Chapter 30: HK-47

-Five Years Later-

[Van Personal Apartment, Coruscant, Galactic City, 33 BBY]

Feeling the morning sun hit my face I slowly opened up my eyes.

I then stifled a yawn and sat up in my nice comfortable bed, in my nice comfortable apartment.

Which I paid for myself.

As for how, we'll get to that in a moment.

For now let me catch you up.

Five years have passed since that night in the Room of a Thousand Fountains where Dooku managed to rally those that attended the meeting to our cause.

On that night everything changed.

Because it was then our coalition was truly born.

Since then we have only added more members of the order to it.

Making sure not to get caught of course.

All of them preparing for what's to come.

In many different ways.

Just like yours truly.

I am now fifteen years old.

My powers having grown, and me having wracked up some serious experience in using them. As well as experience in other matters and areas as well.

After that meeting I started taking up my training even further.

Dooku going along with it, guiding me every step of the way.

Keeping me from taking things too far at times, and pushing me past my limits at others.

I am truly grateful to have him as my master.

In addition to training Dooku and I have completed numerous missions in every part of the galaxy.

We've filled the roles of mediators, warriors, pirate hunters, bodyguards, and everything in between.

Those times being exciting, terrifying, annoying, and all other emotions you can think of.

And I loved every second of it.

Now then, back to the apartment and how I obtained it.

Like I said earlier I bought it with my own money.

What money you ask?

The money I make from the books I've written and had published.

Books which I re-created from my previous life.

Shortly after we brought the others into our group I asked for Komari's assistance in helping me get my books published and managing the funds.

Since if I did so on my own things would've been complicated.

For in most of the Republic, except for certain areas, you cannot act on your own generally until you reach what is known as 'The Age of Responsibility' which in the Core Words is seventeen years old.

But I couldn't wait that long to start make money, hence me asking Komari for help.

Which she agreed to.

So long as I have her a percentage of the profits I made.

A deal I gladly made.

She gets 5% of all profits made from my book sales.

Which I know doesn't seem like a lot, but when your books are super popular like mine are it is.

As for what books I decided to introduce to the Star Wars universe, it was 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series by Geroge R.R. Martin.

Though here the book series about Westeros is has a different author as its creator.

The fake identity and pen name I set up for my author persona.

Dio Brando.

Who is a galaxy famous author nowadays as well as a complete recluse who you can only reach through his personal assistant, Lisa Lisa.

Who is Komari.

The perfect plan if I do say so myself.

Getting out of my bed I headed to the bathroom.

My height now 1.91 meters.

Which I would question, but considering the heights of people in the Star Wars universe I am just rolling with it.

I mean Dooku is 1.96 meters.

Taking care of morning business I headed out of my personal bedroom and into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

Only to hear someone enter the apartment.

As soon as I did I used telekinesis to bring my lightsaber to me and activated it.

Only to deactivate it when the individual who entered my apartment came into my line of sight.


"Statement: Greetings master, I have returned." He said.

"I can see that HK. Welcome back. So, I take it your mission was successful?"

"Sarcastic statement: Oh no master, the mission was a compete failure. I barely eacaped with my chassis intact. I was so frightened I came back here to seek your protection from those meatbags." He spoke.

I gave him a flat look, and resisted the urge to sigh.

Since although I love HK-47 and am glad he is one my side I really have to question what sort of shit Revan was making when he made this droid?

I would of course ask HK-47 what he thought in that regard, but I won't.

Since I know he will probably just kriff with me.

Like he has ever since we met and I became his master.

Which happened two years ago shortly after my thirteenth birthday.

Once I made enough money from my books I hired a private mercenary company to search Mustafar for the ancient assassin droid.

As soon as they located him I has them covertly bring him here to Coruscant so I could acquire him.

Which went about as far as I expected as possible.

Though in retrospect I should've been prepared for such an event, considering who I was dealing with.



A hood over my head I used the Force to distort my presence from the other people on the street. Making them ignore me for the most part.

For I didn't need anyone taking an interest in me, considering what I am doing right now.

In no time at all I arrived at my destination.

