Chapter 198: The Rise Of Alastine Part One
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
The next day Alicia spent her time learning the ins and outs of how to rule a kingdom. Under Prime Minister Charles's watchful eyes all the nobles who came to give Alicia guidance had done so without steering her in the wrong direction.
A few weeks passed and Alicia was now sitting in a meeting with all the top advisors of Alastine. Most of them had an astonished look on their faces. During the past few weeks, Alicia had successfully brought in over five million Alastine citizens into the capital. With the help of the Magi Masters' Hall, she was able to erect a large barrier that spaned a three days journey outside the capital allowing for them to have land for farming. But none this was the reason for the look in the advisor's eyes.
"Your Highness are you saying the entire area will be…" Military Advisor Harlow did not finish his words. Because Alicia's idea was just too crazy!
"Yes, the entire area. Here see this map..." Alicia pointed to the area that encircled the entire capital. "The green circle is the barrier that is now in place around the capital. It is also the cutoff point on which I plan to lift off the ground. I had wanted to know why the Beast Kingdom was so bent on attacking Alastine and found that there is something hidden under the capital that seems to be their goal.
"If we leave things as is by the time they get here they could very well try to burrow underground, while keeping us busy, and steal whatever this object is. But by lifting the entire area into the sky not only can we protect the citizens of Alastine better, we can also strengthen the barrier on the under half of the capital and run less of a risk of any more deaths. "
Seeing the faces of the advisor seemingly not willing to undergo such a feat Prime MInister Charles stepped forward and continued to explain. " Basically what her Highness is trying to do is retain our military, protect the objective the enemy wants to get a hold of and at the same time make it easy to destroy our enemies. "
Alicia smiled and Prime Minister Charles and continued where he left off. "As Prime Minister Charles has said, we are doing this for many reasons, the main reason is our food supply can only last so long. We have already lost a large number of farmlands. We have millions of people in the capital that require the items produced on the farmlands to eat and work.
" This was the main reason why I had such a big barrier put up even if it was a daunting task. The lands that we have now can at least be used for farming but they will most likely not show a yield for months. And we can not expect the barrier to hold on if it has to be extended so far out. With raising the area into the sky, we only have to worry about reinforcing the underside of the floating landmass. A small thinner barrier that requires little to no power can be used for the top half."
Alicia looked at all the nobles who seemed to be lost in thought. Military Advisor Harlow was the first to speak up again as he said: "This plan might work well. I was worried about what we would do once the enemies broke our barriers but if we can consolidate and strengthen the barrier in a central area it would be almost impossible to break from the ground. I am in!"
With Military Advisor Harlow consent the rest of the advisor followed. With all the advisor consents Alicia began giving out orders once again. While she was working with the Magi Masters, she had the rest of the advisor oversee the tying down of landmarks in order to secure them enough so they would not get destroyed in the process of the landmass rising.
"I did not think you would come up with such an idea." Blake said quietly as the two walked side by side.
"I do not want to risk my powers going out of control again. Although I am angered that the people in the outer areas of Alastine are more than likely either dead or suffering. I do not want that to happen to those who I can save. Because I know that if the capital ever did fall under attack I think I would lose my mind and not even a kiss from you would be able to bring me back. Blake... " Alicia stopped her steps and turned around and looked at Blake. "I lost my home once. I do not want to lose it again. Once the enemy shows their faces I plan to wipe them from Alastine lands, after I retrieve my Royal Father. If they do not return Royal Father to me then I will have no choice but to hold their countries hostage in exchange for him. "
"You mean, like how you destroyed Fernalia?" Blake asked as he pulled Alicia into a hug.
"What I did to Fernalia will be the last resort. I will only threaten them. Unless it is absolutely necessary I do not want to kill innocent people again." What she did to Fernalia, was something she will never forget and will always regret. She wished she had better control of her emotions and did not let her power go out of her control. But what was done was now done there was no turning back.
Chapter 199: The Rise Of Alastine Part Two
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
A few days later, Alicia would understand what it meant to underestimate your enemy. "Haha! If not for you elves sending someone ahead and setting up a transportation magic circle, we would not be here so quickly!"
