tree and cut it down using the small axe it took from Edward's bag. Then, it chopped it into smaller pieces before carrying them back towards the wreckage and trying to rebuild the dam back up again.

"Timburr!" It replied after noticing everyone was staring at itself.

"Alright, Timburr. We are going to help too," Edward patted its head.


"Haa! I'm tired! This will take one more day at least to finish rebuilding." Rosa panted after rolling up a tree block into the river.

"What can we do? Are you just going to leave it like this?" Edward asked after hearing her statement.

"Of course not. But, I wish we could get more people to help us," she replied to Edward's question.

"Hmm, help.. Give me a few minutes," said Edward while picking up his bags and running towards the woods with Torchic following suit.




A few minutes have passed after Edward's left into the woods. Suddenly many cries can be heard coming from the woods, scaring many other occupants into hiding.

After that, they all looked towards the periphery of the forest, readying themselves for any incursion.

Edward's figure can be seen walking out of the woods with many Patrat following behind him. After seeing his friend's surprised expression, he shouted, "I bought some help."


Finally, they rebuilt the dam after working together with the Patrat's group. As a result, a new dam can be faintly seen in the distance standing in the middle of the river.

"Bye! Thanks for your help." Rosa waved her hand towards the Patrat's group, who were leaving for their home while carrying some Pokemon food in their hands.

Apparently, Edward had offered them more Pokemon food in exchange for their help.

Soon, they were leaving towards the canyon after helping Bidoof rebuild its home.

Behind them, Bidoof was standing beside a tree, watching them getting farther away.

"Hey, Bidoof! Are you coming with us?" Edward's shout came into its ears just as it was about to head back to its home.

It turned its head and saw the figure of Edward waving his hands towards itself.


It gave a loud cry before running towards them. The lonely Pokemon has found a new home.


[Ding! Congratulations to the host for capturing Lord Bidoof]

[Rewarding, 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 Points.]

(AN: Thanks to William Pennington for suggesting Bidoof.)