Chapter 188: Defence Of Alastine Part One
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
Alicia wasted no time in accepting Burgec's proposal. She did not have time to waste contemplating such things. She told Burgec that he would be the front line of defense and to try to push back any beastmen soldiers that might come after she had left. A binding contract was no simple thing. The reason why Alicia could trust Burgec so readily even though they were once enemies is because once any of his men or himself break the contract not only will they die but their entire bloodline would die with them. This was the extreme that Alicia added to the contract. Since the Beast Kingdom was made of beastmen, the bloodlines ran through most of the residents this meant that a single person within the thousands of soldiers there could end up killing millions if they broke the contract.
Alicia only limited the contract to them betraying her or any malicious action towards Alastine. She didn't want anything more than that from them. It was just reassurance that the few thousand men that were here would not go against Alastine again.
Once everything was set in Romalia village, Alicia decided it was time to talk with Dalton and try to come up with a plan of action. She knew she could not do this alone, she could only see what he had to say about the situation.
"Hmmm… To be honest Alicia, I think we might be in a bit of trouble. With the empire attacking us, the second biggest country on the continent, we will have our hands tied even with the king himself and our countries trump cards being there. Not to mention our forces are already spread out. I think this was the Beastmen King's real goal. He used the demonic plagues as a chip to instigate the other countries into attacking us. The only thing I see wrong with the situation is that the Beastmen King was never such a resourceful man. He always said brute strength was all it took. He never used such large schemes in battle." Dalton was completely puzzled. He did not understand where the Beastmen King got his war tactic know how.
"If I am not wrong and this is just an assumption, but I think the Beastmen King is under control by the black cube he found. From what we know, everything started to change from there. But our first priority since the Beastmen Kingdom's border is pretty much taken care of, we need to stop the invasion from the other borders." Alicia knew this would be hard but there was no other option.
It was already a guarantee that they had already lost quite a bit of land already with no one in the way of their advances. Alicia let out a sigh, she had already experienced bloody battlefields within the Illusion World but she never thought she would need to enter one so soon in real life.
"Then we can only do one thing…. Sir Dalton, I will leave you here with the soldiers and knights my Royal Father brought. This is where our forces are needed the most. Blake and I will head north. On the way, I will create a wall to try to hinder the advance of the Fernilia Kingdom. Out of all the countries that surround us they are the weakest. The main problem will be the Grodandon Kingdom. The kingdom of dwarves. They might not be as advanced in magic as others but their ability to forge machines using magic can not be beaten."
Thinking for a minute Alicia waved her hand bringing out Starla, Annelia, Rose, Loeri, and Princess Sola. "Princess Sola I will need you to form a binding contract with me. It will basically be a contract that until the end of the war you will assist Sir Dalton with keeping the beastmen at bay. It will also make it so you can not betray me or Sir Dalton or do anything that could harm Alastine from here on out and into the future. I know this might seem mean but I have no choice. Please forgive me."
"No this is fine. If it can stop my father's plans I am willing to do anything." Princess Sola formed a smile on her face as she spoke.
"Then we shall do it immediately."
After the contract was signed Alicia turned to her three friends. "I had wanted to keep you out of the bloodshed of a real war until you were all a bit older but I don't have the luxury of doing that anymore. I now need you three to help me ward off an entire kingdom. And Loeri I will need your help as well."
"Haha! It is time, for I, the great Loeri, to show my abilities once again! Just like that time I shot flames up that demonic beast's butt!" Loeri yelled out happily.
This of course made Alicia's face go black. She remembered that time and all the running she had to do afterward!
"What was that for?" Loeri rubbed her head looking at Alicia aggrieved.
"You made me remember something that I forgot to punish you for!" After letting off some stress, Alicia scratched her head and looked at everyone. "We do not have time so we will need to move out. Sir Dalton, I leave this place to you."
"Do not worry, your Highness. I will do everything in my power to hold this line of defense." Sir Dalton said respectfully.
Alicia looked at Sir Dalton who was bowing his head to her and felt a bit weird having him being so formal. "Not gonna say little lass at a time like this?"
"When receiving orders to defend one's kingdom from the Princess herself it is only right I answer with respect." Sir Dalton put on a cheeky grin as he said this. He would always think of this little girl as one of his own kids. So teasing her in a time like this was to try to help her relax.