Chapter 81: Debate

[Jedi Temple, Coruscant, Galactic City]

(3rd Person: POV)

Within the high council room the Jedi High Council was in a heated debate.

A trend that had been a daily occurrence, ever since a few weeks ago on that day on Naboo when Van and Qui-Gon had both willingly resigned from the Jedi Order.

That event was the first event in a chain reaction, which began leading others within the order to follow their path.

First Obi-Wan on Naboo, then Plo Koon's own apprentice Yennali Fonemys.

Who had revealed to the entire order before she resigned that she was an intimate relationship with Van.

Following that the council exiled Jedi master Sifo-Dyas due to his actions in secretly creating a clone army for the Republic.

Immediately after doing so the council faced the resignation of two more members.

The promising knight Marcellus Antilles, and the well-respected Jedi master Dooku.

But things didn't stop there.

Just a few days ago the order had lost two more Jedi.

The first being Cin Drallig's apprentice Serra Keto.

While the second was the last of Dooku's apprentices still a member of the Jedi Order.

Komari Vosa.

All of these Jedi, with the exception of Sifo-Dyas, had willing left the order.

An event the Jedi had not faced since the end of the New Sith Wars close to a 1,000 years ago.

Once more the departures of these Jedi were causing massive internal strife wtihin the Jedi Order.

Putting its members on opposite sides in regards to the reasons those Jedi chose to leave the order.

Hence why the high council has been discussing the situation.

They wanted to find a solution to what was a problem in their eyes before things escalated any further.

"We cannot allow this to go on any longer. I know you all have sensed the strife these recent departures have caused within the order. To say nothing of the fact that all the Jedi who have left over this short amount of time, save former master Qui-Gon, Padawan Kenobi, and master Sifo-Dyas, removed their kyber crystals from their lightsabers before turning them over to us." Master Mundi spoke. "We must do something and quickly."

"And what would you have us do master Mundi?" Master Yaddle asked. "A members right to leave the order is one of our oldest rules and traditions. If we go against that rule simply to suit our situation then we would disgrace the Jedi Order itself." She spoke.

"Still something must be done." Master Tiin spoke.

"Yes, master's Tiin and Mundi speak the truth." Master Piell added. "For I think all of us in this room are aware of what usually happens when members begin leaving the ranks of the order in large numbers." He said.

Everyone in the high council room perfectly understanding what master Piell is saying.

The Lannik Jedi master was alluding to events like the Jedi Civil War and the several schisms throughout the orders sorted history.

Master Piell was saying they might be facing a modern day version of such an event.

The Lannik Jedi had no idea how close to the truth he was.

"We cannot be sure what you are suggesting will come to pass master Piell. So we must tread carefully, lest we ourselves cause even more members to leave our ranks due to our actions." Plo Koon spoke.

"I second that." Master Koth said. "We cannot go after people simply because they have left the order."

"But it's not just that master Koth and you know it." Master Piell spoke. "I think there is cause to be worried. Namely due to Van Sunrider."

"Yes. Do you remember the way he spoke back on Naboo?" Master Tiin asked.

"The armor, his words, his strength, and the way many of the younger generation of the order look up to him." Master Billaba spoke. "If I didn't know any better I would say we were looking at a modern day Revan." She mused.

Which caused a strange air to form within the high council room.

For just like with master Piell earlier, master Billaba didn't know how close to the truth she was.

On another note it was true what master Billaba said, Van was looked up to by many of the younger members of the order. Mostly Padawns and young knights. But even a few senior knights and some masters respected him.

For Van had all the qualities of a great leader, even if he himself hasn't fully realized it yet.

"Yes, I can see it." Master Tiin spoke. "The young Sunrider is starting to resemble Revan."

"That is your opinion and nothing more master Tiin." Plo Koon spoke. "Do not think you can use it in justifying any harsh action against young Sunrider."

"Master Plo Koon, when did you become such a staunch protector of young Sunrider?" Mundi asked. "For after all it was likely he who convinced your Padawan learner to break the code. Or maybe former Padawan Fonemys ended up like that due to poor teaching." The Cerean Jedi said.

"Say another word master Mundi and I'll not restrain myself from taking action against you." Plo Koon spoke.

Invisible lightning sparks coming from the two of them clashing.

"We must act before this desertion within the order grows." Master Tiin said.

"Those who wish have every right to leave the order." Master Gallia spoke.

"Then let us monitor the actions of those Jedi who have left our ranks in this short amount of time." Master Piell proposed.

"You would spy on them when they have done nothing wrong but simply challenge your personal values and beliefs. That is not the Jedi way." Master Koth retorted.

Thus words continued flying back and forth.

The Jedi High Council itself having become divided due to recent events.

Just like the rest of the Jedi Order.

Sitting silently, watching as the high council members argued amongst themselves, master Yoda couldn't help but feel his age once again.

A trend with the old grand master lately.

Yoda also felt the current schism in the order would grow no matter what.

Now the question on his mind was what actions he needed to take to prevent the Jedi from fighting amongst themselves like had so many times in the past.

It was a question Yoda knew he wouldn't have the answer to any time soon.

But he would get the answer.

For he would not allow the Jedi to fall.

Because that was a duty he had imposed upon himself.

One he would see through, no matter what.


A/N: The schism continues. More will come, stay tuned in you must to learn more.

Also we've reached number 1 in the powers rankings, so thank you my loyal supporters!