Chapter 168: Test Of Character

Phantasia: The Princess Knight

What could Viscount Harlane say? He was happy that Alicia was allowing him and his family to live. At the same time not only did she not kill him for his transgression, but she was also even giving him an opportunity to rebuild himself and with a chance of a promotion at that, upon competition of his task. He was more grateful towards Alicia than anything. If he could prove himself here he could more than likely gain the backing of this new princess who the king seems to dote on. Viscount Harlane was no fool, he quickly got to one knee and bowed his head: "As you will your highness. I will prove my worth and show that sparing my and my family's life today was not a mistake!"

Alicia's strict gaze continued to look Viscount Harlane over for a little while before nodding her head in approval when she was sure he was being completely honest with his words: "MMm.. good, I will be expecting great things from you in the future. While out roaming the kingdom, I will send someone out at times to get monthly reports from you. I will also have night patrols pass by your estate two times a night to ensure the safety of your family while you are away. "

Viscount Harlane lifted his head in surprise when he heard Alicia say she would even go as far as to ensure his family's safety. A smile formed on his old face as he thanked Alicia profusely. The entire time King Augustus was watching Alicia. Watching how she would handle the situation. Not only did this not end with an entire family being killed, but she was also able to make use of Viscount Harlane in helping the poorer regions by promising to ask for a promotion to a higher noble rank if he was successful in his endeavor. To make it so that Viscount Harlane had no worries about his family for the next ten years while he worked outside the capital, she made sure to calm his nerves by boosting patrols around his estate at night. In just a few minutes, she had dished out punishment and promised rewards and from the looks of it, Viscount Harlane was in no way mad about his demotion but grateful to Alicia for her care and consideration. She had completely won over someone who originally planned to sell her off!

King Augustus never thought such an approach was possible but she did it with ease. Whether she realized what she did or if she did it on a whim, her actions had gained a supporter who will strongly back her in the future! 'If this continues on into the future, the Alastine Kingdom might just have its first Queen...'

After sending Viscount Harlane away, Alicia turned her gaze to King Augustus. "Royal Father, did I pass? You seemed to have been grading my performance just now."

"Not grade in a sense, but I wanted to see how you would deal with this situation." King Augustus leaned back in his chair while Alicia came and stood at his side.

"And the verdict?" Alicia asked.

"Very well done. To be honest, you did something I would not have thought of. What made you think of having Viscount Harlane help the poorer towns and villages?" This was a point he was most interested in. Because what she did was a huge help not only to the citizens but to himself who was trying to find a solution to the issue of poverty in the outer regions of the kingdom.

"Didn't really think about it too deeply. I just figured instead of selling citizens to make personal gain, he should put himself to use by helping the citizens instead. By demoting and then promising a promotion above his old title, he would have more incentive to do his best and lastly, so he could do his best without worry, I added in the extra patrols past his estate. This way he would have no excuses later on if he fails the mission I gave." Alicia explained her reasoning.

King Augustus was amazed at how detailed she was when she did things. She left no room for failure or even a chance to use certain things as an excuse for why they failed. All the while coming across as a benevolent soul who seemed to be worried about theirs and their family's well being. "I'd say you passed this test with flying colors. I have watched your Illusion world tests as well. Each and every one of your decisions were precise and well thought out. From this day forward I want you, Rose, Starla, and Annelia to do missions from the Adventurers Guild. Blake will of course be following along as well. I want you to gain as much experience as you can and spread hope to the kingdom. It is my hope that by the time you turn fifteen you will already be a full pledged knight."

What King Augustus did not tell Alicia was that she already had enough merit points to become a knight. But, he wanted her to gain more experience first and had already contacted the Adventurers Guild and those around her to tell them to not let her know. Just killing a disaster ranked demonic beast was enough to become a novice knight. But before this even happened she had already fought and helped repel a demon. Now if you add in the disaster and catastrophe ranked demonic beasts she was well on her way to being an expert knight. What she lacked was the experience and this is why King Augustus wanted her to do missions with the Adventurers Guild. A sudden rise to fame would not be good for her. She needed to slowly mature more before being put into the spotlight. He wanted the way she handled things now to be engraved inside her without outside influence.

Alicia smiled and nodded her head. "Do not worry Royal Father, I will work hard!"
