Chapter 91: Family Reunion Episode I

[Meerian Sector, Flashpoint System]

(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in space a derelict civilian transport was being converged on by several heavily modified Barloz-class freighters.

The freighters in question being operated by Thalassian slavers.

The Thalassian's being a sentient reptilian species.

 Taking the lead one freighter got closer to the transport and docked with it.

A small armed group of Thalassian's ready and waiting to head into the civilian transport through the docking port to capture some merchandise to sell. While killing everyone and everything else.

Since Thalassian slavers didn't like leaving witnesses.

The moment the docking port between the ships connected and pressurized, and the door opened up the group of armed Thalassian's headed across into the civilian transport.

Immediately stopping in their tracks when they noticed the ship itself was empty.

Save for one individual sitting in a seat right in front of them, their hands together placed atop their legs. Dressed in armor with pieces and laced with golden accents.

"What?! What the kriff is this?! Who the hell are you?!" The leader of the Thalassian's asked. Aiming the blaster rifle in his left hand at the armored individual sitting before him.

"Greetings. My name is Van Sunrider. I am 17 years old and a Jedaii knight and member of the Jedaii Order. My hobbies include flying, slicing, writing, engineering, and practicing my Force abilities. I have two lovers and am currently in the process of creating a brand new government. I am not a man who turns to violence to solve all my problems, but when I do engage in violence those who stand against me hardly ever survive, and when they do they often wished I had finished them off. Now then, all of you slavers are about to die. Since I know you will not surrender. But you can rejoice, for I and I my compatriots will grant you and your fellow slavers quick deaths." Van calmly explained.

Pulling a Yoshikage Kira.

Which the Thalassian slavers standing in front of him had no idea he was.

Instead their anger simply increased because of the attitude Van was displaying towards them.

"Time for you to die." The Thalassian leader said. Moving the barrel of his blaster rifle to Vans' head.

But before he could pull the trigger in blinding speed Van jumped up from the seat he was sitting in, removed his white-bladed lightsaber from his belt, activated it, and then sliced off the left hand of the Thalassian slaver.

"Agh!!" The Thalassian slaver screamed, falling to his knees as he did.

"Oh, what's wrong, need me to give you a hand?" Van asked.

Smirking under his mask.

"Kill, this kr-"

Before the Thalassian leader could finish speaking Van sliced off his head.

Then before it even hit the ground the other Thalassian's opened fire on Van.

But he easily deflected their shots using his white-bladed saber.

As Van did this two green-bladed lightsaber's were activated behind the Thalassian's.

Belonging to Serra.

Who was now a Jedaii knight of the Jedaii Order, and had her own battle armor.

[Image Here]

Closing the distance in seconds Serra lobbed off the heads of the Thalassian's firing at Van before they even knew what hit them.

As more heads hit the ground Serra gave Van a flat look.

"What?" Van asked.

"Is this really the time for jokes?" Serra replied.

"Oh come on, you know that was funny." Van said.

"Yeah, sure. Funny." Serra dryly replied.

"Killjoy." Van grumbled, activating the commlink on his right gauntlet as he did. "Ok, you all are good to go." He said.

Then right after Van did so several ships exited hyperspace.

Belonging to Dominicus.

For this was an operation they had planned to catch Thalassian slavers operating in the Flashpoint System.

One of many Van and his allies had been engaging in the past few months.

To only not save innocents, but to try and give their new recruits some actual combat experience.

Picking up the Dominicus ships on their ships sensors the Thalassian slavers began trying to flee.

But they didn't get very far before the Dominicus ships opened fire on them, and blew them away. Turning the Thalassian slavers into fireworks in the darkness of space.

All except for the ship connected to the transport vessel Serra and Van were on.

For those two were going to handle that vessel personally.

Crossing over to the Thalassian ship using the docking port Van and Serra began quickly moving through it, cutting down any and all enemies in their path.

Until finally, none were left.

Turning the operation into a complete success.


(Van: POV)

Once the Thalassian slavers had been taken care of Serra and I returned to the Milano.

I then attended a meeting with the commanders of the Dominicus vessels involved in the operation and composed an after-action report.

Something I have been doing a lot more of in the past year, since Dominicus will be folded into the GSA military once it is fully established. Which is in the process of being.

Speaking of that, I now have my own military rank within the GSA military.