"It is one of the up sides for having more Magi points. We can teleport farther distances for a longer period of time. Something that would take you, humans, months only takes us elves a few weeks." Amier said sarcastically as he looked at Woodrow.
"Oh? Seems they set up a barrier quite a way away from the capital itself." Woodrow gazed at the blue barrier in front of him.
"This barrier is nothing we can smash it easily." After saying this Amier waved his hand and ten elves stepped ward. They had wooden wands with a large jewel embedded into it. The jewels began to glow as magic power was infused into them. Their wands raised to the sky and with a wave, a rain of meteors fell from the sky towards the barrier.
The barrier shook and started to show spider web like cracks that spread out all over the place. The elven mages did not stop as they continued the volley of meteor after meteor. After the fifth round, the barrier could no longer hold up and shattered into millions of balls of light that floated up into the sky.
Alicia who was in the process of getting the things ready to raise the capital into the sky, body shook, causing her face to turn pale. "They're here! But how!? According to all the calculations we made they should not arrive for at least another few weeks unless… Damnit!"
It was rare for Alica to swear but she did not think of them using a preset up transportation circle. They would only need one mage with enough magic to quickly teleport to a location. It would still take them some time but as soon as they arrived they would only need to set up the connecting magic circle to connect to the one they set up by the army!
Alicia looked at all the mages in front of her and came to a firm decision. "We can no longer use the barrier as our guide. From this point on you will all spread out ten kilometers around the capital and set up the magic circles. Teleport to the locations as fast as possible and set up your magic circles! Once all the circles are set up and activated I will lift the entire capital! I must remind you all to be within the barrier that is created before I activate it so watch where you are standing! Otherwise, you will be stuck on the outside."
She had no choice but to reduce the land they wanted to use for farmland. Although it was less it could still sustain them if it was all tilled to be used.
With Alicia's words, all the mages quickly disappeared. The job of raising an entire landmass was not going to be easy. Just to do this Alicia was going to have to excerpt a lot of magic power into the main magic circle. This magic circle was hidden in a room on the lowest floor of the castle.
"Alicia let me help you when it's time. I do not think with your magic power alone we will be able to raise the capital fast enough. But…." Blake looked around the room at all the imperial soldiers, and advisors.
Seeing Blakes gaze Alicia quickly understood when he meant. She turned towards those in the room and said: "I will need everyone to exit the room. No one is to enter until I say so!"
"But your highness..." One of the advisors wanted to protest since he wanted to witness this with his own eyes but quickly stopped his words when he saw that Alicia glared at him.
Everyone quickly exited the room and once they did Alicia locked the door with magic allowing no one to enter until they were done. Now that the coast was clear, Blake made a few hand signs and as he did his body began to change. His hair grew longer and turned golden. His body grew quite a few centimeters. His young looking face slowly began turning more masculine. But his God form was slightly different this time. His eyes instead of turning golden in color turned pure black and reflected the starry night's sky. This was due to the Celestial blood Alicia's mother gave to him.
Blake could feel his power was much stronger than before by about ten times the amount. Alicia who was standing at his side was staring at Blake with rosy cheeks. Seeing this form of Blake's, made her realize her future husband was going to be one of the most handsome men in all of Phantasia.
"Do I look good?" Blake looked at the girl who was staring blankly at him. His melodic voice floated into Alicia's ears making her mind go blank as she stupidly nodded her head. Seeing her nod Blake felt very satisfied. But she was still blanking out causing Blake to let out a laugh and walk over to her. He raised his hand and flicked her forehead. Only then did he finally get a reaction.
"Ow! Blake!..." Alicia rubbed her red forehead.
"We need to concentrate. This is the first time I will be doing something of this scale in my god's form. So I have no idea how long it will last for." Blake explained.
He could only hold this form for as long as his magic power lasted. Once it was all used up the form would disappear and his strength would greatly decrease. Because of that and the scale of the magic, they were about to use might end up draining him quickly of his magic.
Benign brought back to her senses Alicia saw that the magic circle was starting to light up! "It's lighting up get ready!"