Chapter 101: Rise of the Mandalorians Episode IV

The chants dying down, and our speeches having finished Jango and I stepped off the platform.

We then made our way into one of the nearby structures of the camp we are in, which was its command center.

The camp itself belonging to the Mandalorian Protectors.

Also known as the Mandalorian Royal Guard. An elite group of Mandalorian warriors who for generations served as the personal bodyguard for the rulers of the Mandalorian people, and kept order within their warrior culture.

The same group Fenn Rau led in canon, and the same group who have thrown their full support behind Jango and my friends and I.

Such great people.

After entering the command center Jango and I waited for a few moments before Kal Skirata, Walon Vau, Obi-Wan, and HK-47 joined us.

The former two Jango having selected to serve as his lieutenants, while of course the latter two were with me.

Obi-Wan due to his "close" relationship with duchess Satine, for as much I dislike her stubbornly naïve pacifistic views I'm not simply going to let her get caught in the cross-fire when the coming battle goes down. A sentiment Jango and his lieutenants shared with me. So we're putting Kenobi on Satine duty. Since she is still the duchess of Mandalore and many of the people do respect her. So again, letting her die is a no go.

HK-47 is here because well, since we're looking to take down 'Death Watch' as quickly and violently as possible, who better to assist us in making that happen than the most violent and efficient killer I know.

Reaching out toward the holotank all of us were standing around Jango activated it.

The second after he did so a holographic layout projected itself into the air. The layout being projected of the Mandalrore System.

Manipulating the layout Jango zoomed in on Mandalores' moon, Concordia.

The current base of operations for Pre Vizsla and 'Death Watch'.

Once he did so the five us discussed several things before bringing the meeting to a close.

"So, is everyone clear on the plan?" I asked.

"We are, but are you sure all this is necessary?" Walon asked me.

"Yes, I am." I replied seriously. Looking Walon directly in the eyes as I did.

"Alright then." Walon replied.

Once he did so all of us exited the command center.

We then began putting things into motion to bring about the permanent downfall of Pre Vizsla and 'Death Watch' and give rise to the 'True Mandalorians' and a new age for Mandalorians in general.


[Mandalore Sector, Mandalore System, Mandalore]

Looking out the Milano's cockpit windows I saw the domed city of Sundari, the Mandalorian capital city before me.

[Insert Image of Sundari Here]

Examining it I have to say it looks quite impressive. It also speaks to the tenacity of the Mandalorian people. For instead of abandoning their home world they instead found a new way to live on it.

Flying my ship through one of the many entrances of the city dome I went through the motions with Mandalorian air traffic control and eventually landed at a designated landing pad.

A few moments after I did so Obi-Wan, HK-47, Serra, and I disembarked from the Milano. 

Being met by members of New Mandalorian royal guard after we did.

"Oh look, they sent a welcome party for us." I said.

"Well, best not to be rude then." Obi-Wan added.

"Welcome to Mandalore." One of the royal guard spoke. "Please follow us, the duchess and her advisors are waiting." He said.

"Of course." I replied.

Once I did the royal guard escorted our group to the Sundari Royal Palace.

Then after we arrived at the palace they led us straight to the throne room.

Upon entering it my eyes fell on the person sitting atop the throne.

Duchess Satine Kryze.

[Insert Image of Satine Kryze Here]

Seeing Satine up close and personal, instead of simply on a screen, I have to say she is beautiful. I am also sensing kindness, compassion, yet fierce determination and stubbornness from her.

With all these things combined together now it makes perfect sense why Obi-Wan began simping for the duchess. She is quite the woman.

Satine is also blonde, which speaks to another of Obi-Wan's preferences, considering Siri Tachi is as well.

Again, I wonder how it will go when all three of them get together.

All I can say to Obi-Wan is, good luck.

Taking my eyes away from Satine I scanned the other individuals in the room, taking note of that hypocrite prime minister Almec.

[Insert Image of Almec Here]

I wonder, has he already started committing crimes using the 'For the Greater Good' excuse. That is definitely something I'll need to check on.