I hold the rank of colonel in the GSA army.

Which I know sounds a bit crazy, but considering in the original story Anakin was made a general at only 19, and Luke became a general in his 20's, not to mention all the other young high-ranking officers throughout the history of the Star Wars universe I just accepted the rank.

Like most all the others in the Jedaii Order.

After they completed the assigned military training and courses mind you.

For instance now Marcellus is a Major in the GSA military, while Serra and Yennali both hold the rank of lieutenant in the GSA navy.

So yeah.

It is what it is.

Sitting in my room I held my personal datapad in my hands, finishing up another novella in 'The Galactic Truth' series. This being my seventh novella in the series, this one pertaining to the Sith infiltrators that spent generations integrating themselves into the Republic, before the 'Great Galactic War' took place.

For I am Illusive Man.

I figured it was time for the galaxy at large to know they had been swallowing the blue pill for generations. So I decided to shove the red pill down their throats and open their eyes.

Which in turn is working out great.

Now I've cut off even more of Sidious avenues and the number of moves he can make. For if he's not extremely careful people will get wise that his New Order is simply nothing but another version of the Sith Empire.

Though given all the other trouble my actions have caused him over this past year he might not get the chance to establish his New Order. Hell, he might not even make it get another term as Supreme Chancellor.

Because I am chipping away at that bastard bit by bit.

While also giving the Jedi a bloody nose.

Since it seems like many of them still can't pull their heads out of their asses. Given what my contacts still inside the order, for the moment, have told me over this past year.

Oh well.

It's the orders own funeral.

Finishing my seventh novella I saved a copy of it.

I then connected my datapad to what is essentially the dark web version of the holonet and published the novella.

The novella itself having a self-replicating code installed in it.

So even if someone deletes it copies of it will just keep popping up in every nook and cranny of the holonet over and over again. Like with the sixth other novella in the series I have published.

Once the novella went out I disconnected my datapad from the dark web version holonet and shut it down.

Just as I did so Serra walked in, her armor gone and instead wearing some very sexy underwear. A sultry smile on her face.

Seeing this I gently placed the tablet atop my table, went over to Serra, picked her up in my arms, brought her over to my bed, and then both of us gave into the horny like we have many times before.

For there is only the horny, and bonk is a damn lie.


Serra cuddling up against my chest I ran my hand through her now longer hair.

She having decided to grow it out in this past year.

One of the many things that have changed in such a short time.

"What are you thinking about?" Serra asked me.

"Stuff. Life. How things change." I replied.

"I see." She mused.

The two of us then fell back into a comfortable silence.

Until I felt natures call.

So I slipped out of bed, headed into my personal Referseher, and handled business.

I then started heading back to bed.

Only to get a searing pain in my head and drop to my knees before I could reach it.

"Agh!!!" I screamed, grabbing the sides of my head with my hands.

"Van!" Serra shouted worridly.

Jumping out of the bed she came over towards me speaking, but I couldn't hear a single thing she was saying.

Instead all I could hear was someone screaming in my mind.

'Help. Mother, please help me.' A female voice cried out. Me sensing and feeling her anger, fear, pain, and regret in the process. Images then came into my mind,


A green and white world, dotted with blue.

A blonde-haired woman trapped in some sort of machine.

A man looking at her like she was nothing.

The woman being ripped apart by rancors.

A figure crying out in anguish, and slashing the man from earlier to pieces with a lightsaber.


The images stopping the screaming in my head and the emotions accompanying it slowly faded away.

Allowing me to regain control.

Inhaling and exhaling slowly I processed all I had just seen, Serra gently cradling me in her arms.

Looking up at her I moved to speak, only for her to kiss me passionately before a word left my mouth.

Reciprocating her kiss I felt her relief and happiness wash over me through the Force.

Breaking our kiss she went back to holding me.

"I'm glad, you're alright." She whispered.

"Thanks." I replied.

"What, happened?" Serra asked me.

"I got visions. Through the Force." I explained.

"Of what?" She asked me.

"It..." I trailed off. Feeling a slew of complicated subjects about what I saw. Even though I know in my heart exactly what it is.

"My mother, she's in trouble, and we need to go save her." I managed to get out.

Serra looking at me with a shocked expression. "You're mother?"

"Yes." I replied.

Looks like it's time for a family reunion.