A non-descript five-story building. Who no one would suspect was the base of a mercenary group.

Why am I here?

They have something I want and I am here to get it.

Standing outside the building I immediately knew something was wrong.

Since I could sense fear, terror, and death coming off the building in waves.

Telling me all I needed to do

The mecenaries messed with the item I came here to get from them, and now they are suffering the consequences.

'Well it's their own damn faults for not following my instructions to the letter.' I thought.

I then took a deep breath before heading inside the building through the front entrance.

The moment I did so I sensed several security measures activating thanks to my Technometry.

Though before any of them could get too far I shorted them all out using my Technometry.

Then after I did so I drew my lightsaber and activated it.

I then made my way up floor by floor, on the lookout for anything that could kill me.

But I encountered nothing.

Which honestly made me more nervous, considering what I am dealing with.

Reaching what I knew to be the door to the leaders office I opened it.

In doing so I saw a very familiar droid sitting behind the mercenary groups presidents desk.

Said President severed head sitting atop the desk.

Next to the object I came to collect.


I paid these guys to retrieve him, not activate him. But they did and now here I am.

Facing down one of the oldest, and definitely the most deadliest, droid in the entire galaxy. Who has killed more Jedi and Sith than the number of years of both my lives combined.

'What a day this is turning into.' I thought.

"Statement: Oh a Jedi meatbag. This is unexpected. Query: What are you doing here Jedi meatbag?" HK-47 spoke.

"My name is Van Sunrider, and I am the one who played this people to retrieve you." I explained.

"Statement: I see. Conclusion: You are not an ordinary Jedi meatbag."

"No, I am not." I said. "Anyway, I could go ovr the current state of the galaxy, but if you would I like to hear your opinion on it HK?" I asked him.

"Query: You wish to hear my opinion of the galaxy?"

"I do." I replied. "And please don't pretend like you didn't investigate all you could after the mercenaries reactivated you."

"Statement: You are brave for a Jedi meatbag. I like that. As such I will answeer your earlier question. From what I have veen able to gather the Jedi are not what they once were, and the Republic is crumbling. They have gotten rid of their military and thus have left themselves vulnerable. While megacorporations have more power than they ever would have in the past. But thanks to those idiotic Ruusan Reformations, along with other factors this is how the galaxy has ended up."

"You are more or less correct. But you are missing a few key points." I spoke.

"Query: What points am I missing meatbag?" HK asked me.

"The Sith." I spoke.

I then gave HK-47 a cliffnotes version of Darth Bane, his line, and the Sith Grand plan which has been in the works for close to a thousand years, as well as my intetion to stop it.

"So, there you have it HK-47." I told him. "That is the current truth of the galaxy and why I made these mecenaries to retrieve you. Because I require your strength. You are the strongest assassin droid ever created after all."

"Statement: Flattery will get you nowhere with me. Smug statement: Even if the words you speak are the truth." HK-47 said. "Statement: I see you know a lot about me. Query: How?"

"The Force." I replied. "So, want to come and work for me?"

"Query: Just so I am clear you wish to put a stop to the Sith Grand plan, which will require much bloodshed and the extermination of numerous meatbags?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Statement: I would be glad to work for you. Nice to make your acquaintance, master." Hk-47 spoke.

His eyes glowing brighter after he did.

Making me wonder what I just got myself into?

-Flashback End-


After that HK-47 acknowledged me as his new master.

Since then I have been sending him in numerous mission these past two years.

Laying the groundwork for the war to come.

For if I left him to his own devices Coruscant might become an ocean of blood.

I don't want that.

Thus HK-47 never stays here too long.

"Query: Master, now that I have completed that easy assignment you gave me may I have a challenging one this time?"

"I'll let you know after breakfast." I replied.

Resisting the urge to sigh at HK calling his latest mission easy.

Many pro assassins would've found it difficult, yet he casually completes it.

But that's why he's the best.

It's also why I'm glad he's my ally.


A/N: HK-47 is here my friends!

Van Sunrider - current age: 15 years old.

Current year: 33 BBY

Years left until the Naboo Crisis: One year