Chapter 186: Battle of Romila Village Part Two
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
On Blake's side, he was following Alicia's plan and doing the same thing, dividing and conquering. The beastmen who were used to the normal ways of war, where you fought head on, were not used to this kind of tactic that made it impossible to surge forth in numbers.
Alicia had effectively shown that numbers mean nothing in the face of better tactics. Since Alicia was able to split the beastmen off so easily she knew that when it came down to actual war tactics the beast kingdom was way behind.
With every thrust of her sword, Alicia would take another beastman's life or slice down a demonic plague. They had already found multiple whistles on each side allowing for them to have even better control over the battlefield.
They had pushed forward and were now entering the last section. This was where what was left of the beastmen army was located. The original ten thousand that were there had dwindled down a lot, down to a mere three thousand.
These beastmen looked at Alicia who had walked up to them with only a handful of knights and soldiers and gritted their teeth. Just seeing how many she brought with her to fight them made them want to die from anger. But from how this battle had been going they were not stupid enough to look down on her.
Alicia stood not too far away from the beastmen encampment, her golden hair fluttering in the wind. Her sword reflected the light of the sun as it shined down onto her. Using a bit of magic to amplify her voice Alicia took in a deep breath before yelling out: "People of the Beast Kingdom, I am Alicia von Alastine, Third Princess of the Alastine Kingdom. Your princess, the First Princess of the Beast Kingdom, Princess Sola Margix, wishes not for you to fight and hopes that you will surrender peacefully. You have invaded my Kingdom so by right I can kill you all.
"But I am going to give you this chance to lay down your weapons and surrender. Otherwise, I will purge this village of each and every last one of you. As you know this is not just a simple idle threat. My actions thus far prove that I am not lying. I will give you one hour to figure out what you want to do. If a single demonic plague or if one of your soldiers attacks us during this time it will be seen as your final answer and we will attack in return."
Alicia took her men and found a place to regroup and relax while they waited for the answer that the beast kingdom would give. She hoped that they would just surrender. There was no need for more bloodshed if the outcome was already obvious. But sometimes pride could get in the way of the most obvious answer. She just hoped that Beasmens' pride would not stop them from surrendering.
Blake and his group arrived shortly after, as soon as he saw Alicia he plopped himself right down next to her. Seeing Blake brought a smile to Alicia's face as she leaned into him. She was tired. Very tired. The ongoing battles that had been taking place one after the other was really starting to weigh down on her. She hoped that they would not need to fight this last battle.
"What do you think the odds are that the beastmen will surrender?" Alicia asked Blake.
"I am not sure. I just hope they are smart enough to surrender so we can finish the clean up of the village and regain our defensive line." Blake let out a sigh as he answered. He too was very tired of all of this.
There wait was short as a soldier came over and announced: "Princess, a messenger from the beastmen have come."
Alicia looked at Blake who nodded at her. The two of them stood up and walked over to meet with the messenger.
Standing in front of her was a tall Bulky beastman with many scars on his body. He was not like Princess Sola's cat race, but that of a lizard race. He had green scales that covered parts of his body and a long thick lizard tail. When he saw Alicia walk up, he forced a smile and gave a small bow. "Princess Alicia, I am the commander of the beastmen's army. My name is Burgec. I decided to personally come instead of sending a liaison."
"It's good to meet you Commander Burgec." Alicia gave a smile and a small bow.
"I am one who does not like to beat around the bush. You said that Princess Sola is in your care, may I speak to her?" Commander Burgec asked.
"That is fine but for her safety, we will need you to stand apart. When I saved her she was already at sword point about to lose her life at the hands of the Beastmen." Alicia said as she waved her hand. As she did five people appeared behind her. Starla, Rose, Annelia, Loeri, and Princess Sola.
"Uncle!" Princess Sola quickly yelled out when she saw Commander Burgec. She went to run forward but was quickly stopped by Starla.
"Please understand we are only blocking you for your own safety." Starla said gently. Princess Sola nodded her head and stepped back a few steps.
Seeing Princess Sola in good care Commander Burgec let out a sigh of relief. "Princess Sola, it is good to see that you are safe. I want you to know that the beastmen who attacked you were not under my command. They were..." Commander Burgec stopped his words, he was not sure if he should say it or not.
"I know they were under Father's command. Father is no longer himself and seems to be a completely different person. " Tears flowed from Princess Sola's eyes.
"It's as I thought it must have been that thing he found..."