Leaving the prime minister aside for now, I turned my attention to Obi-Wan who had this idiotic look on his face, his gaze focused solely on the duchess. While she herself was looking at him, while trying hard to make it seem like she wasn't.

Thankfully the two making googly eyes at each other only lasted for a few seconds before Satine swept her gaze over our entire group. "Welcome to Mandalore, I am the duchess Satine Kryze." She told us.

"Greetings duchess." I spoke.

I then reached up, removed my helmet, placed it under my left arm, and gave a short bow to Satine. "My name is Van Sunrider, and these are my companions. Serra Keto, my personal protocol droid HK, and I believe you already know Obi-Wan Kenobi." I spoke.

"Yes, I do." Satine replied. "And it is a pleasure to meet the rest of you. But please, tell me young man, why have a group of Jedi come to Mandalore?" 

"Duchess, our group are not Jedi." I immediately replied.

"Mhm, what do you mean?" Satine asked.

"I mean all of us left the Jedi Order over two years ago." I said. "Forgive me, I'd assumed you'd heard the news of the troubles of the Jedi and the Jedi Order."

"We have heard of the troubles, but we had no idea of the finer details." Almec explained.

"So Obi-Wan, you have left the order?" Satine asked in a neutral tone.

But I could sense the hope and longing coming from her.

"I have." Obi-Wan replied in a neutral tone as well.

But the moment Satine heard those words certain other emotions came up, and I reeled in my senses from the Force since I would rather not feel what she was sending out. Me sensing Serra doing the same thing.

"I see." Satine replied. She then looked at my waist, specifically her eyes were on my two lightsabers. "Young man you say you are not Jedi, but you still wear the weapons of the Jedi. What say you?"

"As I said before duchess Satine, my companions and I are no longer members of the Jedi Order. Instead we are part of something new, the Jedaii Order." I explained. "Which is similar and yet also different from the Jedi Order."

"So you are Jedi." Almec spoke.

"In a sense, yes." I replied to the prime minister. "But unlike the main Jedi Order we allow our members to form attachments, have relationships, and even families." I explained. "But I did not come here today to explain the new Jedaii Order, I came because a short while ago my companions and I encountered something rather interesting." I spoke.

I then took a mini holoprojector out of the pouch on my belt, held it up for all to see, and activated it. A second after I did so a recording began to play of an individual wearing Mandalorian armor engaging in battle.

Seeing this I saw shocked expressions on the faces of Satine, Almec, and the rest of the government council.

"What is this?!" Almec asked me.

"This is a Mandalorian we encountered a while go. They said they were a member of a group called 'Death Watch' and that they had been hired to kill us." I said.

Once more spewing bullshit out of my mouth, that would make the dao fo bullshit cry tears of joy.

None of that is true.

The recording I'm showing Satine and her governmental council right now is a well put together deep-fake video. But they don't know that, and neither does the actual 'Death Watch'.

But thanks to this both groups will be put on edge, which is the first step in the plan to bring 'Death Watch' down and have Jango lead the Mandalorian people.




Satine's government council members shouted.

While Almec walked up to me. "Young man, the person you encountered was lying. In the past a Mandalorian might've done something like this, but we've put our violent past behind us. So there is no way the person who attacked you was actually a Mandalorian."

"But what abour the 'Death Watch' group they mentioned?" Serra asked. "We did some research and know that it is real."

"Was real young lady." Almec instantly replied. "The group known as 'Death Watch' died out during our people's civil war many years ago, and anyone who still invokes their name are nothing but petty criminals looking for recognition." He explained.

Almec having no idea how wrong he was.

"Well the fact remains is we were attacked by someone claiming to be Mandalorian and a member of this 'Death Watch'." Obi-Wan spoke. "So we thought it prudent to come and inform the Mandalorians of our encounter." He explained. Looking at Satine as he did.

"Thank you." Satine replied. "Now then, I ask that you leave us. My people and I need to discuss your claims." She said.

"Of course, duchess." I replied.

My group then left the throne room.

Upon doing so I put back on my helmet, and then smirked.

For phase one of the plan just went out without a hitch.

Now it's time for move onto phase two.