Chapter 170: True Gods
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
Alicia and her group made it down the long set stairs that lead to the ancient subterranean city. When they finally reached the end and the city was right in front of their eyes. Annelia exclaimed out in shock. "Such a big city!?"
"Yeah, that was our thought too, when we first arrived here. " Alicia looked out over the familiar city and sighed. Such a massive city met such a horrible end. They still never did find out what exactly the 'Darkness' was.
A warm hand touched the top of Alicia's head relaxing her a little bit. "Make sure you all stay on guard. Even if the city is under control of the Royal Investigation squad, that doesn't mean things can't go wrong. If the 'Darkness' that was spoken off in that letter for some reason comes back, we have to be ready to run."
"Blake, is right, even in my inherited memories no such thing as 'Darkness' was ever talked about and dragons have been around for a very long time. Just as long as the Gods race." Loeri added. She had gotten bored with being cooped up and came out to help Alicia on her mission.
"What is this 'Darkness' you speak of?" Annelia was confused. They were talking about something called a 'Darkness' and she had no idea what it was.
"We are not sure either. All we know is what we read about in the letter. It said that the 'Darkness' consumed people, causing them to go mad and attack each other. Let's just hope we do not run into it while down here." Alicia answered Annelia's question. But her answer only served to scare Annelia who was now attached to Rose's arm.
The group continued walking through the streets. They did not enter any buildings this time since the Royal Investigation Squad was now handling it. The city was so vast that Alicia and the rest had already walked a good few hours and still were not near the center of the city. There were many people here now in the city, groups of three or four would be standing here and there examining things.
Alicia couldn't help think that these people were really investigating every nook and cranny of this place. As they walked on less and less researchers could be seen. They finally arrived at a building with a long set of symbols on it. "This is it. Our destinations should be on the fourth floor." Blake said as he took a step forward and opened the door to the building.
The inside was very dark. Not a shred of light was coming from inside. Alicia for some reason had a bad feeling about this place as soon as she stepped inside. It was not that she was scared, no, it was more of intuition more than anything. Unfortunately, she truly wished she didn't enter the building. Because as soon as they did the door behind them slammed shut blanketing them in darkness.
"Hahaha…. After so long! So long! Someone actually came here! Hahahahahahahaha! To think… After so long I can finally have a snack. Go mad, go crazy, the 'Darkness' will be here soon!" A voice rang out and echoed throughout the building. It was an eerie and chilling voice that sent shivers down everyone's spine.
Only one person remained calm when he heard this voice and that was Blake. "For someone who has been dead for so many years without the slightest bit of warmth, how were you able to stay alive this long? Even if you are undead, your race is not able to live without warmth."
"Hoho!? Someone who knows what I am. This is interesting, very interesting. Let me tell you, you who knows what I am. Did you know each of these buildings has a thermal vent? It reaches all the way down to the inner core of the planet. I just had to sit and wait until someone showed up and here you are… I am so dreadfully hungry will you not become my snack? Hahahaha!" The voice rang out, answering Blake's question.
"Blake, how did you know he was an Undead?" Alicia asked.
"It's its way of speaking. It's speaking in the same way Subterranean words are written but also speaks with a bit of Undead tone. As you may have noticed each race has its own written language but all speak the same tongue." Blake paused and looked at Alicia who nodded her head to show she agreed. "Our world is connected by True Gods, Begins that even superseded the Celestials. They are beings that can create or destroy worlds with a snap of their fingers. At one point each race had its own language. But the True Gods felt this divided and split the people of this planet. They casted a spell that covered the planet that got rid of all the spoken languages and replaced it with a universal one. But to allow each race to have some form of secrecy they did not change the written languages. "
After hearing Blake's explanation she was a bit surprised to hear of the true gods. But then again, Alicia remembered Loeri mentioning something like that before during one of their talks. She said that Dragons are a race created by the true dragon god. Which makes them just as old as the Gods race. All this information about gods this and gods that was starting to make Alicia's head spin. Seeing Alicia's mind go into a whirl. Blake only smiled and said: "Leave the difficult stuff out of it for now. We need to head to the basement first. It seems this Undead has turned into a ghoul after being stuck here for so long. If we do not dispose of it and it somehow got a hold of one of the researchers here it would be bad news since Ghouls feed off life."