Chapter 89: Recruitment Drive Episode V

[Kwymar Sector, Kestos Minor System, Kestos Minor]

(3rd Person: POV)

Leaning against the wall near the podium in the room Yennali watched as the individuals who had been called to attend today's gathering filed into the room and took their respective seats.

The individuals in question Senators of the Galactic Republic.

Senators who Yennali and the person who called them all here together today, former Galactic Republic Senator Ivor Drake, hoped to convince to get them and the people they worked for to formally withdraw from the Republic and join them in making the slowly forming Galactic Systems Alliance into a solid reality.

Soon all the senators that had been called to the meeting had arrived.

Once they did the doors to the conference room were closed, and jamming devices were activated by the Dominicus and Kwymar Planetary Security Forces personnel guarding the meeting.

Since one can never be too careful.

Especially in the current situation where Yennali and Ivor Drake are about to ask the people in the room to basically commit treason against the Republic.

Going to stand at the podium Ivor Drake cleared her throat. She then began. "Greetings my friends. I thank you for coming here today." She spoke.

"And why exactly are we here?" A male senator asked.

"I have called you all here today to call for you to join me and my comrades in creating something new, something better." Ivor spoke.

The former Galactic Republic senator then pressed a button on the small terminal located on the podium, and the second after she did so the holographic image projected in the middle of the room for all to see.

[Image Here]

"What you see before you my friends is the symbol of a new beginning. A new government. Which is known as the Galactic Systems Alliance. A government I ask you all to join." Ivor spoke.

Immediately after she did so murmurs and whispers erupted in the conference room.

"A new government?"

"Are you mad? Do you want us all to get arrested for treason?"

"You wish for you to join you?"

This and other comments about what Ivor had just revealed kept going for over five minutes. But eventually the senators in the room got over the shock of Ivor's revelation and quieted down.

Allowing Ivor to continue.

"Yes, the Galactic Systems Alliance. A government which will be better than the Galactic Republic. Which allows corruption to fester at its highest echelons. Which refuses to pay for a military to protect us, its citizens. A government who allows corporations to hold immense power, and is afraid to go against them. A government who will most likely do everything it can to suppress the Galactic Systems Alliance once it appears on the galactic stage, out of nothing but petty jealousy's and fears." Ivor spoke. "That is the kind of government the Galactic Republic has become. You all know it in your hearts, just as I know it in mine. Which is why my sector and I withdrew from that sinking ship and began working towards a better and brighter future for ourselves. Now I ask you all to join us in this endeavor. Come, let us create a better future for ourselves and the people we represent together." The former senator spoke.

Several senators in the room acknowledging her words, and lightly cheering in agreement.

But not all of them.

"You ask us to join this new government, but what guarantee's do we have that it will be better and not worse than the Republic?" Senator Mina Bonteri asked. Her gaze landing on Yennali. "And why Ivor do you have a Jedi at your side?"

"I will let her answer that herself." Ivor replied to Mina.

She then stepped away from the podium.

Allowing Yennali to take up position at it.

Proudly wearing her Jedi battle armor, that Van helped her forge.

[Image Here]

"Hello senators, my name is Yennali Fonemys." Yennali began. "Originally I was a Padawan learner and member of the Jedi Order. But a year ago I left the Order, due to the fact they would not allow me and my lover, another Jedi who also left the order, to be together because of their rules and fears. Since that time I have helped my lover, and other fellow former Jedi of the Jedi order, create something new. Which is known as the Jedaii Order. Of which I am a knight." She explained. "Now as to why I am here with former senator Drake today is because the Jedaii Order I am a member of is helping to make the Galactic Systems Alliance a reality. For it was originally the idea of members of our order in the first place." She revealed.

This causing another round of murmurs and whispers to go around the room.

"Jedi, are helping to create a new government?"

"Now this is something I'd never thought I'd see."

"Eh, this has got to be some kind of joke."

Just like Ivor Yennali waited until the senators quieted down before speaking again.

"I know many of you senators find the words I have spoken hard to believe, but they are true. Me and my fellow members of the Jedaii Order, as well as our initial allies, started the endeavor to form the Galactic Systems Alliance. As to why, just like those who have joined with us we could no longer deal with the corruption, greed, and hypocrisy of the Galactic Republic. Nor could we deal with the stagnation of the Jedi Order. Especially with how far it has fallen in these past 1,000 years. So we decided it was time for a change."

"Just like the Jedi decided they could manipulate the general history of the galaxy?!" A female near-human senator shouted. "Who gave you all the right to simply erase, to keep such knowledge only for yourselves, while the rest of us were left ignorant. No, we were kept ignorant!" She shouted.

A lot of other senators in the room voicing their agreements.

Yennali waited for them to settled down before responding.

"Senators, I can't say I know what my predecessors were thinking when they made the decision to alter the general historical records as they did. When I was a member of the order they taught us the Jedi of the past did what they did so that the galaxy could heal, and would not be in a state of constant fear and apprehension in regard to the Sith and their various empires and armies. But now, after having left the order I believe the real truth is that the Jedi were really the ones afraid, and simply wanted to erase and forget their past since it was easier to do so than admit their age old enemies might return again someday as they had so many times before. As I said, I do not know what the Jedi of the past were thinking. All I can do is apologize on their behalf. I can also say their decision was short-sighed and absolutely wrong. For as much as the Jedi would hate to admit it the Sith and their various empires helped shape the galaxy as we know it today. That is the real truth." Yennali spoke.

Leaving several senators speechless at her admission.

"Are you really a Jedi young lady?" An older male senator asked.

"No sir, I am not any longer." Yennali said. "As I said I am part of something new. The Jedaii Order. Which seeks to be different than the Jedi Order in some ways, and same in others. Like with the case of the armor you see me wearing. The Jedi of old used to wear armor all the time, and that is one of the traditions we of the Jedaii Order have chosen to revive. We have also done away with that pesky rule of outlawing attachments. So in the future when we find any force-sensitives we will not take them away from their families. They will know where they come from." She explained.

Once again stunning the senators in the room.

"All that is well and good young lady, but you still have not answered Senator Bonteri's earlier question, of how this Galactic Systems Alliance will be any different than the Galactic Republic?" A small protocol droid on the left shoulder of Ithorian senator Tendau Bendon spoke. Translating the Ithorian senators words into basic.

"Well senator I can't give you all the details, seeing as they haven't been worked out yet, but what I can give you is a rough outline of how things will be different between us and the Galactic Republic. First, no corporations such as the likes of the Trade federation, Techno Union, and Corporate Alliance will have direct representation in the new government. Their vast wealth will not allow them to buy that kind of power in the GSA." Yennali spoke firmly. "Secondly, the GSA will maintain a federal military, and we will use it to come to the aid of any who are apart of our new government, and even some who are not if circumstances allow it. Finally, the organization at the highest level of government of the GSA will be nothing like you've seen before." She explained.

Yennali then elaborated on how the Galactic Systems Alliance would come together.

The senators in the room intrigued and generally on board with what they were hearing.

After Yennali said her peace she stepped down, allowing former senator Ivor to re-take the podium and close the meeting out.

Leaving the senators with much to think about.

Though a small amount immediately returned home, and had their government begin starting the official process to withdraw the Galactic Republic.

For they were more than ready to put their faith in the Galactic Systems Alliance.