Chapter 83: Jedaii Order Is Born

[Auril Sector, Teedio System, Exis Station]

(Van: POV)

The chest containing the Noetikon's in my hands I walked towards the Milanos' conference room.

Arriving outside the door I inhaled and then exhaled to calm my nerves.

For I was about to engage in one of the most important meetings thus far in regards to the future.

"Well then, let's do this." I muttered.

I then entered the conference room, finding everyone waiting for me.

Everyone being HK-47, and the others who resigned from the Jedi Order shortly after I did.

Except for Sifo-Dyas who was exiled. But he is present.

Komari is also present.

For she too decided to leave the order.

I didn't need to ask her why. I know the reason, and I'm just glad she's here with us.

The reason they are all here is because I called for them to assemble.

Taking a seat in the open chair I looked at everyone. "Thanks for coming." I told them. "So I know you have many questions for me and today I will answer them." I explained. "First off, the people you see around Exis Station are part of the mercenary squadron Dominicus. As for why they are here we are currently using Exis Station as our main base of operations." I explained.

Since I knew everyone was wondering who they were.

"Wait Van, you're apart of Dominicus?" Komari asked me.

"I am not just a part of it I am Domincus' founder and leader, Moriarty." I revealed.

Shocking everyone.

Except for HK-47.

But then that robotic bastard has never been suprised as long as I've known him.

"You formed this mercenary band, why?" Dooku asked me.

"Because they are the first soldiers and allies for the new government I am in the prcoess of creating." I replied.

Everyone getting shocked expressions on their face once more.

Though I didn't sense any outright disapproval of my idea from anyone.

I'll take that as a good sign.

"Van, you mean to betray the Republic?" Obi-Wan asked me.

"No. I mean to make the galaxy a safer place. Something both the Republic and Jedi Order have failed to truly do for a very long time." I replied. "And to accomplish this I believe a new galactic power is necessary. One who will stand up for its citizens and protect them when they are in trouble. Not discuss the matter while innocents are harmed."

"This new government of yours will be seen as treason by many." Qui-Gon told me.

"Yeah, by a bunch of hypocritical bastards." I snarled. "The ones sitting at the top who would abandoned a Republic world to the Trade Federation would be upset that certain world's no longer want to be apart of their bullshit system and government and would rather try to build something new. Which they every right to do the last time I checked."

"Do this and there might be war." Sifo-Dyas replied.

"Why? It's not like Republic member states can't withdraw if they so choose. And if they happen to join the new government once it is established then the Republic better not say shit about it. For it will likely be them who initiates a war, and should it come to pass it will show just how selfish and petty the Republic truly is." I spoke.

"I see. You've thought this through." Dooku mused.

"Of course I have master. I have even already come up with the name for the new government. The Galactic Systems Alliance or GSA for short." I spoke.

"Nice. It rolls off the tongue." Komari spoke.

"Thanks Komari. Also, did you get what I asked for?"

"Yep, sure did." Komari replied.

She then reached into her pocket and handed me a data chip.

Which contained a complete copy of all records from the Jedi Temple archives. From the historical texts, to the star maps, to even the records regarding lightsaber construction and lightsaber combat forms.

I had asked Komari to acquire it for me a while ago since I couldn't do it myself any longer given my resignation from the order.

Why did I do this?

Because even with all the changes I've made there is no guarantee order 66 won't come pass, and should it still happen the information Komari just handed to me will be invaluable in keeping the knowledge and ways of the Force employed by the Jedi alive.

I wish I could've asked Komari to also acquire some holocron's from the temple as well, but that would've been too risky.

For the order watches those like hawks, and if some went missing they would be all over us.

So holocron acquistion will have to wait.

We'll just make do with everyone's own knowledge and the Noetikon's for now.

Speaking of them.

Opening the chest that contained the Noetikon's I showed them to everybody.

Which once again shocked them.

"Van, are those what I think they are?" Yennali asked me.

"Yes, they are Noetikon's. And not just any Noetikon's. But the Noetikon's of Light, Science and Secrets that were lost centuries ago during the 'Great Galactic War'." I revealed. "They are how I have grown more powerful over this short period of time." I explained.

Since everyone has been asking me how I did so and I've been avoiding the topic.

But now the time for avoidance is over.

Now it's truth time.

"How did you acquire these?" Sifo-Dyas asked me.

"They were left here for me on Exis Station by an ancestor of mine. Whom Nomi herself instructed to find these Noetikon's and store them here for me." I explained.

"So, this is the gift grand master Sunrider left you fo help combat the coming darkness." Dooku spoke.

