Chapter 182: All Out War Part Three
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
King Agustus looked at his daughter who was giving a knight's oath and sighed. He lifted his head to look at Blake who gave him a knowing nod. This reassured him that Alicia will come out of this alive. He knew that if it came down to it, Blake would release his own seal to save Alicia. "Then I will leave the front lines to you. I will make sure that during this time no other country tries anything. In one hour I will arrive with the reinforcements and to break your seal."
"Then Royal Father we will hold on until you get here." Alicia said with a smile. She had come to love this Kingdom more than anything since she was taken in by King Augustus. There were still poor villages, crime, and other underground workings, but that was something that was inevitable. But other than that, the day to day citizens were happy. She was proud to say she was King Augustus's daughter with how he ran this kingdom.
Alicia left the command tent and faced the nervous eyes of everyone present. As of now, there were only around two thousand soldiers and knights combined along with ten mages. Alicia needed these men and women to be ready for anything and hold strong until reinforcements arrived. Alicia jumped up on top of a stack of crates and looked out over everyone. She put on a gentle smile as she amplified her voice for all inside the barrier to hear and began speaking.
"For everyone here, whether they be knights, mages, or soldiers, each and every one of you, men or women, I must ask of you to hold out for one hour. One hour is all we need and my Royal Father, King Augustus the second of Alastine, will be here with enough reinforcements to hold this position and also reclaim what we have lost.
"We will kill any and all demonic plague that comes near the barrier. As long as this barrier is up within an hour we will have one hundred more mages here to help reinforce it and make it ten times stronger.
" All I ask is for your help to hold this position until they come. You will not be alone because I will be there fighting alongside you the entire way. I do not plan to hide behind this barrier. No, as an aspiring knight and princess of this Kingdom I will be on the front lines fighting alongside all of you." Hearing that their princess was going to be fighting alongside them boosted the morale of the soldiers, mages, and knights as they all cheered at her statement.
For common people who were soldiers, knights , and mages, it was more reassuring that someone from the royal family was going to be by their side doing their best to support them during the hard times. Just knowing that Alicia was going to be there was enough to make them willing to put everything they had into the upcoming battle.
As the cheers calmed Alicia gave everyone a warm smile as she continued: "We will be doing a rotation of fifteen minutes, one thousand men and women mixed of knights and soldiers will fight at one time allowing a fifteen minute break each rotation. Sir Dalton will split your groups. He is second in command. If I am not around and you have questions, ask Sir Dalton."
Alicia paused and looked a that faces that turned from gloomy to that of fighting spirit. Seeing her words did its job, she finished her speech with one simple sentence.
"Time is short, get ready for battle! "
Another roar of cheers sounded out through the crowd. They quickly dispersed to get themselves ready for the battle. Dalton looked at how high the morale rose just from a few words from Alicia and couldn't help but feel his own fighting spirit rise. He had to admit that the little girl had a way with words. She knew exactly what would allow the soldiers and knights of the kingdom to work their hardest.
Very quickly, Dalton, had the groups split into two. He looked at Alicia and her team of five walking up to join them. He walked over and asked: "You're going in with the first team?"
"We are going in for the entire hour. I promised I would fight alongside each and every one of them, this means I do not get a break." Alicia said firmly as she readied her sword.
"Then I will do the same!" Dalton gave a laugh as he turned to the group knights and soldiers yelling out: " Listen up! Our Kingdom's princess is not going to rest. She will fight alongside each of you, so let's show her what we are made of!" Dalton tactfully used Alicia to boost morale even more.
Alicia only smiled and shook her head as she rushed outside the barrier with the group. They quickly spread out and formed a two layer defensive line. Alica pushed her way to the forefront not wanting to be in the safe zone.
It was at that time that the first wave of demonic plagues rushed forward, bounding up and down as they ran towards the Alastine defensive line. "Get ready! Incoming! If you get injured fall back! The mages will heal you!"
"More move to the right flank! The Demonic plagues are gathering more there!" Alicia yelled out her orders as she commanded to the right side of the defensive line. Dalton was controlling the left. Alicia was putting everything she learned over the past few years to work.
But war was never so simple. Injuries and death were inevitable. In just the first clash they already had over one hundred dead and injured. Luckily deaths were kept minimal to around ten. But the injured would take a while to heal. This was just the beginning of the war to come. A war that would go down in the Alastine Kingdoms history books.
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