Chapter 65: Prelude To Phantom Menace Episode IV

[Van Personal Apartment, Coruscant, Galactic City]

(3rd Person: POV)

Inhaling and then exhaling Marcellus worked to calm his nerves.

For tonight Nova he was going to meet up in person with Nova, and ask her to be his girlfriend.

They had been talking for a few months now, and the talk was filled with intimacy and flirting. So he figured it was a good time to define the relationship.


Hearing the chime of the door Marcellus walked over to it, and opened it.

Finding Nova, standing outside.

Dressed in some casual clothing, which consisted of blue pants and a green v-neck top, which gave a generous view of her cleavage.

Where Marcellus's eyes immediately went to for a few seconds, before returning to Nova's face.

"Hey." Marcellus spoke.

"Hey yourself." Nova replied.

"Please, come in." Marcellus said.

He then stepped back and Nova stepped inside the apartment. Making sure she closed the locked the door after she did.

She then placed the bag she had slung over her left shoulder on the ground.

For Nova would be staying on Coruscant for a few days.

She finally had some free time from missions from the Green Jedi order, and she intended to use them to spend time with Marcellus.

"So, do you want something to eat, or maybe get cleaned up, or-Mph!" Marcellus moaned.

Because before he could say another word Nova moved closer to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him into an intense kiss, filled with tongue.

At fist Marcellus resisted, but as he did Nova just got more aggressive. Which sent a wave of pleasure across his body.

'Wait, am I a masochist?' Marcellus thought.

But he quickly erased those thoughts when he felt one of Nova's legs brush up against the lightsaber in his pants.

Telling Marcellus exactly what Nova wanted.

So he decided to oblige her.

Breaking the kiss he scooped up Nova in his arms princess-style and carried her to the guest bedroom.

Since Marcellus felt it would be way to strange to have sexy time with Nova in the master bedroom in Van's bed.

The door to the bedroom shutting behind them Marcellus and Nova quickly began indulging in their carnal passions without restraint.

For both of them were extremely bent up.

But in no time they both got the release they were looking for.


Nova's head lying on his chest Marcellus used his left hand to play with a few strands of her hair.

Which was currently not in a ponytail and free-flowing.

"So, that was wonderful." Nova said.

"Yeah, it was." Marcellus replied.

Realizing that during his sexy time with Nova he might be a little bit of a masochist. 

But surprisingly, he's fine with that.

"So, food?" Nova asked.

"Yeah sure." Marcellus replied. "But first, Nova do you want to be my girlfriend?" He decided to just go ahead and ask.

When he did Nova sat up and looked Marcellus directly in the eyes. "Sure. But do you think you can handle me?" She playfully questioned him.

"I think I just did." Marcellus skillfully replied.

'It looks like all those years of Van messing with me are finally paying off in some way.' Marcellus thought.

"Oh, someone's getting bold." Nova replied. "But that's okay. I like it." She said.

Nova then gave Marcellus and tender kiss.

One which he felt signified their new relationship.

As Nova broke the kiss Marcellus spoke up.

"So hey, quick question, how did you feel about your trials of knighthood?" He asked.

"Well I didn't really take trials of knighthood in the way the traditional order would define them. I was give a mission by my council, and when I completed it they knighted me. Why are you asking?" Nova spoke.

"A few days ago my master told me he was going to recommend me for the trials of knighthood." Marcellus revealed.

"And you don't think you're ready?" Nova asked.

"Yes, no, I don't know." Marcellus replied. "I mean, this suddenly just came out nowhere is all. I know I wanted to become a Jedi knight someday, but then my master just springs this on me."

"You were overwhelmed." Nova said.

"Yeah." Marcellus replied. "I mean, what if I fail?"

"Failure is always a possibility in anything we do, but you will never know for certain unless you try." Nova said.

"Hey, when did you become a wizened Jedi master?" Marcellus joked.

"Oh, I've always been that. You just didn't notice until now." Nova replied. "So, feel a bit better now?"

"A bit." Marcellus replied.

"Good, now before anything else let's get some food in our bellies." Nova spoke. She then licked her lips in a seductive manner. "So I can get back to ravishing you." She purred.

Making Marcellus entire body shiver.

Which just reaffirmed his own suspicions that he was a bit of a masochist.

But once more, Marcellus didn't care one bit.

Especially if a girl like Nova liked about him.

Oh yes, he didn't care one single bit.


[Wild Space, Kamino System, Kamino]

Sitting a waiting room Sifo-Dyas looked out one of the rooms many windows.

Watching as a storm rained down into the vast oceans of Kamino.

Which he had learned was perpetual on Kamino, after researching this planet in the Jedi Temple archives before taking the journey here.

The reason.

To commission a clone army for the Galactic Republic.

For the past few weeks Sifo-Dyas had been debating this decision constantly. He meditated on it for hours, and looked to the Force for guidance. Until finally he made his choice.

Which he knew would see him expelled from the Jedi Order, and possibly much worse.

For he was not simply going against the order, but the Ruusan Reformations. A set of laws that had been in place within the Galactic Republic for close to 1,000 years.

Yet if it meant protecting the galaxy from being engulfed by the darkness in his vision, then Sifo-Dyas would gladly accept any punishment that came his way.

But the punishment would end with him and him alone.