"Yes." I replied.

"Damn Van, what else have you been hiding?" Marcellus asked me in pure curiosity.

"Well I found the lost Katana Fleet of the Republic and plan to use those ships as the first fleet in the GSA military. Oh and I am planning to start my own version of the Jedi Order which I wish all of you to become a part of. Then for those of you who don't know, there is HK-47 origins." I spoke.

"What? How do the origins of your droid compare to anything else you've just revealed to us?" Obi-Wan asked me.

Oh, how he's about to choke on those words.

"Statement: Attention Jedi meatbags I have not been formally introduced to yet I am the assassin droid HK-47. The greatest assassin droid in history. My creator being the one you meatbags call Revan." HK-47 spoke.

Which sent the entire room into a dead silence.

Komari breaking it after a minute.

"Bantha Dung. I call Bantha Dung on your droids origins Van. Because that would mean this droid is millenia old." Komari spoke.

"I know. But his origins are not a lie. Would you like HK to show you images from his memory bank as proof?" I asked.

"Commentary: Master I do not think your suggestion would be optimal to employee at this moment. For most of the oldest images I can currently access from my memory banks are of me slaughtering Jedi and Sith meatbags. Which might cause your allies to attack me, thus forcing me to kill them in self-defense. A course of action I do not wish to take at this time for I fear it might alienate you from me and I do not want that situation to occur. For then I would not be able to engage in the glorious slaughter of meatbags that you allow me to do." HK-47 spoke.

His eyes glowing with intensity.

"As usual HK you have a way with words." I replied.

"Statement: It is all apart of my programming master." HK-47 replied.

"Hey, is this droid always like this?" Komari asked.

"Yep, he is." Marcellus replied.

"And he'll never change. Since Revan for whatever reasons he had programmed him to be like he is." I added.

"Right." Komari mused.

"Well moving on from that for the moment young Sunrider, you said you mean to establish your own version of the Jedi Order?" Sifo-Dyas asked me.

I nodded my head. "Yes. I seek to establish my own version of the Jedi Order. The one that existed before the horrible Ruusan Reformation's. Where Jedi wore armor into battle, could hold military positions, could be involved in politics, but most importantly could form attachments and have families. I know it will not be easy. But since it looks like the current order will not see the mistakes they are making then this is the path I must walk, and I ask all of you to walk it with me." I spoke passionately. "Even when seeking the balance between the dark and light."

"What, you mean to delve into the dark-side of the Force?!" Qui-Gon shouted.

"I do." I replied.

"Van, that's crazy." Serra said. "I'm all for changing some rules but not that one. Why would you even consider doing something like that?"

"For it is the first step we must take toward reunification and ending this never ending cycle of war beteeen Jedi and Sith." I began. "Ever since the First Great Schism ages ago on Tython it's been light against dark, the Jedi against the Sith. In a never ending circle that has only served to cause nothing but death and destruction. The ' Great Hyperspace War', the ' Great Galactic War', the old and new Sith Wars. Time and time again the light and dark clash. But neither ever truly wins. Because both sides choose not to acknowledge one simple fact."

"And what is that young Sunrider?" Sifo-Dyas asked.

"That light nor dark can exist without the other." I said.

"Be that as it may, the dark-side is dangerous." Sifo-Dyas spoke.

"Oh believe me, I know." I replied. "But just because the dark-side is dangerous does not mean it's impossible to control and use. If that were the case then lightsaber form VII would've been outright banned instead of just restricted by the Jedi Order and master Windu would've never been allowed to create the Vaapad varation of the form." I explained.

No one able to rerute my words.

"I see the points you are making, and they are very good ones my former apprentice, but do you really think the balance you seek can be achieved in our lifetimes?" Dooku spoke.

"No. It most definitely will not be." I said. "But I do hope one day far in the future our successors can achieve the balance I am talking about." I explained. "So I ask you all once more, will you walk this path with me? Will you take a chance on something new?"

Having said my peace I waited for them to respond.

The first one to do so being Marcellus.

"I will stand with you my friend." Marcellus spoke.

"Me too." Yennali added.

"I will as well." Serra said.

Then the others agreed as well.

Filling my heart with immense joy.

For they have just become the first members of the Jedaii Order.

Which I know will be a great success.


A/N: Yeah so a lot of Van coming clean in this chapter.

Also his own version of the Jedi Order has finally been established.

Which I chose to call the Jedaii Order in honor of the ancient Je'daii Warriors of Tython.

For Van's Jedi Order will use the dark-side and seek balance.

Until next chapter my readers.