Chapter 180: All Out War Part One
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
Water bubbling as it moved up the tube into another flask before changing color and being carried out into another tube. Dr. Feanreal sat at her workstation, her eyes heavy, the black circles around her eyes were as clear as day. She had not slept for days as she continuously worked on a solution that would make the Demonic Plagues go crazy and gather all in one area.
"If you are going to stand there at least say something, your Highness! " Dr. Feanreal yelled out not even turning her head towards the person standing at the door.
"I did not want to disturb you." King Augustus slowly walked into the room. He frowned when he saw Dr. Feanreal's condition. "You should sleep before you have an accident."
"How can I sleep!? The Princess is fighting for our kingdom, doing all she can to reclaim our farmlands back so we do not starve. She is on the front lines defending those of us back here at the capital. Hoping and relying on us to bring about a solution to the issues at hand. If we do not come up with a way to lure these demonic plagues, all she is fighting for will be for not!" Dr. Feanreal snapped. She was in a very irritable mood since she had not had the chance to sleep at all and now someone was asking her to take a break when things were not looking good as it was.
King Augustus only shook his head and waved his hand. Dr. Feanreal looked at King Augustus in shock as her eyes slowly began to close. As she was falling into a deep sleep she muttered. "You bastard!"
"You can call me what you will but I will not have my chief doctor dying on me from overwork. Alicia won't mind if you sleep a few hours every day." King Augustus said as he caught Dr. Feanreal. He then waved his hand to one of the female guards behind him and said: "Take her to her room. Don't let her out until tomorrow."
"Yes, your Majesty!"
King Augustus looked at the last two demonic plagues and his eyes turned cold. "If I find out you are not the work of nature but actually the work of someone else, I will hunt down and exterminate that person and everyone related to them."
"Sir Dalton!" Alicia yelled out with a smile on her face.
"Good to see ya again." Dalton returned the smile with one of his own but furrowed his brow seeing Alicia's current state. "We can talk later, go rest for now."
Alicia was about to say she was fine when Dalton jumped off his horse and picked her up off the ground.
"Sir Dalton, I can walk on my own!" Alicia flailed about her face red, only to find herself placed into a familiar embrace.
"Make sure she gets some rest. We can not have our Princess collapse on us now, can we? We can discuss things in a few hours." Dalton said firmly.
Blake let out a laugh seeing how embarrassed Alicia was getting. It had been a while since she was tried like a child like this. Blake nodded his head in agreement and said: "I will make sure she does."
Alicia only humphed and reluctantly agreed to go rest.
Now that she got a chance to rest since Dalton forced her to, Alicia took this time to go into her space and take a nice long hot bath. "Mother, what are those lumps on your chest? Rose and Claire have them too."
Alicia almost burst out laughing at Frey's words as she patted Frey's head and answered: "When you get older you will get them to it's all part of being female."
"Oh!" Frey fell out of interest quick and began swimming around in the bath. "Blub, Blub, Blub, Blub. Ack! Bleh! It Tastes like soap." Frey's face scrunched up and she stuck her tongue out making a disgusted look.
"Silly what are you doing?" Alicia laughed once again and lifted Frey up out of the water and placed Frey on her shoulder. "In a few years, you might not be able to sit on Mother's shoulder anymore."
"Nuh-uh! I will always be able to sit on Mother's shoulder." Frey protested.
"Oh? Then Mother will love that very much. By the way Frey how has your Magicule condensing going?" Alicia had asked Claire to begin teaching Frey how to condense her magicules balls. Just in case something had ever happened to her or Blake.
Even after all these years, Frey will not eat another's Magicule ball unless it came from Blake or her. Since she was getting older it was time for her to train. As a fairy, she already matured at a faster rate than a human, well, when dealing with Magicules, that is and they would need to learn to condense their own food by the time they were six years old. Frey was getting close to turning six so she needed to start her training.
"I can do this now!" Frey said as she began to concentrate and a small ball of Magicule the size of her palm appeared. Frey smiled brightly as she showed Alicia.
"Wow, Frey you are really making progress!" Alicia smiled and patted Frey on the head.
Frey And Alicia talked a bit longer before Alicia decided it was time to get out of the bath. She had just finished getting changed into a new set of clothes and armor when a knock came at her door.
"Young Miss, I just got word from Sir Blake, it seems there is a major issue!" Claire's anxious voice could be heard from the other side of the door. Alicia knew something was happening outside her space so she hurried out the door saying thanks to Claire as she passed by. When she appeared, Dalton quickly ran over to her.
"Little Lass, we got a problem! A big problem. Millions of Demonic Plagues for some unknown reason seem to be gathering a few kilometers out from the barrier. I think they might be staging an all out attack."