Chapter 141: Interlude 2

(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in a chair, inside of one of his many secret residences upon Coruscant, Sidious looked down at the kneeling holo-form of his apprentice. Sora Bulq. Also known as Darth Rorn.

"Rise, my apprentice." Sidious spoke.

When he did so Bulq stood up to his feet.

"What news do you bring me?" Sidious asked.

"The mercenary you told me to hire, Durge, has just contacted me and informed me of the results of his mission to Sneeve." Bulq spoke.

"And, what are they?" Sidious asked.

"I regret to inform you, my master, that Durge couldn't fulfill the mission objective. He was unable to kill all the senators, Jedi, and Jedaii in attendance at the meeting on Sneeve. But he did manage to do away with senator Aks Moe, and severely injure Yennali Fonemys." Bulq explained.

"I see." Sidious replied. A grin forming on his face, due to the information Bulq had just told him.

Since although not all those he wanted dead were, he could very well work with the death of Aks Moe. Along with the severe injuring of Yennali Fonemys.

A girl Sidious knew was very important to Van Sunrdier.

The boy he had already selected to be his candidate for his next "true" apprentice.

Sure, he and Van may not be in close contact anymore due to the formation of the Galactic Systems Alliance, but Sidious is confident that even with that he can still turn Van to his side.

Oh, if only the Sith Lord knew how wrong he was.

"Since Durge did not fully complete his mission, shall I have him eliminated master?" Bulq asked.

"No, no." Sidious immediately replied. "While it is true Durge did not complete what we asked of him he is far too valuable to simply dispose of at the moment. He is now an important asset. I true you understand?"

"That I do master. That I do." Bulq replied.

"Good." Sidious replied.

He then cut off their communication.

After he did Sidious began reveling in the news he had just heard for several minutes, before getting back into his Palpatine persona.

Once he did Sidious left the secret residence he was using and returned to his public one.

Immediately upon doing so the Sith Lord/Supreme Chancellor found his comms flooded with several messages.

The highest priority ones pertaining to a matter that had taken place on Sneeve.

A matter he himself orchestrated.

Showcasing once more, just how truly evil Sidious is.


[Unknown Location]

Sitting next to a work-bench, in a lab filled with several different machine parts, Durge silently worked as he repaired the damage to his armor he had received during his latest job.

A job that still excitement racing through him.

To be able to fight against Jedi, and even against the new Jedaii he had heard about, made the ancient mercenary giddy.

But that was nowhere near enough to satiate his desire for battle. His bloodlust.

Though he knew of a few people that might.

"Van Sunrider, Jango Fett. I hope a day when I can do battle with either of you will come soon." Durge spoke to himself. "Hehehe. I'm sure if its either of you I can get the thrill I am looking for. I hope you don't disappoint." He said.

Durge continuing to fix his armor as he did.

Needless to say Van now had another enemy after he didn't even know about.