Chapter 36: Birth Of A New Relatsionship

A/N: Alright so the poll results are in and the Galactic Systems Alliance won out.

Thanks for your help readers.

Now here is the chapter.


(3rd Person: POV)

For as long as she could remember Yennnali Fonemys had always understood things easier than most.

Things that took others a standard time to learn generally only took her half the time to learn.

This applied to everything for Yennali.

Whether it was academic studies, or where the Force was concerned.

Yennali understood it quite easily.

Which naturally didn't make her many friends amongst the other younglings.

Though that was fine with Yennali.

If they didn't want to associate with her, then she was fine not associating with them.

But that was a lie.

Yennali wanted many friends, but she just didn't know how to make them.

Given her overachieving personality.

So for a long time she only had a few people at her side, like her best friend Serra.

Then one day everything changed.

A kid in class answered a questuon before she could.

He then answered the rest of the questions the teacher asked perfectly.

Feeling slighted Yennali got upset with the other student.

Soon learning his name was Van Sunrider.

A member of a famous and ancient Jedi family, whose ancestor had once run the entire order itself at one point.

Despite this Yennali still didn't like anyone stealing her praise.

So she had the idea to get back at Van.

Only to find herself becoming friends with him instead.

Yennali couldn't understand the situation.

But before she knew it Van called her friend, and soon she had more as well.

This made Yennali extremely happy.

Even though she knew such emotions were frowned upon by the Jedi Order.

She knew expressing happiness might get her in trouble, but Yennali did not care.

The Arkanian offshoot girl just wanted to enjoy her newfound friends and the experiences having them brought her.

Of which there were a lot.

Once again before Yennali realized it she had changed.

Ignoring the rules of the Order in private she expressed her emotions around her friends.

The rest of them doing the exact same thing.

Van in particular showed more emotions than the rest of them.

It intrigued Yennali.

Along with the rapid progress Van made in their Jedi training.

From usage of the Force, to lightsaber combat, to even when crafting their lightsabers, Yennali found herself unable to compare to Van.

This sparked her sense of competitiveness even further.

Thus causing Yennali to compete with Van whenever she could.

Competition which Van welcomed.

This made Yennali extremely happy.

And as she grew older and entered puberty those feelings she had for Van began to subtly change.

Soon Yennali found herself thinking about Van's lips, his chest, them holding hands, and even one time she had a dream of Van and her in quite the risque situation.

Needless to say Yennali soon realized she liked Van in a sexual way.

Which she beat herself up about.

She was training to be a Jedi. She could not express or have such feelings.

So Yennali decided to suppress her emotions.

But the more she did the more they grew.

Until finally she couldn't hold them back anymore.

Now here she is.

Face to face with the boy she likes.

Having just kissed him out of the blue.

If there was ever a time for a whole to appear so Yennali could crawl into it, she wished it would do so right now.


"So, you like me as a man?" Van asked Yennali.

She quickly nodded at his words.

"Yes. I do." Yennali replied. "Even though I know I shouldn't. Even though I know it's wrong."

"Ok, enough of that." Van suddenly said.

Which caused Yennali to look at him.

"Yennali, listen carefully to me. What you feel is not wrong. It's perfectly normal." Van spoke.

"But Jedi-"

"-Are living beings too." Van interrupted Yennali. "We feel. Emotions are a part of living. The Jedi way of suppressing them is just plain wrong. Sure I understand the need for emotional control given the powers we Jedi possess. But just outright ignoring our feelings. I find it plain disgusting." He said.

Yennali opened her both in shock at Van's word.

Having been his friend for a long time now she knew Van didn't like the way things were done in the Order.

For he had said so to her and the others a few times.

Yet Yennali had never seen Van so blatantly disrespect the Order.

"Van stop." Yennali spoke. "If anyone hears this you could get kicked out of the order."

"That's fine by me." Van immediately replied. "Let them kick me out. I don't care." He said.

