Chapter 17: A Message In A Holocron

My mind focused on my current task, the Force and Dooku standing in front of me, I stared straight at him.

The seconds ticking by.

Currently the two of us are inside one of the temple many training rooms.

This went on for a bit longer before Dooku spoke up.

"Time." He said.

The moment I heard this I started breathing again. For I was holding my breath.

Three months have passed since Dooku and I became master and apprentice officially.

During this time he has been fulfilling his role as my master exceptionally.

Not only has Dooku helped me improved my techniques in all forms of lightsaber combat I have been shown thus far, but he has also started teaching me the basics of Form V: Shien/Djem So. In addition he is helping me gain better control over the Force and has begun teaching me several other Force powers than the ones I learned during my time as a youngling.

Like Breathe Control.

Which allows me to now hold my breathe for up to fifteen minutes now.

Though I am nowhere near Dooku's league, since he can use Breath Control to hold his for five hours straight easily.

He really is a great Jedi.

But that makes me want to train even harder so I don't do anything to tarnish his reputation, and so one day I can surpass him.

For I am using Dooku as a benchmark for my own progress.

I can't think of many other Jedi in this era who would fit the bill any better.

"It looks like you have made progress in Breathe Control once again my apprentice. But do not let that blind you. You still have much more to learn." Dooku said.

"Yes, I know master. And thank you." I told him.

"Yes, yes. Now, let us move onward with today's training." Dooku spoke.

"Sure. What are you going to teach me today?" I asked him.

Since I am hungry for knowledge.

What I just did with Breathe Control was simply a quick review from our previous lessons.

Sure I can access the Jedi temple archives and learn about various Force powers, but that will only get me so far.

Partly because the archives do not hold a record of every single Force power known by those in the order, some are only known to a select few, and partly because the records in the archives pertaining to certain Force powers are only theory.

To actually learn and apply certain Force powers there is no better substitute from learning them from a master.

Though of course that doesn't mean I won't learn some Force powers on my own from the archives.

"It is not I who will be teaching you today, but someone much older than I. And it is someone you know young Van." Dooku spoke.

Spotting cryptic words like many Jedi do.

I can't wait until I'm able to do that.


As I was about to ask Dooku what he meant I got my answer when he pulled a holocron from within his cloak.


Information storage devices which allow Jedi/Sith or pretty much any force-sensitive sufficiently trained to record knowledge that can come in various forms.

The information stored on a holocron could be anything from force techniques, to simply a historical record or a list.

You generally never know what's on a holocron until you open it.

Placing the holocron on the floor in the center of the training room Dooku packed up from it and then got on his knees.

Once he did so he closed his eyes and I could feel him focusing the Force on the holocron.

As he did so I saw the holocron start to undergo a slight transformation. Which in no time at all was completed.

Then once it was the holocron projected a holographic image into the air above it.

The image in question being none other than my ancestor, Nomi Sunrider.

But unlike in the caves of Illum the Nomi standing in front of me is not the real one. It is simply the impression of herself she left on the holocron when she created it centuries ago.

Which generally happens when force-sensitive's create personal holocron's.

I looked at her for a few seconds before turning my gaze to Dooku.

Who was standing to his feet.

"Apprentice, is there an issue?" Dooku asked me.

"No, nothing in particular master. I am just suprised by this is all." I told him truthfully.

I mean I know from examing the temple archives there was a holocron of Nomi stored in the holocron vault, and I wanted to learn from it one day, I just didn't think that day would come so early in my training.

I explained my thoughts to Dooku.

"I see. Well what you feel is very understandable. But based on what I have seen from you over these past few months, and over these past few years I feel you are more than ready to start learning from your ancestors holocron." Dooku explained.

"I see. Thank you for placing your trust in me then master." I said to Dooku.

I then turned my attention back to Nomi's holocron and her holographic image.

Who is wearing a smile on her face.

"Greetings to you both. As you know my name is Nomi Sunrider. Before I begin instructing you in what I know today may I know your names?" The hologram spoke.

Sounding and acting like a real person.

Even though it's not.

Which is cool, and a bit strange at the same time.

Though since holocron's are going to be part of my life from now one I need to get used to it.

"Yes, you may. I am Dooku Serenno." Dooku spoke. Using his full mame.

Which yes,his last name is the same name of his home planet, Serenno.

Though most of the time he simply prefers to be called Dooku.

"A pleasure to meet to you Dooku Serenno." The hologram Nomi said. She then looked at me.

"Hello my name is Van Sunrider." I said.

"I see." The hologram Nomi said. "Tell me Van, what rank are you currently within the order?"

"Am Padawan, why?" I asked.

"Thank you for letting me know." Hologram Nomi said. Her entire demeanor then completely changed. She then spoke in a robotic voice. "Van Sunrider, current rank does not allow access to the information. A higher rank within the order must be achieved before information is allowed to be accessed." She spoke.

Shocking me, and Dooku as well.

"Master, has this holocron ever done anything like this before?" I asked him.

"No, not the other times I have used it. Nor has this been reported happening by anyone else who has used this holocron." He explained.

"So it's just me then. Great." I said.

My mind racing a mile a minute to try and process what just happened.

It looks like there is hidden information on Nomi's holocron. Information which it seems it will only allow me to access. But not until I reach a certain rank within the Jedi Order.

Which leaves me with so many questions it's not even funny.

What is the information Nomi's holocron wants to give me? What rank do I have to achieve within the order to be granted access to it? How does Nomi's holocron even know about me in the first place, since I didn't exist in this world until recently?

As my mind raced for answers to the questions I had I saw the hologram of Nomi return to its normal demeanor.

"Hey, what was that about for? What information are you hiding from me?" I asked the hologram Nomi.

"I apologize Van, but I can't any those questions. All I can say is all will be revealed once you achieve a sufficient rank within the order and become eligible to access the information." She explained.

"Ok then. What rank do I have to achieve within the order to gain access to the hidden information you hold?" I asked.

"I am sorry, but I am not allowed to tell you that either." Hologram Nomi replied.

Hearing this I had to resist the urge to pull out my hair.

"Ok, then what exactly are you allowed to tell me at moment?" I asked.

For I will not let this go until I got at least some sort of concrete understanding.

"All I can say is that the hidden information I possess is a spark that will help to nurture a bright burning light that will extinguish the dark shroud over the galaxy." Hologram Nomi said. Looking me dead in the eyes as she did.

Me getting her message loud and clear.

The hidden information she is keeping from me at the moment will help me combat Sidious and his machinations.

"I understand." I said.

"I knew you would." Nomi replied. "So, I would love to get to training but Van, it would be better if you and master Dooku had a talk first." She said.

Which made me remember Dooku was in the room.

I was so wrapped up in the information Nomi's holocron was giving me I completely forgot about him.

Turning slowly I soon faced my master.

Who is looking at me with curiosity with his face saying he wants answers.




"So, that just happened." I said.

Trying to break the tension in the air.

It didn't work.

So now it's time for some truth.

Oh joy.