Chapter 15: Academy Days Episode XV

Sardoth and I stared each other down.

As we did I put a confident smirk on my face, which caused him to frown at me.

"As you both know, this will be a point match. The first to strike their opponent will be named the victor." Master Yaddle explained.

Once she did both Sardoth and I drew our training lightsabers and activated them.

Him getting into the opening stance for Shii-Cho. While I myself got into the opening stance for Makashi.

I mean since this is duel why not use the lightsaber combat style geared toward dueling opponents?

Besides, I'll never improve in using it, since Makashi practioner within the order are extremely rare in the current age, unless I get some experience.

And right now is one of those time I can do so.

"Begin." Master Yaddle spoke.

When she did Sardoth charged at me with an overheard swing.

Raising my own blade up I blocked it, and then used my blade to direct Sardoths into the ground.

Once I did I moved for an upward slash, but at the last second Sardoth managed to jump back and avoid it.

When he steadied himself I smirked at him once more.

This only made him more annoyed.

I also saw master Yaddle giving me a look but I ignored it.

So long as I'm not overtly taunting Sardoth I see no issue with a bit of psychological mind play.

Which I am not using the Force to do.

This is psychology, plain and simple.

Since in these mock battles Force abilties are forbidden. If that wasn't already clear.

Going on the attack again Sardoth came at me with several wide swings.

Each of which I dodged.

Seeing his current attacks weren't working Sardoth stopped. He then started rapidly jabbing his lightsaber in my direction.

Keeping my defense tight I deflected his jabs using my own blade. Applying the fundamentals of Makashi to the best of my current abilties.

Even though his attacks weren't getting through my defenses Sardoth kept attacking me with jabs.

Capitalizing on this I waited, and when I saw my chance I deflected a jab and then slashed at Sardoth hand which held the hilt of his blade.

Landing a direct hit.

This caused Sardoth to drop his blade, and when he did I decided to end the match with a jab with my training lightsaber straight to his chest.

"Match over. Winner, Van Sunrider." Master Yaddle declared.

When she did I deactivated my training lightsaber and reached out my free hand in Sardoth's direction. "It was a good match."

"Yes." He said. Gritting his teeth as he did.

He then shook my hand.

Though he squeezed it with more force than necessary.

I didn't care though.

I simply savored the feeling of my victory over him and my delight in screwing with him.

Breaking our handshake the two of us went back to our respective groups.

Upon reaching my friends they gave me congratulations.

"Van, that was most incredible." Nahdar spoke.

"Yeah." Serra added. "I didn't know Makashi was so cool."

"Oh, I see you have finally realized the greatness of Makashi Serra." I said to her.

Ignoring the groans of the others, except for Marcellus.

Because unlike everyone else he had chosen to learn Makashi alongside me.

Everyone else opted not to.

Which makes no sense.

Since Makashi is amazing.

"Serra, if you want I can teach you Makashi." I said.

Hoping to convert Serra and teach her the wonderful and graceful style of swordplay that is Makashi.

"Am, no thanks." Serra replied.

Crushing my hopes and dreams without any hesitation.

Then before I could reply she was called up for her mock battle.

Which happened to be against Nahdar.

As the two of them walked over to master Yaddle I began scheming on how I could get my friends to realize what Dooku and I already know.

Makashi is amazing.


A bit more time passed before all the mock battles had been completed.

All of my friends having won theirs" except for Serra.

Nahdar managed to claim victory in their match.

But even so she didn't let that get her down.

That optimism of hers is one of her best qualities.

Moving on.

Us younglings stood in front of all the masters once more.

"The second trial, completed you have younglings. Now, only one remains, hm." Master Yoda spoke. "Break down into small groups now we will, to administer the final initiate trial." He explained.

Then the moment Yoda finished speaking the masters broke us initiates down into small groups.

My group ended up under the supervision of Micah Giett.

"Alright younglings follow me." The portly Jedi spoke.

But don't let his size fool you master Giiett is a master in lightsaber combat and a well trained Jedi Sentinel.

Which happens to be the path I wish to follow while still as a member of the order.

For I feel a mix of Jedi skills with specializations in a new non-Jedi skills would suit me best.

Following master Giiett our group left the hall.

We then walked for a few moments before arriving at a set of doors.

The moment we did master Giiett opened them and my group followed him inside.

As soon as we were all in he used the Force to shut the doors.

When he did I took a quick look around the room.

In doing so I noticed a computer terminal sitting in the left corner of the room.

Yet nothing else.

Which made me suspicious.

For I feel there is definitely more to this room than meets the eyes.

Like Transformers.

"Younglings, this is where your third and final initiate trial will take place." Master Giiett explained.

He then walked over to the computer terminal and pressed several keys on it.

A few seconds after master Giiett did this the room underwent a sudden change.

Sections of the floor, ceiling, and walls slid open.

Then once they did so objects came out of them.

Platforms on the floor, giant diamond-shaped pendulums from the ceiling, and cannons from the walls that began firing nets and bola.

When the rooms transformation was complete I realized I was looking at an obstacle course.

Proving my earlier assumption right.

"Your task for this trial will be to clear this obstacle course. Though you will not be able to use your lightsabers to do so." Master Giiett explained. "Now, who would like to go first?" He asked.

"I will." A thirteen year old youngling spoke.

He then stepped up and started running the obstacle course.

Which he made good progress in, until he got halfway through it.

For when he did he was suddenly stopped in his tracks by a wall rising out of the floor to block his path.

Startled he fell on his butt.

As the initiate did so the section of the floor he was lying on suddenly turned into a platform and put him in the air.

Then immediately after that one of the cannons fired a bola at him, which hit its mark.

Ending the older younglings run of the obstacle course.

Which gave me valuable information.

This obstacle course gets harder as you progress towards the end.

And since we can't use our lightsabers to help us clear it we can only rely on our physical abilties and the Force.

A rather ingenious test.

I also wonder if members of the Order regularly train in rooms like this. Since it would help explain some of the crazy acrobatics some Jedi can pull off.

Like what Obi-Wan and Anakin did during their battle on Mustafar during Episode III.

But those are questions I can answer later.

Right now I have an obstacle course to clear.

Once master Giiett was done using telekinesis to bring the initiate who failed the course back down to our side he looked at the rest of us.

"So, who would like to go next?" He asked.

"I will." I said.

Stepping forward.

Ready to clear the obstacle course.