It's the reason why he did not consult the members of the coalition he began with Dooku, nor the man himself, about his plan. It is also one of the reasons, besides him knowing his Padawan was ready, that Sifo-Dyas wanted Marcellus to take the trials and obtain knighthood.

For the old Jedi master did not want his actions to taint his apprentices future within the order.

A bit more time passed before the door to the waiting room.

When it did two Kaminoans entered.

The first was a male, while the second was a female.

"Greetings master Jedi, I am the prime minster of Kamino, Lama Su. And this is my colleague and associate, and our chief medical scientist, Nala Se." Lama Su spoke.

"Greetings to you, master Jedi." Nala Se spoke.

[Insert Image of Lama Su Here]

[Insert Image of Nala Se Here]

"A pleasure to meet you both." Sifo-Dyas spoke.

"Yes, now before we discuss the reason you came here let us head to my office." Lama Su spoke.

"Of course." Sifo-Dyas replied.

He then left the waiting room with Lama Su and Nala Se and followed them to Lama Su's office. 

Where all three of them took seats.

"So, why have you come to Kamino master Jedi?" Lama Su asked. "My people and planet are not affiliated with the Republic after all."

"Actually the Republic is exactly why I am here" Sifo-Dyas spoke. "I have been sent here as a representative by them to commission your people to build it an army." He explained.

Lying through his teeth.

But once again, if it was to safeguard the future then Sifo-Dyas was ready to sacrifice anything.

"Oh, an army you say?" Lama Su asked.

"Yes, an army." Sifo-Dyas replied. "I was told your people can do it."

"It's not a manner of whether or not we can do it master Jedi, because we certainly can, but creating an army capable of protecting the entire Republic will not be cheap." Nala Se spoke. "To say nothing of the logistical costs of feeding and training such an army."

"What my colleague Nala Se says is true. The army you are requesting us to create will not be cheap, master Jedi. So before this meeting goes any further, we must discuss how the Republic intends to pay for its purchase." Lama Su explained.

"Rest assured, you will be paid in full." Sifo-Dyas replied. He then took out a datachip and placed it atop Lama Su's desk. "This datachip will allow you access to the fund the Republic created to pay for the army it is requesting. A fund that will be refilled with the same amount yearly until the army is complete, and even beyond that if necessary." He explained.

Though Sifo-Dyas didn't mention the money was not coming from the Republic. But instead from Damask Holdings, run by Hego Damask.

The one who had informed Sifo-Dyas of the Kaminoans in the first place. The one who just like Dooku and himself believed in the darkness fast approaching the galaxy. The one who insisted on helping Sifo-Dyas accomplish his plan, even though the Jedi master tried numerous times to refuse such assistance.

But in the end he gave up, and allowed Hego Damask to help him in preparing the army for the Galactic Republic.

Sifo-Dyas having no idea he was bringing forth the galaxy closer to being engulfed in the darkness he had been trying to prevent.

Which is the worst kind of irony imaginable.

Picking up the datachip Sifo-Dyas placed on his desk Lama Su used his terminal to check the validity of Sifo-Dyas's words.

When Lama Su confirmed the master Jedi words were true he resumed the talks for the Republic clone army immediately.

Then in no time at all, it was complete.

The Kaminoans having accepted the commission to build the Republic a clone army.

The very first step to what would become known as the Clone Wars.


Lying in his bed within his personal room aboard the Milano Van was asleep.

*Beep Beep Beep*

That is until he heard the beeping of his mini holoprojector.

The second after he did Van sat up, picked up his mini holoprojector off his nightstand, and answered it.

When he did he found himself looking at a stupidly grinning miniature hologram of Marcellus.

"What's up?" Van asked.

"I know you said not to contact you unless absolutely necessary, but I feel like these are things you should know." Marcellus explained.

Van nodding at his friends words.

"Proceed." Van said.

"First up, Nova and I officially became a couple." Marcellus revealed. "And I took my trials of knighthood and passed them, so just like you I am now officially a Jedi knight of the Republic."

"Good for you my friend on both accounts." Van said.

"Thanks." Marcellus replied. He then dropped the stupid grin on his face and put a serious expression on it. "Now for the bad news. It looks like the Trade Federation has decided to set up a blockade around the planet Naboo in the Chommell Sector."

"I see." Van replied.

"Yeah." Marcellus replied.

"What's been the order and the Republic's response?" Van asked.

"Both are hardly doing a damn thing." Marcellus replied, a hint of anger in his voice. "The Trade Federation blockades a planet, a member of the Republic, and no one in power does hardly anything."

"But something was done, right?" Van asked.

Though he already knew what is was.

"Yes." Marcellus replied. "I heard that chancellor Valorum contacted the High Council and they dispatched master Jinn and Obi-Wan to investigate the situation from my master." Marcellus explained. "Still, we should be doing more. I mean, did the Yinchorri situation teach nobody anything last year?"

"It looks like it didn't." Van replied. "Anyway thanks for the information update."

"Sure thing." Marcellus replied.

He and Van then ended their holo-call.

Once they did Van stood up and stretched.

"So, it's finally begun." He muttered to himself. "Well then, time to get to work." Van said.

For he was getting ready to fuck up the canon bigtime.

Oh, how he truly loved his new life.


A./N: Episode One begins next chapter readers.

Be prepared.