"Van seriously, stop." Yennali said. Fear in her voice.

"I won't." Van replied. Running a hand through his shoulder-length hair as he did. Sighing afterwards. "You're reaction right now is a prime example of what I find wrong with the current ways of the Jedi Order. Among other things. I mean just because you like me as more than a friend you are wracked with guilt and fear. That shouldn't be. You should've been able to tell me how you felt without the Orders dogma and rules weighing you down. Yet here we are."

"You really mean that, don't you?" Yennali asked.

"I do." Van replied. "Oh and as for an answer to your feelings I wouldn't mind becoming more than friends."

"R-really?" Yennali asked.

Van nodded. "Sure. I mean I like you and I find you cute. I can see us as a couple. So if you are okay with it then I wouldn't mind trying to be something mo-Mmph!!!"

Before Van could finish speaking Yennali tackled him to the ground and began passionately kissing him.

Happy her feelings were being respondee too.

Completely ignoring Van's pleas for air.

Needless to say Yennali gave into the horny.


(Van: POV)

Stepping into my apartment I headed straight for the bathroom after locking the door.

Since after the day I had I wanted to unwind with a nice, water shower.

So that's exactly what I did.

Releasing a satisfied sigh I stepped out of the shower.

Ignoring the injuries from the trials that were still healing.

Along with all the hickey's Yennali gave me earlier when I agreed to date her.

'Who knew she was so aggressive.' I thought.

If I am not careful she'll eat me without me even realizing it.

But since we're dating that's fine by me.

Oh and us dating is a decision I do not regret.

For I can truly see myself with Yennali as more than friends.

I am not just doing this to ease her fear and guilt.

Which was a lot from what I could see, considering how long she has been supressing her feelings for me.

A job she did exceptionally well at. Since she never gave the slightest hint she felt this way about me before tonight.

And I defintely would've notched if she had.

Since I am not a dense harem protagonist from a light novel or anime.

If a girl likes me I will notice.

Moving on.

Getting into some comfortable pajamas I had myself some dinner.

Then after I did so I took out a handheld holoprojector and tried to contact HK-47.

Since sometimes when I call him that assassin droid doesn't answer.

But this time he did.

The zig zag line projected on the hologram, above the holoprojector, which is the Star Wars universe version of 'On Hold' vanished after a few seconds and was replaced with the holographic image of my favorite assassin droid.

"Statement: Hello master." HK spoke.

"Hello HK." I replied. "So, how goes things? Have you completed the assignments I asked you to take care of the last time we spoke?"

"Statement: Yes master, I did. And I know you will be happy with the results. First, the meatbag known as Grant Omega has been terminated and his vast fortune is now under our control. Second, the being known as Zeta Magnus has also been terminated. But not before I accquired his wealth for us as well, and learned the location of the missing Katana fleet." HK-47 explained to me.

Bringing a smile to my face.

Since now two more threats have been permanently removed from the board.

Just like the executives within the megacorporations I have been having HK-47 take out ever since I met him two years ago.

Right now his actions aren't causing much damage, but in the long run the likes of the Trade Federation, Techno Union, Corporate Alliance, and all the others will feel its sting.

Especially if the 'Clone Wars' still end up taking place.

For I cannot be sure they won't.

Since I'm sure the Sith will not give up on their Grand Plan so easily.

Though if the war does take place I'll be ready.

"Excellent work HK. Now I need you to make your way back here to Coruscant and pick me up. For I have passed my trials of Knighthood and am now officially a Jedi Knight." I explained to him.

HK-47 knowing that means I can move a lot more feely now than when I was a Padawan.

"Statement: Yes master. I shall be there as quickly as I can." HK-47 spoke.

The two of us then discussed a few more things before we ended the holo-call.

After we did so I headed for bed.

Since I want to be well-rested for tomorrow.

Because that is when I will once more try and gain access to the information Nomi Sunrider hid for me in her holocron.