Chapter 26: Meeting of Past & Present

[Corusca Sector, Coruscant Subsector, Coruscant System]

Our T-6 shuttle coming out of hyperspace Dooku and I found ourselves looking at Coruscant out of the ships cockpit.

Me feeling like it's been ages since I've seen the world.

When really it's only been a couple of weeks.

As Dooku flew the shuttle closer to the planet he was soon contacted by Coruscant Air Traffic Control.

The moment he was he transmitted them our shuttles IFF as well as Jedi clearance codes that any member of fhe order with the rank of Knight of higher is privy too.

A few moments after traffic control received everything Dooku sent them we were cleared for entry to Coruscant down below.

So once we were our shuttle began descending into the gravity of the planet that has been the center of galactic power for generations.


Bringing our shuttle down for a landing in the Jedi temple hangar Dooku and I disembarked.

As we made our way through the halls of the temple my master spoke to me.

"Young Van, for the next week training is cancelled. Take some time to rest, recuperate, and reflect on your first mission. Also, good work." He said.

"Yes master, and thank you." I told him.

Once I did so Dooku got ready to part ways with me.

"Oh, what a coincidence us meeting like this How have you been my former master?"

Only to stop when a voice called out to him. A very familiar voice.

Looking ahead of me I saw two people approaching Dooku and I.

The first was Liam Nesson. Sorry, I mean Qui-Gon Jinn.

[Insert Image of Qui-Gon Jinn here]

While the second was his current apprentice and one of the most iconic characters of the Star Wars universe, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

[Insert Image of Obi-Wan Kenobi here]

'I wonder if I can get Kenobi to say "Hello there."' I thought.

The pair stopped in front of us.

"I am doing well Qui-Gon." Dooku spoke. "As I see you are."

"Yes, very well." Qui-Gon replied. He then looked in my direction. "And you must be my former masters new apprentice, Van Sunrider."

"Yes, that is meet. A pleasure to finally meet you master Minn." I told Qui-Gon. "And you as well Obi-Wan. I've heard tales around the temple of the many adventures you two embark on. Like your recent mission to the Mandalore Sector." I spoke.

Which of course made the atmosphere a bit awkward. But I don't care.

I know why Dooku feels the way he does about the Mandalorians, considering the 'Battle of Gaaldiran' is what made him start losing faith in the Jedi and the Republic in the first place, but I need him to come to terms with it sooner rather than later.

Since I plan on recruiting the Mandalorians to my side one day.

For I really love those people and found it a great travesty how they were portrayed once the 'Clone Wars' began.

A once great people who for generations almost brought the Republic, the Jedi Order, and the entire galaxy to their knees reduced to peace loving pacifist who simply try and ignore reality or terrorists perverting the Mandalorian culture to meet their own ends.

Which reminds me I need to kill Pre Vizla as soon as possible.

I don't want to deal with Death Watch.

Plus getting rid of them will allow me to make inroads with the current Mandalorian government.

As for dealing with Satine, well I have a few ideas but nothing concrete yet.

"Yes, that was quite the experience." Qui-Gon spoke.

"I'm sure it was. Considering the history between Mandalorians and the Jedi and the Republic." I replied. "So I heard a rumor the new duchess of Mandalore is quite beautiful, is it true?"

"Yes, I think so." Qui-Gon answered. "And Obi-Wan does as well. Even as he and the success argued with each other almost every day we were there."

"Master, there is no need to share that information." Obi-Wan spoke. "And she wasn't that beautiful." He said. Getting a faint hint of pink on his cheeks as he did.

Since Obi-Wan is lying through his teeth.

It's obvious to anyone who watched the Clone Wars television show those two were in love.

But due to the policies of the current order they could never truly be together.


Which is why I just might help them get their happy ending.

Especially since I ship them. It's like the meme: If it fits it ships.

Plus hooking Satine up with Obi-Wan just might mellow her out enough to join my cause.

So that's now a possible plan.

But it will all depend on circumstances.

"I see. Thank you for that information." I told the master and apprentice.

Then just as I did so Komari rounded the corner.

"Oh, what's this." She mused. Coming over to join our little group.

"Master Dooku, it looks like the Force mighr be conspiring against you a bit." Komari said. A teasing grin on her face.

"I'll say. Three of his students all ending up in once place at the same time like this. It can only be the Force." I spoke. Deciding to play along with Komari. "On that note master Jinn and Knight Vosa I was thinking one day we could get together and swap stories about our shared master. I think that would be quite fun."

"I concur." Komari added.

"Yes. I think that would be a most enlighting conversation." Qui-Gon added.

Playing along as well.

Dooku sighed at our words. "The Force seems to enjoy gifting me with talented yet unique apptentices. I don't know what I ever did to deswrve such an honor."

"Just by being yourself master." I said.

"Yes, I'm sure." Dooku mused. "Anyway good day to you all." He said.

Dooku then left as fast as possible.

Once he was gone we three apprentices shared a laugh.

We then went our separate ways.

Me with a small on my face.

Since I definitely plan to sit down with Komari and Qui-Gon one day and swap stories about Dooku.